Cannabis and Positive Energy


How has Cannabis helped you and your life?

Does it make you a nicer person?

Does it ease the pain?

Does it relieve the stress?

Does it give you a better quality of life?

Please share how Cannabis brings positive energy into your life.

I'd like this thread to stay active, so please everyone help keep it going by adding more positive energy to it daily.

It will help us all remain more positive each day.

I have used it for nearly 2 years. I am 47 and use it because it reduces stress and gives me a better outlook on life...I just love it!!
How has Cannabis helped you and your life?

Does it make you a nicer person?

Does it ease the pain?

Does it relieve the stress?

Does it give you a better quality of life?

Please share how Cannabis brings positive energy into your life.

I'd like this thread to stay active, so please everyone help keep it going by adding more positive energy to it daily.

It will help us all remain more positive each day.


All of the above.

My wife doesn't indulge but she doesn't mind me doing so.

I have unfilled prescriptions hanging on the fridge for insomnia, depression and raging arthritis. The wonderherb helps with all those problems to the point that I don't need all that crap.

I've discussed med pot with my doctor and he is cautiously positive. I plan on taking the forms next time to leave with him. Maybe a card in my future? That would be sweet.

I enjoy the herb for many reasons but primarily because it makes me introspective. It enhances my focus and appreciation for life and the universe around me.

We've all learned the golden rule, (do unto others...), Cannabis helps me to remain aware of the perspective of others and to consider how my actions might effect those around me.

In my opinion, the more Cannabis consumers there are, the more peace and love we'll have in the world.

To quote my girlfriend "you are the only person I have ever met that actually functions better when you smoke weed on a regular basis." My whole life I have struggled with depression, anxiety, insomnia and a total lack of focus. How ever when I make it a habbit to smoke a reasonable amount of weed a day (usually about a gram of good bud through out the day, just a bowl here and there) I am happier, more focused, i have a higher drive, Im less stressed and of course my biggest bowl of the day before bed helps me ease off into sleepy land. When i'm not smoking its like I am a complete other person, a person i dont like. I am high strung, moody, i dont sleep, and i am a total mess when it comes to focus and drive. I just dont want to do shit, i cant stay focused when I do get around to doing things. its terrible. WHat really sucks the most are times like these. I am not working, which means i have to stay 'clean' in case of drug test for employment, i dont have money to spend if i wanted to smoke. At the present time i am a complete miserable fuck, and its sucks. i sleep two or three hours a days, i'm constantly snapping at my girlfriend cause i am just so damn moody, i feel a crushing depression, which to be honest leads me to not even wanting to leave the house, so i'm getting anti-social too. I am partaking on the holiday and i have friends coming in town over the week end so i will over the week end too. I am sure i will be feeling good for a couple days, but then i'll be back to misery. :(
so long story short, yes weed does have a positive impact on my life, if i didn;t start smoking back in high school i honestly think the depression would have gotten the best of me by now, but since i found weed i have lived a very fulfilling life. Thank you weed.
I use cannabis before I meditate. It helps quiet my mind and I really believe it makes my meditation more effective. It wakes up the Love in my soul. ;)
Cannabis just feels like it makes everything a little better. And you feel like your at peace with the world :cool:
How has Cannabis helped you and your life?

Does it make you a nicer person?

Does it ease the pain?

Does it relieve the stress?

Does it give you a better quality of life?

Please share how Cannabis brings positive energy into your life.

I'd like this thread to stay active, so please everyone help keep it going by adding more positive energy to it daily.

It will help us all remain more positive each day.


To be honest, i smoke to chill out and unwind. Sometimes, i'll try and wait for the weekend, but most of the time i fail in that decision lol!

It's a great stress reliever, helps you take your mind off things, good or bad, and let's you sit in your own space...

Nothing beats having your best mates around, sittin', smokin', chillin' n havin the best time of your life! ;) :nicethread:
Comments like this make it all worthwhile, thank you brother Andy!
"I value our community and my life has improved as a result of the knowledge, education and people I've been introduced to here."
How has Cannabis helped you and your life?

Does it make you a nicer person?

Does it ease the pain?

Does it relieve the stress?

Does it give you a better quality of life?

Please share how Cannabis brings positive energy into your life.

I'd like this thread to stay active, so please everyone help keep it going by adding more positive energy to it daily.

It will help us all remain more positive each day.


Droppin some positive energy into the thread...

Id say all the above... Although sometime i want to be sober lol... But as far as helping me in life yeah it really does calms me down look at thing in a different perspective more positive and motivational thoughts always running my mind when THC is present... couple
:bigtoke: and im brand new haha...
I enjoy the herb for many reasons but primarily because it makes me introspective. It enhances my focus and appreciation for life and the universe around me.

We've all learned the golden rule, (do unto others...), Cannabis helps me to remain aware of the perspective of others and to consider how my actions might effect those around me.

In my opinion, the more Cannabis consumers there are, the more peace and love we'll have in the world.


Soniq perfect way to put it you damn right this world would be more understanding if there were more consumers
It's a crazy world. Hell, we all have some form of depression or add...and it sure beats the shit that is mixed in a lb somewhere by people more concerned with the almighty dollar rather than your well-being.

Better outlook on life, relieves tension...
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