Bonsaiweed's Dwarf Low Flyer, Indoor Tent, Soil, LED, First Grow, 2018, Terminated

Day 20 (from sprout)

When things go bad, they go bad big and fast.........

So I decided to top Ms. Small Seed yesterday. I should have left her alone. Yes, karma showed me why last night. I found preflowers. She has preflowers at the top of the fourth node. I looked her over and didn't find any others. That was the first......oh....well then. But the real kick in the crotch was my LED light had half of the vegetative LEDs fail. I noticed when I check on the girls this morning before leaving, that Ms. Small Seed was leaning a little. I found it strange. When I looked up, I saw what was in the picture below. My brain almost popped. This light didn't even last 20 days of use, and I didn't even use it for the first 5 or so (I didn't look back to see how long it's been on the girls). I kicked on (really wanted to kick.....but I still need it) the bloom switch this morning. I was going to leave the light on veg only until tonight. I was going to ask on here when to flip the bloom switch, but the light decided for me. I know they are mostly red, but it will up the wattage the plant sees.

Ms. Big Seed is still growing, and I don't see any preflowers, but her top is looking interesting. Her color has leveled out. I don't think she is going to get much better.

I did bottom feed the plants yesterday. I gave them both about 2-cups of water. This keeps the topsoil dry. I had about 4-5 gnats fly out of the tent when I opened it, so there is definitely some gnat larvae in the soil. I'm treating them as fungus gnats. Nematodes will be applied tonight, if I get them and if my plants are still alive. I'm not holding my breath about anything today (Blue is a poor hue for me).

I took my GoPro camera out of the tent. It wasn't working the way I intended. Using it was cumbersome for a daily picture. Plus with all the movement of the girls, the time-lapse would be jumpy. I try to entertain. I don't want viewers to suffer vertigo.

The humidity is still peaking higher than I like, but that will change for the weather has now decided it really is March and not May. The hail and tornadoes missed us. I hope everyone is ok, and they get back to normal as fast as possible.

I did discuss this with Mrs. Bonsaiweed, and I just ordered a cob kit from Rapid Led. She isn't happy, but she understood that I should have purchased a better light, to begin with. Trying to go cheap can cost you more (2 day FedEx shipping). I blame no one but myself. I knew the risks but thought the cheap LED would at least get me through one run. It only got me to flower, then peed on my leg.

Also, remember I can't even smoke and cry. I have no smoke........ It can be challenging when the pendulum of life swings the direction you dislike, but we must revel in the fact, it will eventually swing the other way.

Now for the pictures:

Lots of stuff going on! If you ever feel bad for yourself, go read my first grow journal!! It’s a quick read lololol

Anyways, what I’m getting at is your doing awesome and if everything goes sideways in your first grow then your lucky enough to get some teachings;) Yoyr handling things like a champ...roll with the punches:)

Good call on the light purchase! I always throw the bloom and veg lights on when they are about 1 week and up so you should be just fine. It helps keep them warm;) The topping looked perfect to me...don’t worry about that preflower, she will grow 4 more right away;)

Hey @Bonsaiweed here's those photos that I was talking about.
Here's the whole view of my first grow I had going. I had 2 T8 fluorescent ballast with supplement cfl bulbs between them. Not the greatest but it worked.
The best plant I had Going at the time. Took to training well, handled any nutes I threw at it, and grew faster than anything. Too bad it turned out to be a male.

Here's the only one that actually made it all the way to harvest. If I remember right I got a little over an OZ off her.

Nice little first grow there...I always say anything you can grow and harvest is a success imo;)
Send notice to Morsen ASAP, se what they can do. You can probably limp along with cfl until they send you a replacement.

I just decided to go with something that is built a little better. I'm going to put my dome fluorescent in to help supplement the light until the new one comes.


What did Mrs. Bonsai day to that? Lol

Umm, I will say it wasn't pleasant, but she does understand that if you buy cheap, you get cheap (most of the time).

Looking solid Bonsai. That yellow sure cleared up! That was Epsom salt?
Glad about your cob. I put a couple manufactured ones(perfect sun COB and advanced led 900arc) only because I got to the 420 light discussion too late, I would have built my own. Anyway, my best plant is swaying towards my newest cob set up 900 arc. It sucks plants to it! Hope you get the same results!

