Bux's Feminized WW and Carnival LED Grow 2009

Day 5 of flowering

I have noticed that they seem to be using more nutes and water. I have also had to start adding PH up daily to keep the PH in check. I am very surprised at how good bushmasters seem to be working. They have not grown higher at all really and I believe that I already have 2 confirmed females (maybe even 3) after only 5 days of flowering. I snapped some pics hopefully someone can confirm that this is infact a female.

First two are of the suspected females. Please confirm
It might be hard to see but in the center of the pic it looks like two little hairs. These are both pics of some Kush


The next two pics is of the feminized White Widow which to me looks like the prettiest of the bunch.


The next pic is the bushiest of the plants. I really hope its female. The last pic is of all of them. You can see there are several different strains here. One looks kind of droopy but its always looked like that.

You cant tell from the pics, but you will no with no doubt if they are male or female. Just be patient they will show sex. Plants look great. Great job..
I am sure plants would be able to pickup on the extra 5w per lens fairly easy. I got an email from Cammie saying that her new 6w lens lights wont be ready till feb or later. Its a pretty big upgrade in lumen's. All of these old style lights with the 1w lens will need to be upgraded if the grower wants to be efficient.

Cammie will not be making a 6 watt model anytime soon. She rants all across this forum how 6 Watt LED's are not as efficient. Although she may be releasing a newer light in 6 months. Light could easily pay for itself by then. Still will have 1 watters though.

P.s. Always wait an extra week to be sure when sexing, they look alike for the first week on some strains.
Day 15 into flower I am hoping to start seeing signs of sex soon.

I am keeping nutes at around 700 PPM in the flower area. I am still using Moondust and am debating on using it for the whole grow. The next crop will get switched over to AN.

I have to add PH up twice a day. This reservoir is too small for this many plants. I will demote this cab to my veg chamber when I move. If plants in veg change the PH as much as they do in flower then I might need to upgrade the system with a bigger reservoir so I wont need to adjust PH as much.

The Bushmasters totally stopped vertical growth. This stuff is amazing. I used a very small dose (1/8th of what the directions say to use) at day 2 of flowering and they stopped growing up and instead have been bushing out. I thought that using so little would only stop some of the stretch and not all of it. These gals are really short but are really thick stemmed and dense.

The first three pics are of the flowering area. I tried to get a shot that shows how short and bushy they are. The last two pics are of the veg area. I topped the biggest gal today.





Hi Bux, got some good growth in a couple of weeks, out but not up. Certainly look healthy.

Wondering how close that UFO is, maybe pulling it a little higher for a few days will help the plants to open up a little. They are really compact. Close LED and Bushmasters combining to keep them short and thick, or maybe just the strain? I don't know if Bushmaster has any effect on when they'll show sex.
I would stop topping or anything else while in flower. I believe it slows the plants, but thats just my opinion. I haven't grown long enough to know from experience.
How are your temps now? Did you get your cooling system?

Hope this doesn't sound overly critical, I think things are looking good and I know you are trying to get them to finish asap so may not have the luxury of time to try to open them up.
Looking very dense and healthy. On the last pic it looks like you might have some critters living in those plants. It might just be the pic. Looking great. + rep
Hi Mmmick, LOL I just posted on your journal. I am not topping my plants that are in flower at all. The only ones I topped were in the veg area. I dont think they will stretch at all anymore or they would during the 12 hour dark period. I started flowering with the lights 10-12 inches above the canopy but that bushmaster really works lol even with them at 12" they didnt stretch. I have the UFO's at 6-8 inches over the plants now.
Hi Mmmick, LOL I just posted on your journal. I am not topping my plants that are in flower at all. The only ones I topped were in the veg area. I dont think they will stretch at all anymore or they would during the 12 hour dark period. I started flowering with the lights 10-12 inches above the canopy but that bushmaster really works lol even with them at 12" they didnt stretch. I have the UFO's at 6-8 inches over the plants now.

Sorry Bux I must have missed that. The UFO's seem fine at 12" you might have to pull back even further to try to stretch the plants. But the Bushmaster may have taken all the stretch out of them. You're working with a constricted timetable so better to just let them flower and see what they can do for you. Once you get moved and setup you'll be able to really get those girls to open up for you.
Quick Update

I have had to adjust the PH 2 or 3 times a day lately. I purchased some advanced nutes but going to wait until my next grow to use them. I weeded out 3 males and I think I see another one in there. I added a tent and new drip system for the two vegging. I ordered 6 126w HGL LED's for the new bloom room. Until I am able to setup the new bloom room I will only be able to run 1 of the HGL LED's in the little tent with 2 plants.



hi Bux the new setup looks great.

I think the HGL leds are the best out there at this point in time, given the specs. I have one on the way also. Good luck with it/them.
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