CA215 Indoor #3

Sounds like you got it under control. I know you want to feed the plant at acceptable ranges but adjusting the ph is risky imo. My meter crapped on me and I am getting better results now. Now If i was feeding an organic line of nutrients or something and using a sunshine mix or pro mix than I would be on top of the ph of feed water as well as runoff.

Keep doing what your doing buddy they look good. Just bouncing ideas and such.

Ok will take this in to account shotta. Im going to experiment with the next tea and pH it every hour. Going to see how it is reacting, wondering if I can get a perfect bubble timing to where it is active enough and a decent pH we can work with, thanks for the ideas!
lovely. they look very comfy :thumb:
Thanks much b! They are feeling a little comfier today I got a feeling.
Looking good bro!

Can't wait to get my hands on some screens and tomato cages now. High brix is still in the pipeline but unfortunately further down the road then I'd like.

Any thoughts on bubbling my nutrient/water mix overnight like you do with your tea? Right now I bubble my water and then add nutrients right before. I ask because the big bloom seems to have a lot of the same components you use in your teas. Also I could throw in some molasses too.

Gotta back Shotta up on this one. I quit ph'ng my feed/water too :) Ironically right after I bought my meter. I ran out of ph up and with my Tiger Bloom I was going through tons. Instead I cut back my nutrients. I was getting readings as low as 4 with full strength nutes. Now I'm usually in the 5.5-6 range. From there a ph neutral soil should easily be able to buffer it. I've seen a huge improvement in my plants. I think the huge amounts of ph up I had I use was hurting the plants more then helping them. I'm still struggling with my late flowering plants but I think now it's because I'm underfeeding which I'll take instead of over feeding any day.

And dude that full melt looks so dank! Can't wait to get that quality with my bubbles bags.

Keep up the great work! :Namaste:
These porta scrogs are pretty dang cool, I am enjoying this grow even with some of the mishaps :) And for the bubbling thing I would have to look into the big bloom, is it organic? my stance on teas is everything organic, as you are trying to raise a bunch of fungus and endo ecto bacterias and synthetics would just burn em up and wouldnt not allow for them to thrive, maybe for abit but I personally don't think it would be good for the soil filling it up with bad bacteria, and I use the bad bacteria lightly because I don't know much still on the whole process. I would instead opt for saving the elec, using a pvc pipe and spinning that water nice and good circular motions clockwise then counter, I have even taken a few big breaths whilst spinning my feeds with the pvc allowing for some nice bubblage, might sound weird but it seemed to work really good. The water definitely gets oxygenized and saves you cash. Just some thoughts mrbub, your girls are looking killer so keep up the good work :)!
I like PH around 6, wish I could help, but I have no exp. with Bat Guano, here is all I have to add on your Bat concern. Best luck, plants still look happy, I'm sure they'll pull through. If you have to flush, you need a LOT of water. Here's my Bat, hope you haven't seen already. Got him 3 times.

HAH!! Nice shots, that thing was fast as heck! Enjoy having them around clearing up any moth issues you have! Catch him, cage em, for some fresh guanos :) that would be superb although, the wild is where that fella needs to be ;) Thanks for stopping in trich!!
Easy now chap,

Your Journal is sick bruv, some very good detailed info in here.

Thank you for sharing.


Thanks Victor! Appreciate all the likes there buddy, hope you found some info throughout that you can apply to your techniques!
If ya got any questions feel free to pm me or stop by, will do my best to help! :Namaste:

Nice grow CA, love the full melt,OG.
Thanks brOG, we have some fresh stuff at the moment that is the KILLS! If I make it out that way this weekend I will be sure to bring ya some samples.
Nothing more to say than good job CA! :bravo:

Can't wait to see some buds growing on those ladies.


Thanks Mono! Same boat buddy, they are starting to slow down the stretch a bit and are throwing out some nice beginning clusters.

The sages are smelling like straight punky cheesey skunk goodness, super tasty. The hazes are a little lower on the funk smell, very mild at the moment. Everything is looking well, attempted removing the bottoms of the spring pots and set them on a few fresh gallons of ffof, they seem to be starting to put out more pistils and are growing upwards, still pretty yellow, but seem like they are doing well. Some more regular phd waterings and we will see how they are doing. They definitely are filling up the tent nicely and the culling of cindys definitely allowed for them to en joy their comfy stay. Finals weeks so I am very busy. Going to do a detailed photo op and post here in a week. Stay well :peace:

2 days later I am able to upload pictures. Today is my last day for finals. Expect to see my around a lot more often :) until classes start up again HA.