Yes, Epsom Salt. It worked, but I think there is more wrong with her than just the sulfur issue. No worries, with the new light I will be able to go further into summer before having to stop. See the silver lining!!??? :confused:

Holy Crap Bonsai

This first grow of yours is sure having it's problems. Seeds, bugs, soil, and now your lights. By the time you are complete you will have run the whole gambit of grower issues.

Here's to You for your ability to stay the course. I think the girls are just testing. They will show their love for you and give you big nugs for your hard work.

Keep it Frosty Bud.:cool::roorrip:

I'm going to be an expert on problems......not sure about being an expert on growing though. If I can get them through this period, I think they will turn out to do something. ;)
Oh, and BTW, I got these neat lenses for my camera on my iPhone. That is how I took the pictures of the preflowers and top on the plants. Pretty cool. I didn't even take my case off to do so. Nice kit too.
Just because you see preflowers doesn’t mean they are done growing. I think the one you topped will recover just fine.

I hope so. I found myself looking the plants over before I topped. I was going to leave the top if I found preflowers. I didn't want stall her right there. It looks as if I either missed those (lots of foliage up there), or they popped up right after I topped.

The past is just that. I try to no worry about it, for we can only change the future.

I told you guys this would be an interesting grow. I think I need boring for the remainder.
Umm, I will say it wasn't pleasant, but she does understand that if you buy cheap, you get cheap (most of the time).

I have a bit of buyers remorse because I didn’t upgrade to a Chinese COB, but I’m liking my cheap light so far. I think it’s just damn bad luck - it’s a toss-up on the cheap lights.

Also, it seems everyone calls their spouse Mrs. (whatever your handle is) My hubs will now be referred to as Mr. Newty. Lol

Sure, you married folks just lord it over us singles with your Misters and Missuses. Lol.

I live with The Roommate who is also my landlord. He has been very good about me growing in the house, but will probably be much happier come payday when I order a new carbon filter. It’s getting kinda stinky up in here. Lol
Lots of stuff going on! If you ever feel bad for yourself, go read my first grow journal!! It’s a quick read lololol

Anyways, what I’m getting at is your doing awesome and if everything goes sideways in your first grow then your lucky enough to get some teachings;) Yoyr handling things like a champ...roll with the punches:)

Good call on the light purchase! I always throw the bloom and veg lights on when they are about 1 week and up so you should be just fine. It helps keep them warm;) The topping looked perfect to me...don’t worry about that preflower, she will grow 4 more right away;)

Thanks @newty

I try to not take anything too seriously..... life is short enough to be down or mad all the time.

I like your youtube channel. I would subscribe, but considering my location and my google email being tied to my youtube account I just bookmarked your youtube page (security and privacy you know). :D
I have a bit of buyers remorse because I didn’t upgrade to a Chinese COB, but I’m liking my cheap light so far. I think it’s just damn bad luck - it’s a toss-up on the cheap lights.

Sure, you married folks just lord it over us singles with your Misters and Missuses. Lol.

I live with The Roommate who is also my landlord. He has been very good about me growing in the house, but will probably be much happier come payday when I order a new carbon filter. It’s getting kinda stinky up in here. Lol
Hahaha your very lucky to have good roommate, Mr. Newty is not always happy about this hobby;)
Thanks @newty

I try to not take anything too seriously..... life is short enough to be down or mad all the time.

I like your youtube channel. I would subscribe, but considering my location and my google email being tied to my youtube account I just bookmarked your youtube page (security and privacy you know). :D
Thanks Bonzai! I understand, I like to keep my subscribers below 10 lol

Hahaha I’m just “lucky” I don’t have anything personal attached to my google account... well and my location is pretty relaxed, so everything was created as Newty’s Edibles;)

I’m glad you like the vids, lots more coming!
I hope so. I found myself looking the plants over before I topped. I was going to leave the top if I found preflowers. I didn't want stall her right there. It looks as if I either missed those (lots of foliage up there), or they popped up right after I topped.

If it helps, I spotted preflowers on March 9th on my Amnesia Auto when she looked like this:
Now she looks like this less than two weeks later.

Hahaha your very lucky to have good roommate, Mr. Newty is not always happy about this hobby;)

The Roommate is not always happy about it either, but he holds it all in until it all boils over. /joy
If it helps, I spotted preflowers on March 9th on my Amnesia Auto when she looked like this:
Now she looks like this less than two weeks later.
The Roommate is not always happy about it either, but he holds it all in until it all boils over. /joy

Yeah, I'm wondering if I should start training Ms. Small Seed, even though she has preflowers. I don't think I'll do the Yellow Princess. I'm gonna her let go all natural.

