D.P's Gardens

I wish. We grow trees up here in the PNW.

Yeah I've had 55 in that room before the wall was taken out so 2/3rd of current and it would yield less then 16 can now. It's gotten fairly dialed we produce I say a minimum of a hp per plant but some pull 1.5 so we just need more room for these big old evergreens (well tell week 7 anyhow)
I wish. We grow trees up here in the PNW.

Yeah I've had 55 in that room before the wall was taken out so 2/3rd of current and it would yield less then 16 can now. It's gotten fairly dialed we produce I say a minimum of a hp per plant but some pull 1.5 so we just need more room for these big old evergreens (well tell week 7 anyhow)

Lol im with you on the tree. I grow in a 10in netpot in hydro. Get about 6-7ft with no scrog
Nice. That sounds awesome. You should start a journal man I'd subscribe

Im going to start doing journals again. I had them up and had some security issues with 420. Somehow metadata with gps was in my pictures. 420 told me they stripped it when u upload it but it didnt work somehow. So i deleted my journals. Once i am done building out my new site (prob march) i will start them again and will use a regular cam instead of cell phone
No it Clones well and grows fine. It's very similar to the Dutch or chocolate fondue. Really climbs in my 8ft room at pull can reach 10' hanging. Other than that fine just train it hard like billy blanks hahaha

Hard to grow for me now is blue diesel my fucking room is dialed but buds get so big literally Damn near a soccer ball they can bud mold internally and you cant see that at that circumference till trim. And well that gene I'm not too happy with. Especially outdoor last year it got mold outdoor worse than any I've seen. It's phenotype just isn't tolerate.

I've noticed though it does best on cheap nutes like fox farm. Doesn't get as big so the internal issues seem to not exist.
Nothing new to report. Waiting till the 5th to get that one mini split moved so I can finish taking down the wall and cabinets.
Looks like the one Jillybean closest to old wall got some dust and saw dust so it will be the first candidate for the bud wash
Not sure if people are to interested but at this current time I use exclusively House and garden nutrients (docs high brix to be tried soon.
So I'll give a quick rundown of what I use for week 4 of bloom
So it calls for 19ml per gallon of A & B
Actually better yet here's there 8 week chart I base my feeding on even for my 10 week plants.

I do round everything up so for example multi zen calls for 3.8 per gallon I use 4ml. Calls for 19 I use 20.
The only thing I don't use is there amino treatment or there foliar feed

However. I will be using the magic green foliar feed on c526 and my co journal.
Hey my man, I couldn't help but notice that your location is listed as evergreen... I was curious if that is Evergreen CO?

If you rather not tell no worries, but from a fellow Coloradon, you have an amazing set up and you can be sure I will be following this Journal, and your co-op Journ with C... very good stuff!
No Washington state. Up close to Canada by the border And I'm really close to the San Juans. In the summer we are on the boat up there alot. Never been to Colorado but hear it's beautiful
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