Today is day 16, smells are starting to kick in, STANK! Super skunky sages Im telling you. They are yellowing abit and have just let them do their thing. Sativas still stretching. I removed the bottoms and set them in those pots, since, they are actually pushing out pistils now! Thinking they were root bound, definitely some deficiency going on also.. meh. I will have plenty of time after today to get things under control so that will be good. Until later! Stay safe :peace:
Looking awesome bro! I love the idea of stacking the smart pots vs transplanting but not gonna lie I cringed when I read you cut out the bottom to do it. Those pots are spendy! Lol Sure it'll be well worth the sacrifice tho.

Regarding the tea question I asked because the Fox Farm Big Bloom is the only organic nutrient in their line. It's got worm castings, bat guano, etc. The ingredients looked very similar to what you put in your tea so I thought maybe I could make my own big bloom tea and add molasses. The thing im confused on is whether the tea has microorganisms or if your supposed to add mycos like great white shark etc. I have read that you can't use the grow big or tiger bloom in organics though because it will kill the micros but it might be something to do on my next grow in a few weeks. Plus if it does contain all the ingredients of a tea it would be a much easier way to make the tea or at least a good way to use up the rest I have left.

This ties into my next question. I recently stumbled into a super easy organic soil recipe on high times that I might try out this weekend. Basically just adding different basic compost but it didn't say to add any mycos. Will mycos grow on their own or do we need to add mycos to teas and soil?

Sorry for jacking your thread. I'm sure a lot of these organics questions are somewhere on the forum but it's just a lot easier to ask.

Can't wait to go fully organic like yours. I hate feeding my plants chemicals.

Keep up the great work bro! Hope you aced those finals! :)
Hi again!

I read here said that it's best to use Alkaline water for the plants.

But the water here they sell it in big bottle and said with natural PH of 9+.

even though it's I-on alkaline water & pure but do I have to adjust the PH as usual?

Thank you Friend:thumb:

Looking good as always CA! A couple of days has really made a difference in there.

I can't believe the difference between the plants under the Screen and the ones that are not! Looks like it was a blessing in disguise when those Cindys turned male on you.

They are stretching like mad but are finally slowing down, afros are starting to stack up and plump, now to let them plump for another 6 weeks maybe more we are going to see how they proceed :) The screens are really keeping them tamed for sure, the hazes are kind of doing their own thing though. They grow straight up like big ol light poles, really liking this plant and the simplicity of growing. Will be nice to see how she looks/smokes, the breeder picture looks quite top notch :Namaste: Thanks for the kind words Mono!

Looking awesome bro! I love the idea of stacking the smart pots vs transplanting but not gonna lie I cringed when I read you cut out the bottom to do it. Those pots are spendy! Lol Sure it'll be well worth the sacrifice tho.

Regarding the tea question I asked because the Fox Farm Big Bloom is the only organic nutrient in their line. It's got worm castings, bat guano, etc. The ingredients looked very similar to what you put in your tea so I thought maybe I could make my own big bloom tea and add molasses. The thing im confused on is whether the tea has microorganisms or if your supposed to add mycos like great white shark etc. I have read that you can't use the grow big or tiger bloom in organics though because it will kill the micros but it might be something to do on my next grow in a few weeks. Plus if it does contain all the ingredients of a tea it would be a much easier way to make the tea or at least a good way to use up the rest I have left.

This ties into my next question. I recently stumbled into a super easy organic soil recipe on high times that I might try out this weekend. Basically just adding different basic compost but it didn't say to add any mycos. Will mycos grow on their own or do we need to add mycos to teas and soil?

Sorry for jacking your thread. I'm sure a lot of these organics questions are somewhere on the forum but it's just a lot easier to ask.

Can't wait to go fully organic like yours. I hate feeding my plants chemicals.