Thanks for the pictures, Ms. Small Seed likes to grow, but this spectrum she is under now may affect her.

Mrs. Bonsaiweed isn't happy, mainly because of the draconian laws here. I am careful, and NO ONE knows. We are very careful about that.
Well, you guys know.....but who are you????? I just know you are a great resource and not the kind of people I'm worried about. :high-five:
Too late. Going to return that sucker to Amazon, and purchased a COB kit from rapid led. It hurt the wallet, but I'm not screwing with a light that didn't even run 30 days.

I have 7 days to return it, and I got the new cob coming FedEx in 2 days.

I'm sure you will like the COB kit you purchased. I have a brief tutorial in my journal on wiring up the thing. I originally created a tread on it but the administrator deleted it since I mentioned the name of the company above as they were not sponsors.

I really like the vendor - they are about 10 minutes from my house and delivered next day. The only thing that scared me was making sure I had the wires connected to the right spot which I show in my pictures. I liked my 2x4 kit so much I bought a second set (chaching). The second one I didn't but a frame and hang an individual LED over each of the plants. Really nice but watch them until you get use to the light. I burnt a leaf on one of my plants by being too close.
I'm sure you will like the COB kit you purchased. I have a brief tutorial in my journal on wiring up the thing. I originally created a tread on it but the administrator deleted it since I mentioned the name of the company above as they were not sponsors.

I really like the vendor - they are about 10 minutes from my house and delivered next day. The only thing that scared me was making sure I had the wires connected to the right spot which I show in my pictures. I liked my 2x4 kit so much I bought a second set (chaching). The second one I didn't but a frame and hang an individual LED over each of the plants. Really nice but watch them until you get use to the light. I burnt a leaf on one of my plants by being too close.

I wanted a timber, but I couldn't swing that much in an emergency. I will look at your pictures of the connections. I'm an electrician, but that doesn't mean it will be clear.

I did upgrade the driver to the second tier. I didn't want the top tier because I would tend to push them too hard. I know myself well.
I'm worried about killing off my microbes that help feed the plant. I know the H2O2 will get the gnat larvae, but could also kill the microbes. I know there are some ratios for putting H2O2 on living soil, but I don't remember them, and I don't trust myself to get it right.

That is why I went with nematodes. They will be here tomorrow. I will be introducing them as soon as I get them depending on what water requirement they take. With "living microbe" soil you have to be careful how you treat some things.
Just gonna throw this out there. Big roots or dead roots... I run microbes, but when the gnats came to town, I didnt hesitate to cull them all with fire.

Layer 1 inch of DE on top of medium.

water in h202 and water at 1 to 4.

Set fly traps.

And after a few days of no gnats. Just water in microbes again.

Again I use them too. But you really only need to used them week 1 and 2 of veg and flower. And to re apply if you do the h202 flush
I'm sure you will like the COB kit you purchased. I have a brief tutorial in my journal on wiring up the thing. I originally created a tread on it but the administrator deleted it since I mentioned the name of the company above as they were not sponsors.

I really like the vendor - they are about 10 minutes from my house and delivered next day. The only thing that scared me was making sure I had the wires connected to the right spot which I show in my pictures. I liked my 2x4 kit so much I bought a second set (chaching). The second one I didn't but a frame and hang an individual LED over each of the plants. Really nice but watch them until you get use to the light. I burnt a leaf on one of my plants by being too close.
Dude that was a killer tutorial.... the censorship is pretty sad.... God forbid there are growers helping other growers to no get fucked by shitty blurple led companies who say their over priced light can cover a 4x4.

Rant done. DIY or DIE!!!

I wanted a timber, but I couldn't swing that much in an emergency. I will look at your pictures of the connections. I'm an electrician, but that doesn't mean it will be clear.

I did upgrade the driver to the second tier. I didn't want the top tier because I would tend to push them too hard. I know myself well.

I found their site to be really helpful. At the bottom they have a LED UNIVERSITY (LINK) Lots of good information that helps select the right driver. They also have a good guide on distance with and without reflectors.

As an electrician you should have no problems. The thing that through me was the color of the wires coming out of the driver - Brown, blue and green/yellow.

I screwed up on my last message the instructions are on page 17 on page 26 is my new cobs that I mounted as individual units.
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