DIY Tent Grow - Bag Seed

How long u plan on letting her go? I c ur bout halfway threw bloom process!! Looks great leaving for vacation tomorrow and when I get back I should b ready to roll can't wait. Reading ur journal has been very informative. Hopefully everything is smooth sailing for ya!!
Started on my new light today and I'm gonna do 180watts instead of 240watts so I can save two diodes and 2 drivers as backup.
Here's a couple pics.

I'm also planning on running 6 plants next round and go almost straight from clone and see how well it goes. Maybe just one week veg after the clones take root.
If I have picked up a bigger tent before then I will do more plants.
W thank you guys for the compliments. I did realize I made a big mistake I seem to have purchased dc in DC out drivers instead of ac in DC out drivers. Not only bad of mistake I'll just have to either pick up the right drivers or find a 12-24v power source.
I do I was thinking the same thing. I'm just not sure if one cord would power all 6 drivers or if I need multiple cords.
Went back to the drawing board for the light. Figured out some stuff about the drivers. I was able to get them all to run off one cord but I will be getting a different power supply which will also brighten the leds up substantially. And the lenses when the arrive will also help greatly with the intensity of the light.

I am also like ingredients how the buds r forming.

As for the Temp of the new light. I still haven't gotten the power supplies for it so I've only ran the lights at like 1/3 power which isn't very hot. When I do get the power supplies I will do a lot of testing before it's actually used. I'll get a temperature reading for you.
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