Bonsaiweed's Dwarf Low Flyer, Indoor Tent, Soil, LED, First Grow, 2018, Terminated

How was I not already here? o_O
Anyways, I like the new fan suspension.
Was is causing low audible vibrations?

Good looking plants!:love:

Yes, the fan was causing some audible vibrations.

I just figured you didn't like me.......that's why you didn't come around.... :(

Tis, ok. We will move ahead now that you are onboard. :thumb:
Subbed! Good luck on your first grow I'm a month into my first grow and already had a mouse eat one of my girls!

Glad to have you here....sorry about your plant. Many creatures seem to want to eat these plants. I guess they are tasty. :drool:
I treated my fungus gnats with beneficial nematodes in my CoCo. Dusting of diatomaceous earth on the top of the soil and Neem Oil at a rate of 1 tsp of dish soap and 1 tsp of the oil. I sprayed heavy yesterday just before nap time. So far haven't seen any gnats today... Fingers Crossed.
I treated my fungus gnats with beneficial nematodes in my CoCo. Dusting of diatomaceous earth on the top of the soil and Neem Oil at a rate of 1 tsp of dish soap and 1 tsp of the oil. I sprayed heavy yesterday just before nap time. So far haven't seen any gnats today... Fingers Crossed.
My main problem with spraying is I'm never there during "nap time" . :(
Thanks - I think I caught them early. I only have about 8-10 that were trapped on the sticky tags which was enough for me to start the battle. Fungus Gnats are suppose to lay their eggs in soil and take 7-10 to go from egg to fly. The Nematodes are suppose to feed on them before they turn into flies.

I've been told to spray with the neem oil about every 5 days to control the live flies.
Hey @Bonsaiweed here's those photos that I was talking about.
Here's the whole view of my first grow I had going. I had 2 T8 fluorescent ballast with supplement cfl bulbs between them. Not the greatest but it worked.
The best plant I had Going at the time. Took to training well, handled any nutes I threw at it, and grew faster than anything. Too bad it turned out to be a male.

Here's the only one that actually made it all the way to harvest. If I remember right I got a little over an OZ off her.
Hey @Bonsaiweed here's those photos that I was talking about.
Here's the whole view of my first grow I had going. I had 2 T8 fluorescent ballast with supplement cfl bulbs between them. Not the greatest but it worked.
The best plant I had Going at the time. Took to training well, handled any nutes I threw at it, and grew faster than anything. Too bad it turned out to be a male.

Here's the only one that actually made it all the way to harvest. If I remember right I got a little over an OZ off her.

That is excellent!!! We all grow within our means. Looks like you have a system, and it proves you can grow.

Now you have some talented people here that will help you along. :thumb:
That grow was a few years ago and a MAJOR learning experience. Oh btw Ive contacted Growers Choice, and they've agreed to replace 3 of the failed seeds and they were quite fast with their responses.
That is great!!! (On the seeds, not the learning experience) Good customer service is always nice.

I think everyone learns everytime they grow. There is always something new to learn, at least there is for me.
Learning experience is still nice since it was bag seeds, now I know what not to do with the seeds that I speed money on (if I can ever get them to germ properly)
You will get there. I just think you got some bad seeds, which actually happens quite a bit.

Just don't post without some sprouts showing........ bad luck and all.....:oops:
Send notice to Morsen ASAP, se what they can do. You can probably limp along with cfl until they send you a replacement.
Too late. Going to return that sucker to Amazon, and purchased a COB kit from rapid led. It hurt the wallet, but I'm not screwing with a light that didn't even run 30 days.

I have 7 days to return it, and I got the new cob coming FedEx in 2 days.
Looking solid Bonsai. That yellow sure cleared up! That was Epsom salt?
Glad about your cob. I put a couple manufactured ones(perfect sun COB and advanced led 900arc) only because I got to the 420 light discussion too late, I would have built my own. Anyway, my best plant is swaying towards my newest cob set up 900 arc. It sucks plants to it! Hope you get the same results!
Holy Crap Bonsai

This first grow of yours is sure having it's problems. Seeds, bugs, soil, and now your lights. By the time you are complete you will have run the whole gambit of grower issues.

Here's to You for your ability to stay the course. I think the girls are just testing. They will show their love for you and give you big nugs for your hard work.

Keep it Frosty Bud.:cool::roorrip:
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