Damba's Grow Room Build & First Ever Grow Multi Strain x3

im a tucker I dont remove leaves those are your solar panels if you wanted you could do one plant each way and see for yourself what the difference is that way you would no :) those girls are going to take off once you get them in new homes your going to love it have a good day bud!

I trimmed 5 or 6 rather sad looking leaves off the base of one of my plants today.
Allowed the lower branches a chance to see the lights.
Hi all anyone got suggestion as to get rid of the run off during final flush under a scrog net remember its a loft grow so probably looking for equipment eg water pump?
Some pics of my dilemma limited access to do the final flush, oh BTW now under a ElectricSky 300 V2 nice piece of kit with a 4ft Sunblaster T5 HO nanotech 4k kelvin tubes on either side
Also my original plan was to just water them for 2 weeks before harvest
Talking of tight spaces behind that wallyou see 'actually a curtain of sorts' is my veg and cloning station for my perpetual grow set up, I'm also looking to harvest 2 plants once a month but its extremely tight and access not good either so in the middle of moving it to work station area , not a whole lot o' room going on I'll send some pictures
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