Canadian Growers Group & Friends

heya canucks,, peace and love to all across this fine land,, and all lands for that matter,, just give it a chance,, to steal a line from somewhere

congrats on all the fabulous plants grown by us northern folk,, 70's old hippies would be so proud indeed. there must be a shite load of cannabis being harvested this weekend all across canada

my mega monolith blueberry cross has finally come down,, last night,, and just in the nick of time as today we had some heavyish rain,, wheew indeed

finishing out at about 108 inches tall from ground to top,, reaching the roof of my house,,


the last pic before the clouds came yesterday. this puppy had the time to finish proper thanks to a very extended summer,, which can end now,, it's ok with me now,, ha

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a real beauty indeed,, and my other monstrosity,, the sativa blend,, again over one hundred inches tall, with a pot in there tho,, this plant did not fully finish but finished usefully


no real good bud pics from this one,, the buds were still covered in creamy green hairs,, so pretty

and the harvest has begun with the help of a friends 19' trimmer, and me pretty missus,, we have set up shop in the garage to get the harvest done this weekend

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and gettin er done we are,,


last thing last night i cut down all the big branches and i have placed them all in the garage in a garbage can with a few inches of water in the bottom,, and i am thinking that will keep them all nice and fresh till i get to them all in the next couple of days,,

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it was kinda sad to go out this morning and not see my beautiful plants in the back yard,, but i will get over it i am sure

peace out friends,, what a ride it all was this year,,

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i would get rid of the standing water and hang the branches upside down on a rope with closepegs.. put in room
bath rooms are great and keep around 62 with fans.... 70 ok 1st day or 2 in a bathroom as plants are still wetter

standing water no no no
i would get rid of the standing water and hang the branches upside down on a rope with closepegs.. put in room
bath rooms are great and keep around 62 with fans.... 70 ok 1st day or 2 in a bathroom as plants are still wetter

standing water no no no

many thanks for the concern, indeed, appreciated

my thinking is this,, i have a huge garden flower and bouquet making section in the life i lead,, i have even used weed plants in bouquets,,

and i know that for a couple of days, the plants will be fine, and actually still grow,,

only bare stalks are in the few inches of water, and plants look exactly the same now as near 24 hrs ago

hanging would result in wimpy plants not easily worked with

my opinion only and i will pay the price for my silly ideas, as i seem to a lot

cheers and many thanks
many thanks for the concern, indeed, appreciated

my thinking is this,, i have a huge garden flower and bouquet making section in the life i lead,, i have even used weed plants in bouquets,,

and i know that for a couple of days, the plants will be fine, and actually still grow,,

only bare stalks are in the few inches of water, and plants look exactly the same now as near 24 hrs ago

hanging would result in wimpy plants not easily worked with

my opinion only and i will pay the price for my silly ideas, as i seem to a lot

cheers and many thanks

always too concerned .. its alot of trimming ahead for u .. good luck.. i hate trimming love the finger hash tho..

heya canucks,, peace and love to all across this fine land,, and all lands for that matter,, just give it a chance,, to steal a line from somewhere

congrats on all the fabulous plants grown by us northern folk,, 70's old hippies would be so proud indeed. there must be a shite load of cannabis being harvested this weekend all across canada

my mega monolith blueberry cross has finally come down,, last night,, and just in the nick of time as today we had some heavyish rain,, wheew indeed

finishing out at about 108 inches tall from ground to top,, reaching the roof of my house,,


the last pic before the clouds came yesterday. this puppy had the time to finish proper thanks to a very extended summer,, which can end now,, it's ok with me now,, ha

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a real beauty indeed,, and my other monstrosity,, the sativa blend,, again over one hundred inches tall, with a pot in there tho,, this plant did not fully finish but finished usefully


no real good bud pics from this one,, the buds were still covered in creamy green hairs,, so pretty

and the harvest has begun with the help of a friends 19' trimmer, and me pretty missus,, we have set up shop in the garage to get the harvest done this weekend

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and gettin er done we are,,


last thing last night i cut down all the big branches and i have placed them all in the garage in a garbage can with a few inches of water in the bottom,, and i am thinking that will keep them all nice and fresh till i get to them all in the next couple of days,,

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it was kinda sad to go out this morning and not see my beautiful plants in the back yard,, but i will get over it i am sure

peace out friends,, what a ride it all was this year,,

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I think its a good idea to keep the plant fresh. I finished yesterday trimming up my plant and had some laying down for a couple of hours and they where already more difficult to trim as they flattened and were more difficult to trim. She is now all hanging up and drying in the grow box where I have some control of the RH......
crappy weather is finally done in ontario :cool:☀️

most plants chopped down put decided to push the acapulco gold, mauii wowie, and 1 purple afghan kush late into season. hoping to push the two sativa plants to a week or two into november. if no sun in forecast we'll chop after this good weather is done.