Keep up the great work bro! Hope you aced those finals! :)

I considered the possible 3-4o of sage that could be from those girls so I figured a couple of those pots being tossed would be okay.. but cutting out those bottoms made for a hell of a difference! Hope the picture show, but the leaves are starting to grow out with some nice dark green growth. Took a couple days to get going but they seem to finally be getting at it!! They are pushing out pistils, stretching, and showing trichs. Super stank I can smell them constantly.

From what I think you cant add synthetics to teas because it frys any potential microherd you are going to be bubbling. I am not too familiar with the fox farm line but am attempting to search the ingredients with my laggy connection. And I would say you could experiment with it to your hearts content buddy. Looks like it contains castings, rock phosphates, kelp, guano.. says it is high quality organics as well, don't see why you couldn't give it a shot mrbub. Using a dose of this in preferably ro water (but water let sit out for awhile is ok I think best results are going to be seen using filtered ro/di water) with possibly another handful of worm castings & a handful of some organic base soil in a nylon/sock could make for a potential nice treat for your ladies. I would say experiment buddy, don't be scared the burn your plants, would recommend diluting your tea when you go to water just in case something was a little to high in the mix as I have seen a little wilting. Have found also if you don't like diluting, you can water each plant with some of the potent tea and let them drink it up for a minute or two while you make the rounds and get all the girls a drink. Do a follow up with reg ro water to ensure the tea filters throughout the pot down to the bottom. I feel like having organisms living in the entire pot would be a tad more beneficial then just on the top half of your pot.

This is how I think of a tea (shotta definitely call me out if I am off lol); what we are doing is creating a Warm(70~f) filtered clean water environment to bubble/birth our own beneficial bacteria and fungi. With the warm water we need a source of oxygen for the bacteria to produce and thrive/live, for this we use a decent output pump to produce smaller bubbles which lets them "breathe". The sock with the dry ingredients is used as a "boat dock" for the micro herd to chill and dine down on all the goodies that are contained in that sock or nylon.

(Again anyone for that matter, if you are checking in, call me out if you see this and I am wrong I do not want to promote bad info) This is how I see the ingredients being used in a tea; lets start with the guano and castings, I feel like these dirty suckers are used to promote bacteria to the environment. The kelp and molasses are going to be your sugars and carbs for your herd. Anything else at my point in my experience is all experimental to me, the simplest of teas are probably the best because you leave out all the hassle and headache of messing up your soil and having to correct it. I always read that organics cant burn your plants and what not but it is a real misconception, anything done wrong is going to burn your plants and show. Always go low doses :)

I personally think a bunch of compost would have a lot of activity going on and might be even a little too hot, probably going to depend on the type and quality of stuff you are planning on using. I am really under qualified to inform on soils, I just barely mixed up my first batch. But I will say this, when I mixed my soil I used a very hot pre nuted organic base which already contained endomycos, and I added great white on top of that and fungal spores. BUT I have not used this soil yet and it is still cooking until the outdoor season, maybe sooner on the kushs.

Hope some info can be pulled from that, CA got Bs and higher in all classes, so I am celebrating and may have to hit the hay early :tokin:
The new strains you mentioned CA.

Will they be grown indoor, or another outdoor grow?

I am thinking indoor, pretty much 12/12 from seed. They have been above ground for 5~ days and were previously in 18/6. They stretched like hell. Will explain a little more in depth down low :Namaste:

I would like to invite everyone to my new thread Relaxed's Winter Experiment

Lester journal aw yea :thanks:
Best of luck with these babies, resilient green wishes for them all!!
Hi again!

I read here said that it's best to use Alkaline water for the plants.

But the water here they sell it in big bottle and said with natural PH of 9+.

even though it's I-on alkaline water & pure but do I have to adjust the PH as usual?

Thank you Friend:thumb:


I have always phd my water regardless of what is was using at the time, that be filtered, hose, bottled. but until recently I have started not phing my water and feeds and haven't seen any big differences so far but am keeping a close eye on them.

(Really hoping all the changes I do for the girls, don't backfire and throw hermies ahh)

Here are some shots! You can definitely see the sages are doing better, hey, they are actually growing again! They were definitely root bound and im thinking those extra gals of soil will do them justice! Resin production kicking in also which is never a bad site :) if you look at the fans you can see the green coming through that lime coloring, hope they can prosper and last their recommended flowering time.

