Can anyone help

it is... be very careful of all the advice you get on these forums
hence why i called you in emilya. i did have a reg ph from 6.2 down to 5.6 using coco but was " corrected " for not starting with higher range. I did ok but felt something amiss with a couple of the strains, was advised that this PH could have been reason for way longer flowering time. My bad if too high to start.
Just 1 other thing, for seedling I start in half gallon containers (in soil) . I find half gallon perfect for seedlings, it gives seedling enough room to develop good roots without getting rootbound but with enough time to let it establish above ground to. With clones though I have massive set of roots that I'm putting into soil, safe to go into 5 or 7 gallon container n have roots around the whole pot in a week.
Yeah 0.5 of all canna feed ....

Hi Dani. How are they getting on? What E.C are you giving them each time? I start seedlings on 0.2 ec, then 0.4 as leaves develope, then 0.6 when she has 3 sets.

What does the surface temperature of the coco feel like when it's wet? Are your pots in contact with the ground or are they off the floor? (I have foam underneath the tray to stop cold transferring into the substrate).

I don't rate canna a + b anymore. A much better food to use for cuttings/seedlings is called Formulex, by Growth technologies. One part so it's faster and I just add it until the ec is where I want it. It's much harder to burn plants with this food.

Are you adding moonshine as well?
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