Double strawberry diesel

:rofl:lol the spurs.......I knew there was something strange about you Pan!:grinjoint: Just kidding, they are ALWAYS a team to look out for. :cheer: Got to go turn in a few applications, its tough enough to find a job in this economy; add the fact you cant pee clean and its about impossible.:helpsmilie: I think I will e-mail my congressman first. Not much to report, the crinkle plant is the runt of the litter and is still crinkly, the rest look wonderful though! :slide: The clones are adding new growth daily and look to me like they are definitely going to flourish when the roots get better established. Gotta get on the ball now, have a nice day everyone!
sooooooo....... pics????
come on man, we need some bud pr0n!
heres some pics Mamabear, hope you get your fix, lol.

the crinkler

not bud porn yet, but soon.
LOL Bud Porn, it is in the eyes of the beholder. They look soilish green and healthy, I just peeked in on your other grow.
In all was the cost difference that much from Hydro to soil? Just curious.
Extremely uniform and healthy plants above ffr. I can't wait for that ultimate Bud Porn.
they are lovely. gorgeous green on them, nice and solid.
man, i cant wait to get my place to grow!
Thank you Cherma and Mamabear, your making them blush :bigblush:
I feel good about these lil 'uns, as you said Cherma they are growing very uniform. There are two that I believe are starting to grow more towards the sativa phenotype, where as the rest are a bit more bushy and stout; it is a subtle difference perhaps I'm stoned. lol :smokin: They appear to have taken to the transplant very well, my hope is that by bumping up the pot sizes incrementally the plants root systems will make better use of the larger pots as the roots will continue to spread out slowly instead of just shoot down and out. Also I hope to avoid using a lot of ferts until mid way through the flowering stage, and then hopefully for just a few weeks. We'll see if that's actually feasible, if not and they start to get deficient I will use plan "B". Plan "B" is to side dress, make guano teas and/or foliar spray.

To answer your question about the costs involved with hydro Cherma, I think the FF's nutes are very expensive when you consider the amounts they suggest. In my small garden I could use between 20 and fifty bucks a week on ferts, the higher end when its mixed too strong or imbalanced and I have to dump/flush the system early. The PH also was a huge problem, I was never able to get it to stabalize. The GH was much more stable and reasonable in my opinion as far as price per reservoir. Probably closer to 10 or 15 bucks a week, max. The soil is a bit spendy too for my cheap ass, but with the exception of when I cull out the males I feel I wont be as wasteful with the soil. Also the dumping of all those ferts in my outdoor flower beds is probably not real healthy for them, not to mention making a spectacle of myself watering non existant plants during the colder months. lol Sorry for the long winded answer, I feel like I could keep going too.......but I will spare you:rollit: Take care all, I'm going for a hike; should be 59 today woo hoo!!
its GORGEOUS!!!!
seriousy, i dont want to be inside today at all.
enjoy your hike.

i have to admit, asking for bud pr0n of such young ones makes me feel like a dirty old woman . :p
thanks all, been a busy weekend so I didnt get much gardening done. Today however I switched out the floro's with my 400 mh. Its in the same lil cloneing closet, 20" x 54" x 60" tall. The light is about 18" above the canopy. I also added the 1st fert's last night, 2tsps\gal of Neptunes Harvest. All in all doing very well, in an effort to get sufficiant light to the clones I ended up with small burns on two of the dsd leaves from touching the lights over night, damn growth spurts!! lol
One of the plants, #1, is showing a x-mas tree shape the way its branching. Looking real good. :peace:
I transplanted all the clones but the grape crush last evening, those still have a bit longer till theyll need a bigger pot. I cant seem to find my camera, hope it didnt get transplanted too!! lol I culled the crinkler out and popped it into the flowering tent, I am trying to see how much stretch and and what the length of time to start flowering is with the DSD. Then I will probably kill it, but we'll see. Pics will be up when I can find the darn camera.
Grape Crush is a nice choice. Picked up an eigth last week. In the words of Borat VERY NICE!!! I love some purp.
Senor-I have never tried it, but hear its really good. The fan leaves are peppered with trichs @ 24 hours of light, never seen anything like it.
thanks pan, photography is a passion of mine, that is a a RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD Selasphorus rufus; though it is NOT my pic I wish it were.:grinjoint:
The Veg room is getting crowded, I think they are really enjoying the MH. I have the small chains that hold the lamp suspended from a horizontal pole so I can slide it left or right kind of like a light track; I move it a few times a day to try and keep an even canopy without having to shuffle the plants around all the time. Its the first time I've done this and its easy, so I will probably continue. The temp is staying pretty steady at 79 degrees, I hav'nt monitored the humidity but when I poke my head in it seems good to me. :smokin:
All of the seedlings are branched enough for some clones to be taken, I'll take 1 each and put them right to flower without any rooting time. I plan on culling the males in this manor, I would like to select the most vigorous growing male for breeding though , and keep pollen from whichever male clone shows flowers first (for quick flowering traits) for a one time smaller scale breeding project. I probably wont keep all these strains around long term so I want to try and cross them all with the dsd males. I may not keep all the clones, but I know I want to keep the genetics. I had some wonderful S.S.Haze and Grape Ape clones I had for over a year then they got real sick, wish I would have tried to make a few crosses when I had those, I'm learnin though.
The one in particular I am exited about is the cross with the chocolate chunk, mmmm choclate n strawberries, I just think it sounds awesome. Then I would just need some whip cream
Well thats all for me folks, hey have you seen my camera around?:loopy:
Yeah i think i saw it over here... Lookin good fly keep up the good work.
Hiya Dr, good to hear from you.
I already did pan, you got a ton of good pics to thumb through. I especially liked your Amsterdam trip pics, looks like you had a blast; and you got the pics so you can actually remember it!!
Found the camera today, darn dirty clothes hamper, lol.
left side

right side with clones on the far right

side profile

a closer look at a few of them

coming along nicely, pretty soon it'll be time for the final transplant. The it will be off to the flower room with them. I snipped-n-stuck the clones for sexing today, I hav'nt tried putting them straight to flower befor so I hope it works like I think it will....I'm beat gotta turn in now
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