The hazes are looking absolutely killer healthy, nice pistil action so far. They arte needing to be watered twice as much as the sages.

The mazars (blue) & the underdawgs (red) looks absolutely great, no flaws except for half a leaf plucked by mistake on an og. The issue was the hogs, very weird, a couple mutants and one that is growing very scraggly. We will see how they do in the following weeks. Some



Cont, below
That is one sexy indoor bloom my friend. That plant just makes me happy to look at it. Stellar update CA!

Thanks much Les :Namaste: Been turning on the heater for these girls trying to keep temps above 60, seems like they are enjoying it. Mater fact, flicking it on right now as well.
Stay well buddy! :thanks:

Cant forget my fullmelt, club buds, and celebrating. Also a tea, going to let this go for a day or two, not sure if I will use it on the tent girls;

Free eight, got to love first visits, except, one of my buddies will enjoy this one :laugh:

Until next time :peace: CA
What's going on in that bottom photo?

Hey Victor,
that is a compost tea I started this morning, I didn't elaborate yet because I think the mix is off. It has also been a little too cold in the house also which means that tea was around 67~ but probably under that, we want to keep the teas warm to promote a happy environment for those beneficial bacteria to live in for their next day or so. This one isn't going to make it to the girls medium, we will chalk it up experience and knowledge now and move on to the next one :)
Hey CA215,

Ok I'm new to all this so is a compost tea a natural/organic fertiliser that you have to steep/brew like tea?

Are they specifically designed for growing? Or have people noticed that they contain the right stuff for growing?

they were designed for growing by god
Hi again!

I read here said that it's best to use Alkaline water for the plants.

But the water here they sell it in big bottle and said with natural PH of 9+.

even though it's I-on alkaline water & pure but do I have to adjust the PH as usual?

Thank you Friend:thumb:


you should always adjust your pH. you want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.
Hey CA215,

Ok I'm new to all this so is a compost tea a natural/organic fertiliser that you have to steep/brew like tea?

Are they specifically designed for growing? Or have people noticed that they contain the right stuff for growing?

No problem Victor! I am very new with the whole organic growing but am trying to learn as I go, so all my info posted throughout my journal is me attempting to learn this art of organics :) Anything you would like to take and have a go at, go for it! Just keep in mind that I am no pro :Namaste:

An organic natural tea is comprised of only organic natural amendments and additives. What we are doing in these teas is we are providing oxygen, warmth, and food for our bacteria and fungi for those 24-36 hours or bubble action. When you mix a tea right and keep temps up, you will get a nice foam head starting on your tea, this is going to be a good sign and shows activity in your brew. This brew you create is not nutrients, this is in fact a "root zone rejuvenator" so to say, filling your root zone back up with plenty of beneficial bacteria and fungi that are going to help your plants uptake nutrients, they help your plants in many many ways. Teas create an organic immune system within from the bacteria that acts as insecticide, the bacteria c an even help in the of chance you forget to water a day, from what I read teas make plants a hell of a lot more resilient, :) & teas can be created for whatever stage you are in with your girls. Although, knowing a bit about plant functions, your stages, & your strain is going to help the process run smooth :Namaste: Hope this helps Vic!

they were designed for growing by god
Oh yes they were :) I can picture a frothy sparkling 5 gal god brew now, or I took too many dabs.. :bong::loopy:

you should always adjust your pH. you want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.

Thanks John! Yeah Kaka, I have always Ph'd my waterings until now, I would say experiment with it and see where it takes ya :)
Some house hold items for ph up you can use baking soda (very little) and for ph down you can use lime/lemon juice (again very little).

The tea produced like I though it would, no foam head! It has been very cold around here and doesn't seem to want to stay at a steady temp. Going to put in another order for a germ pad as my last one never made it to me with that cloner system. I had also used ffof as my medium in the sock.. definitely going to go pick me up a bag or two of VF before its gone! I plan on mixing my super soil also today as it has been siting in the closed bin for almost 2 weeks now :Namaste: I plan on counting the days of flowering and see when a nice defol would be applicable for these babies.. thanks for stopping in everyone. Questions and comments always welcomed and anticipated!
Stay vigilant, stay safe :joint:
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