mauii wowie



acapulco gold



purple afghan, this plant will get chopped down tomorrow. i already chopped down 2 purple afghan kush 2 weeks ago but waited until i got a few amber trichome before i chop this one. want to see if i can tell difference when i smoke, thinking this will be helping me sleep :lot-o-toke:


crappy weather is finally done in ontario :cool:☀️

most plants chopped down put decided to push the acapulco gold, mauii wowie, and 1 purple afghan kush late into season. hoping to push the two sativa plants to a week or two into november. if no sun in forecast we'll chop after this good weather is done.

mauii wowie



acapulco gold



purple afghan, this plant will get chopped down tomorrow. i already chopped down 2 purple afghan kush 2 weeks ago but waited until i got a few amber trichome before i chop this one. want to see if i can tell difference when i smoke, thinking this will be helping me sleep :lot-o-toke:



spicey indeed,, fantastic results friend,, well done
i would get rid of the standing water and hang the branches upside down on a rope with closepegs.. put in room
bath rooms are great and keep around 62 with fans.... 70 ok 1st day or 2 in a bathroom as plants are still wetter

standing water no no no
Victoria had an unusual dry warm summer that lasted until this week. It was like a Northern Cali harvest here. I was able to give some clones away in April and my friends that grew them outside saw the best harvesting conditions ever here on the island. Cheers
Victoria had an unusual dry warm summer that lasted until this week. It was like a Northern Cali harvest here. I was able to give some clones away in April and my friends that grew them outside saw the best harvesting conditions ever here on the island. Cheers

the life of luxury eh!
Victoria had an unusual dry warm summer that lasted until this week. It was like a Northern Cali harvest here. I was able to give some clones away in April and my friends that grew them outside saw the best harvesting conditions ever here on the island. Cheers

congrats and kudos on the timing for a super summer grow season, in kelowna as well,,

who says it rains a lot on the island eh?

i am an islander born and raised,, i once met a fella who lived on the island for a 2 year stint,, just happened to not rain much those two years,, he swore it hardly EVER rained in victoria

i knew better

lets hope this is not the new normal, indeed,, i read that the trees on the island are suffering real bad,, all the trees

karma sent to them,, all of them,,
Stupid warm here to. I should be heating my building by now and not watching humidity so close. Smoked with some folks from Costa Rica the other day, they do the same multi hybrids much like myself and lots of what they get comes from Jamaican gangs. The good stuff is small batch same as coffee. The coffee is amazing! Humidity is my killer, no problem hitting 100% in the mornings. Case in point, went collecting cattails yesterday and ended up soaked with no rain at all. Pot doesn't stand a chance!

as a canadian grower, growing outside as well at the moment,, i would be interested in hearing from other canucks growing outdoors,,,,

a flower report

my plants outside are just very very beginning to flower now,,

karma for 60 to 70 more frost free days here in kelowna,,

cheers y'all
Also in Kelowna, have you cropped yet, if not what are your thoughts about pushing them a few more days?



I am quite new to outdoor growing however I have been growing 20+ years!
Here is my predicament!
My Jack Herer has just started week 10 (longer than I was anticipating) and is still not done (60% milky no amber).
Will she still ripen in the cold dark weather? I can risk leaving her another week if it will help.
My other option is trying to move her to my sunroom with my Candy Jack under my light however it won’t be ideal for both plants. And she is big and top heavy to move
I have never had them outside so late in the season, I am in Kelowna British Columbia!
My Acapulco Gold and Devils crack are coming down this week end as I am seeing all milky with a few amber!
1st pic is of my sunroom with my candy jack
2nd 2 are my Jack Herer in my green house that was destroyed by wind a couple days ago.
3rd my Acapulco and Devils crack






Also in Kelowna, have you cropped yet, if not what are your thoughts about pushing them a few more days?

Heya neighbour.

I have chopped. Just before the rain. Rain is the enemy

Even tho some strains may not be quite fully mature a early harvest is not a bad thing

I would not wait any longer and i would/am be very grateful for the superb season we have had

Karma sent friend
I never had the greatest luck with autos but I'm not done yet. Anyone try any fast buds? I remember when I would worry about someone scoffing my weed, the way things are getting I'm more concerned about my freezer and woodpile. Smoke lots and have a good weekend!
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