Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Kool. Boo is back growing now. LoL.
What's weird I have put mine back up on flowering. I'm going try not too. Hate to get back with 3 tents again.

Yea it was really strange taking them down and putting them away but it was kinda nice having the room in order... With the 2 small ones... they fit in that cut out in the room and you can't see them unless you literally walk in the room.... It's much tidier looking and doesn't make me feel like I can't move in there...As you know... My house is pretty tiny....:circle-of-love:
Lmao. Like mine is bigger. I'm just as small here. We wish i had some big facilities to grow . We be rich. Lmao.
heck you seen my tiny area.
Afternoon everybody... I have a couple of updates and will start with yesterdays that I never got around to posting.... The baby Tut got a drink of water and she was apparently really thirst and took about a gallon and a half before starting to pee...:) She also got a pretty good final veg defol and as of today is in the flower tent and will start cutting the timer back an hour a day after I give her time to acclimate to the new light... but that is in the second update.... Here's the Baby Tut in the tub rub a dub dub.....:circle-of-love:

Do you water and rinse off your plants in the tub? Let them drip dry and then put them back in the tent?
Awesome.... So, Dennise, what is the goal here? Is the goal to meet your medication needs in the two small tents? I know that things are plastic and may change...

To me it seems like your goal is to meet your medication needs in a down-low manner...

I just want you to have your meds without being escared...

That's my goal PJ... I figure I can keep a perpetual going with photos and in the mean time throw an auto in here and there and it should keep up with my med and smoking needs.... Using the small tents... the way the room is set up when ou walk in the room from the end of the hall way there is a cut out that sits back into where you walk in so unless you are actually standing in the room you can't see what is in the cut out so it makes it extremely stealth.... Also using only the small tents I don't need a/c's running or the big exhaust so noise is no issue at all.... Some day when I hit the lottery I will get that grow room fella keeps promising....:high-five:....:circle-of-love:
Ok, Cool. I'll keep that in mind when offering input. If you are going to down-size, what strains do you have experience with which it be good to focus on and get super-dooper good at growing? Experimentation is fun, but what have you grown that is solid meds and a good yielder? From the medical standpoint what works well? What ratio of the good meds do you need daytime/nighttime?

Just things I've been think about while following your journal...
Your basement rocks though.... It's all good... I've had the huge obnoxious house and all the work that comes with it and I will take my big old piece of land and my tiny house any day...:).....:circle-of-love:

its cold dark and creepy, lmao
Your basement rocks though.... It's all good... I've had the huge obnoxious house and all the work that comes with it and I will take my big old piece of land and my tiny house any day...:).....:circle-of-love:

but yeah you do have it nice there. everything fits. i had to fight, push an everything get that big tent in. its 7 ft. the ceiling if 7 ft with floor joist that are 6 inch boards. so really i dont have but 6 ft 6 inches. and makes it hard to fit a true 7 ft tent in it. i had to trim inches off everything.
PJ in your analysis of me you may have noticed I'm a bit of an air head and have very little focus... Truly is brain damage but it makes me scatter brained.... Anywho... I have yet to actually grow a strain specifically for oil as it was a commitment I only recently made and it is a true commitment.... My favorite daytime smoke is the Sugar Mango I think and all I can get it in is an auto... I have one in the can to pop now.... It is a Indica hybrid but I like it for daytime smoke but it is what my nighttime meds are made from currently and it works good for that too but I also put a Money Maker photo in the can today and I did that thinking it would possibly make a really good indica heavy nighttime oil.... My daytime is a mixture of about 5 different sativa strains.... My next oil run will be with my WW for daytime oil and it will be the first time I have only used 1 strain... It is supposed to work well for pain and muscle cramps so I am going to try it but to be honest... I have enough made to last me for months... Sooo what I am hoping is that out of this run I will find one that I like and can continuously grow and get better at and to also keep a bit of a mixture going for my smoke cause if I smoke the same thing all the time it stops working and I enjoy watching the different strains and how they respond.... My main objective this round are the auto Sugar Mango which will be under the Mars Hydros 18/6 for her entire life and the Money Maker which I will veg under the M-H and flower 12/12 under the Twilight Spider4... Well until it stops working and then I will just put more M-H's in there...:straightface:.... Olivia... the girl in the memorial grow is an auto and seems to be on auto pilot so until something pops and taps all I can do is add water...:).....:circle-of-love:
I would keep it like you been doing hun. That oil is good. As is.
It last long time and goes on nice and last good time too. We use it all time everyday as you know. But I wouldn't change your method on it to much.
I would keep it like you been doing hun. That oil is good. As is.
It last long time and goes on nice and last good time too. We use it all time everyday as you know. But I wouldn't change your method on it to much.

PJ is not talking about my tincture... He talking about the RSO/CCO... Heaven only knows what the strains are in my tinctures and I make them so strong that it really doesn't matter...:yikes:....:circle-of-love:
PJ is not talking about my tincture... He talking about the RSO/CCO... Heaven only knows what the strains are in my tinctures and I make them so strong that it really doesn't matter...:yikes:....:circle-of-love:

Yep that is true
Good to see this journal back up on step! This is one of the places I come to be inspired to pop beans. Good to see the good vibes showin' again.

EDIT: Not that there are not always good vibes here at Dennise's, just beans make more vibes right?

I think we are in similar boats grow wise as far as running two tents to do the whole shebang so I would be curious on your favorite strains too.

Thanks Doc... It feels good to have my tents back up and running... I'll be even happier when there is more than one girl to stare at.... Hopefully I didn't muck up to many of the beans by putting them in the freezer...:)... The Cheese didn't get put in the freezer so it should be fine... I'm really stoked about that one too... It's a new breeder and I'm honored to be able to try his beans and as it turns out it is a strain that Tim had recommended to me for my meds....:circle-of-love:
The Money Maker was a Gardenfarie gift so it is really old.... She flipped out and has been gone quite a while I think and it would have been quite a while before she left that she would have given me anything but a hard time so I bet I've had it for at least a year and a half or more... And it did get frozen.... So we shall see what she does... She also gave me my first pineapple express auto and that is still some of my favorite smoke and it was my first auto....:circle-of-love:
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