Breaking Brix: Buck's DIYs

Yikes....that Sea Green might not be the thing here Buck. This plant was one of the ones that suffered when you were away?

Those leaves won't heal to all green, but they'll still do some work. The new growth will show if things are better. Chop it way back.

I don't advise using those seaweed products....too much potassium. Our Tea and Roots! product have more beneficials and the right kind....more than anything on the market.

I only used .5 ml to gal of water. I didn't want to give very strong, only fed 32 oz's of mix.
. I'm getting aggravated with this one. Everything else is back on track.
. I've added a 16oz cup of EWC's to all the big pots. They are over 3 months olds. Been getting a little fade here and there on few, why I added the ewc's.

It's been bugging me , my environment is good, 60% RH and 80 degrees and leaf temps are 78. I'm running out of ideas. How much would you recommend to chop back, just a little, or cut her down big time, and kinda start over
I only used .5 ml to gal of water. I didn't want to give very strong, only fed 32 oz's of mix.
. I'm getting aggravated with this one. Everything else is back on track.
. I've added a 16oz cup of EWC's to all the big pots. They are over 3 months olds. Been getting a little fade here and there on few, why I added the ewc's.

It's been bugging me , my environment is good, 60% RH and 80 degrees and leaf temps are 78. I'm running out of ideas. How much would you recommend to chop back, just a little, or cut her down big time, and kinda start over

Here's how I look at such things:

you have lots of nice plants that are healthy. You have one plant that is trouble, is too big already and has purple stems, etc. Cull it. Be done with it and put your energy into the healthy, happy ones.

Under your circumstances, they all look amazing. Cull that one and your garden will be all positive. You need that, and your plants need that.

It happens to me too.

I really don't advise using that seaweed product bro....way too much K.
Prune those things up and bloom already! Give 'em a nice Super Drench at some point too....they look like they eat a lot.

Thanks, I've been wanting to cull it for weeks now lol. I had some clones that where awful when I got home. They've been thru hell and back. But they are doing pretty good now, made almost complete turnaround. Here they are now, I'll find the pics from 2-3 weeks ago, they were bad bad.
They may not be perfect at moment, but 1000 times better. I had some problems with timers and electric going off while I was away. These started budding twice already, finally got them back in control

Thanks doc, I need to move my grow into my house, that'll make it easier to take care of. But only problem, I've already been broken into and robbed while I was in hospital. They took big bag of cash, my seed money, over 100 packs of seeds, and bunch of guns. That was a nice surprise to come home too, was lucky my grow is at my other house, that nobody knows I own. Just can't trust anyone, my ex had it done, is what I'm thinking. Glad she didn't know about my grows, she just thought I was cheating on her lol

Thanks Doc, hope ya have a great weekend and New Years
Thanks, just been staring at the walls, not big fan of this time of year
We hear ya Buck, same same for us, just trying to power threw it is all. Your gals look good Buck, and the one that’s acting up a bit, well she will come around to the proper way here shortly brother. Docs got your back so your all set dude!!

Blessed Buds our friend and be well :passitleft:
Thanks, I've been wanting to cull it for weeks now lol. I had some clones that where awful when I got home. They've been thru hell and back. But they are doing pretty good now, made almost complete turnaround. Here they are now, I'll find the pics from 2-3 weeks ago, they were bad bad.
They may not be perfect at moment, but 1000 times better. I had some problems with timers and electric going off while I was away. These started budding twice already, finally got them back in control

Thanks doc, I need to move my grow into my house, that'll make it easier to take care of. But only problem, I've already been broken into and robbed while I was in hospital. They took big bag of cash, my seed money, over 100 packs of seeds, and bunch of guns. That was a nice surprise to come home too, was lucky my grow is at my other house, that nobody knows I own. Just can't trust anyone, my ex had it done, is what I'm thinking. Glad she didn't know about my grows, she just thought I was cheating on her lol

Thanks Doc, hope ya have a great weekend and New Years

Oh....I did not know about that trouble in addition to everything else. Wow. You're one tough hombre Buck. That's a lot to go through. Robbery sucks. One of the worst feelings ever.

Wishing you the best sir!
Hey Buck, thought I'd jump in and say hey. Been a few weeks or months since I was flipping through the pages of your journal. I hope you get to feeling better and now keeping all your valuables at your other location. I could shout all kinds of advise but I believe you know how it works and your gonna be fine. Even that ugly girl could turn into a nice looking lady. Time and patience lol such a hard combination at times am I right?!? Take care bud, just a few more weeks and the season of spending will be over ..
Evening Buck :)
Hope your doin okie dokie brother! Just cruising around a bit tonight an figured I’d stop by and see how things are going for ya. Hope you get to locate the POS that helped themselves to things round your neck of the woods. We found our lil thief today :) so it does happen that these low life MFers get found. They ain’t the sharpest knives in the drawer to begin with so just takes a lil time, then patients to get deep in there head. I pulled right in our lil thief’s driveway tonight :) he now understands I know who he is an where he lives, psychologically warfare begins :rofl:

After screwing up the rescue drench last week I gave them the full dose this time. The girls were happy but not as happy as they are today.

I also did some thinning out of a couple girls. I always prune right at flip. My rooms got a little cold today with the zero degree weather, had to do some adjustments. My humidity is dropping too, in flower room is down to 43%, veg rooms is 52%.
After screwing up the rescue drench last week I gave them the full dose this time. The girls were happy but not as happy as they are today.

I also did some thinning out of a couple girls. I always prune right at flip. My rooms got a little cold today with the zero degree weather, had to do some adjustments. My humidity is dropping too, in flower room is down to 43%, veg rooms is 52%.

Cold weather is such a challenge isn't it? They look great! Keep up the good fight.
Man Buck, I am sorry to hear about the robbery. While you were at the hospital at that, insult to literal injury. Hopefully it's repaid in full.

It's been a bad past year lol. But hopefully 2018 will be better (I'm hoping). Everyone tells me I have trust issues, because I just don't trust people in general. Honesty is a thing of the past.
I feel you there. People these days are a different breed than I like to associate with. These days you need to take all the precautions you can. But I think your 2018 will be better for you man. The family here at 420 has your back!
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