Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

I think it probably will be more than two beans. I'm pretty sure there are a few more just not completely developed yet... I'm just gonna let her go and see what happens... I'll just make sure she doesn't meet any of my flowering girls just in case there are nanners hiding in there somewhere...:yikes: I do think I'll let one of these beans I pulled off dry a bit and see if it will germ. One of them I squished and this one is a little green but it's worth a shot...:blushsmile: Thanks for the help guys...:passitleft: Try that and put your feet up for a while...:blushsmile:...:circle-of-love:
I've had seeds appear just like that in a few different plants. I went over and over it in my mind and I'm sure this pollen couldn't have come from anywhere but the plants itself, so ...

Radogast has a Diesel? that is producing very thin skinny nanners very slowly, a few a week, and in his nanner-hunt he found a few immature seeds and a fully mature one. I think maybe some plants will do this - it'll grow feeble nanners throughout bloom, maybe one or two in a bud - most of the pollen won't be viable but it'll manage to produce a few seeds.

So you'll end up with S1 seeds, and if it's fem, you'll have a S1 fem. My purple Panama is like that - knocked itself up. :slide:

But it'll also inherit that nanner trait.

Hey, you're chopping some totally fine weed lately! :thumb:
:thanks: Gray... I'm gonna let a few of them dry out after she finishes and see what happens...:high-five:...:circle-of-love:

I finished the chop that I threw back in the tent to finish up the bottom of the Black Dog... It was definitely worth the extra time to let her finish up those bottom popcorn buds cause there ain't no popcorn anymore... I reckon after she is dry there will be an additional half zip and I'm good with that. The smoke is absolutely amazing... I highly advise anyone looking for strains to try this one...:thumb:....:circle-of-love:
The only other girls I have in the bloom tent right now are the Sapphire OG and the auto Lime Daiquiri that isn't an auto unless my light not having the bloom lights working kept her from going into bloom for some reason but IDK...:straightface: She definitely looks the color of what a Lime Daiquiri should be but she still isn't throwing any pistols so we shall see what happens now that she is in the flower tent...:circle-of-love:
Then there is my veg tent... It has the auto that's growing seeds... the Colorado Cookies, the Columbian x Columbian, the Lemon, the baby auto Bubblicious #1, #2 still has not popped soil and I don't think it will... there is another auto in there that hasn't popped soil too and I don't think it is going to either... I'm actually still shocked the 1 Bubblicious came up so I am not going to give up hope on these until I just have to... But here they are in all there not so much glory... That light only half working is what I am blaming everything on in here cause I think most of them look like hell but just since I hung the Mars II they are looking better and my new reflector should be here soon... I got a tracking number this morning but I haven't checked it yet... anywho here ya go....:circle-of-love:

Oh I took a shot of the roots off the Black Dog... Heck of a root...:yikes:....:circle-of-love:
:thanks: Care... I chopped the top of her something like 2 weeks ago and hands down she is the best I have ever grown and smoked... It's a one hit wonder and a most excellent buzz... It's hits pretty quick and then just keeps coming on... I highly advise if you're looking for a fresh strain you try this one out... The Black Dog and the Sapphire OG that is in my bloom tent finishing up now are by far the most sugared babies I have ever seen much less grown... I take crappy pics and so wish I could take a pic that showed what I'm actually looking at cause I will admit... I'm kinda proud of these last 2 ladies... I did less to them than anything I've grown in a very long time so maybe I just need to stop messing with them so much and water them and let them do their own thing...:straightface: For real though I really think you should grow one of these... The buzz is like a very intense old school Columbia....
Hope you're having a blessed and green Good Friday....:circle-of-love:
Higghhh D!!! That black dog looks seriously frosty!!!! Hows the taste? :volcano-smiley:
Happy Easter to you, Dennise, Fella, and the boys :circle-of-love:
:passitleft: High Scottay... I've only tried her the day after I chopped her and it was a sweet but green taste.. It was still not bad but I'm sure by now that fresh green taste is gone but I can't smoke anything until after Thursday again... Seems I failed my pop quiz but he's screaming false positives and giving me another shot at it sooo I kinda feel obliged to at least try...:straightface: But I promise by Thursday evening I will be able to answer that question much better...:;):...:circle-of-love:
Happy Monday D! I understand with the drug test thing. :volcano-smiley:
Happy 420 Dennise :circle-of-love:
Happy 420 Shawnee... Go back for my pop quiz today at 3:00 and I plan to start celebrating by 4:00...:yahoo: It's been a week and if I don't pass it this time toooo bad. I'm done with this... Not being able to tack the MS symptoms have hit me harder than ever before and I don't think I can take it any longer... I'm going to insist that he do blood instead of urine this time cause it takes much less time then I have a year before I have to worry about it again. I get the opiod crisis and all but this just sucks...:straightface: Got to chop the Sapphire OG today too.. She's absolutely beautiful and huge... I can't wait to get her done... She is absolutely covered in hash tips and the main cola has the biggest one I have ever seen... It's going to be a great 420...:yahoo:...:circle-of-love:
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