ElDoctore's Self Watering Coco - Candy Kush AF - Pineapple Chunk PP - VIVA Sativa PP

It's been my experience that, (airstones) are better in the sense that their quiet, but if you are able (raw air) is a good idea...

Interesting, can you explain it to me abit more why raw sir would be better? I thought an air stone is just an air diffuser, makes the bubbles smaller and easier to dissolve
Just less of a headache, you don't have to worry about slime or build up of any kind, no added expense, you don't need to worry about some of them not working etc ever hear of the rootspa?
Here is my million $ question. All collection trays are connected to 1 pump. Obviously one or two drain before the rest. So the pump ends up sucking in air "less resistance" and keeps the other collection trays with water. My current solution is 2 plants per collection tray. Each tray has its pump. I tried variable flow switches, doesn't work as can't predict amount collected everytime.
Any other solutions?
I need to sort out these issues before I switch reservoir
Thoughts on recirculating in coco, only topping up with nutes and water. Seemed to work alright for stage..


Recirculating Water In Coco

A lot of work went in today.
So I got a bigger collection tray. Each fits 2 plants. Each collection tray with a pump... worked like a charm. Within 5 minutes both were empty and both are working independently. So got that sorted.
Now the reservoir. 13 gallons of water, previous was 4.
Made the tea for an 11 gallon reservoir... ppm 950, which I'll accept. And started.
I wish I could say it was as easy as flipping on a switch, it wasn't. There was a lot of fiddling I had to do, different pump pressures; single and double loop systems, can't really complain, learnt aplenty along the way. After all of that... I can gladly say now I have completed the system.
I am not planning on changing the reservoir water, I am just gonna add nutes and water accordingly, see how the plant responds. Maybe 3 weeks before harvesting change it once.

Now because I was working on such close proximity with the plants I noticed something I never noticed before... there were roots stick out, I checked the bottom and it was begging to root bound. Funny enough their pattern at the bottom mimicked the sprinklers above. Completely unexpected, I am in week 4 in a 3 gallon and all 4 pots have this.
The smart thing to do was transfer today, but I had to order the 7 gallon fabric pots online. So another 3 days till I get them.
I stopped watering and just added 10% rapid start to the mix.
Thinking of just watering twice a day till transplant.
What do I do with all these roots that are sticking out during transplant? Cut them off?
> A lot of work went in today.
That is apparent. ;)
> Now the reservoir. 13 gallons of water, previous was 4.
Cool. When the pH is my little 3 or 4 gallon reservoir was all over the place, I kept wondering if a bigger reservoir would help to stabilize things. I'm sure it will. This is kind of my reservoir fantasy become reality. :)
> There was a lot of fiddling I had to do
Of course. ;)
> learnt aplenty along the way
And thanks for sharing that.
> there were roots stick out, I checked the bottom and it was begging to root bound. Funny enough their pattern at the bottom mimicked the sprinklers above
That is interesting and would seem to indicate that the feed isn't getting distributed as well as you might like, no? (But with the natural wicking action, I'm going to guess that it's doesn't matter a lot long-term? That the moisture in the media evens out?
> I had to order the 7 gallon fabric pots
This does not surprise me at all. With a highly optimized system like yours, plants are gonna GROW! :thumb:
> Thinking of just watering twice a day till transplant.
Why the change?
> What do I do with all these roots that are sticking out during transplant? Cut them off?
My guess is that the little rootlets and safely be removed/cut/torn without too much trauma to the plant.

Cool system!
I was hoping the 13 gallon solves the ph problem.
Initially it was just 0.1 a day, now its 0.4 to 0.5 and almost 10 liters of water lost a day. I presume a big loss was because of evaporation that happened as well due to residue water in the collection tray. But i am hoping that this reservoir will be a good buffer and stabilize the pH.
Not really planning on adding water. When i notice the PPM is low, i top up with armor Si --> Calmag --> Trio--> then the rest as per allowed by PPM values.
I wanted to decrease the watering because i didnt want the roots to grow anymore and become root bound till i transplant, or have i got it wrong?
I have read about root bound but never seen or gotten close to experiene it, maybe someone can help me out.
As for the distribution of the water, i was worried abut that for a while, if the coco inside isnt gettiing wet enough. So i did the best test of all, and stuck my finger in. 3/4" in all around the coco was moist, and u can see the roots coming out form all sides of the fabric pot. i guess with the transplant i'll have root casualities, but i guess that's nature.
I actually kept the watering system switched off for the night, i need to run it for another hour under supervision to make sure i can leave it unsupervised. I REALLY dont wanna walk in with 13 gallons of tea flooding my floor or my tent.

Now for the watering schedule, i can literally keep it on for 24 hours and it will keep going :) But realistically, now with this, i can do 30 min watering 5 min watering, up to 10 times a day.
The air bubbles is set to low and just on all the time, just keep a current going in the tub.
I wanted to ask if there is any chance things like fungus or slime can grown in such a light enhanced water environment, if so, can i add anything to the water to stop it form happening.
Not just evaporation, but transpiration! Your girls are actively sucking up water and moving out the leaves!

> I wanted to decrease the watering because i didnt want the roots to grow anymore and become root bound till i transplant, or have i got it wrong?
They seem happy with the watering regimen they've been on. You're only going to reduce root growth by limiting plant growth overall, and that seems nonideal. Me, I'd keep 'em cranking!

> I REALLY dont wanna walk in with 13 gallons of tea flooding my floor or my tent.
Just FYI, you can little battery operated flooding alarms pretty cheap at Amazon. I have one next to my water heater. Cheap insurance.

> I wanted to ask if there is any chance things like fungus or slime can grown in such a light enhanced water environment, if so, can i add anything to the water to stop it form happening.

That's an interesting question. If you keep the top of the media shaded, you don't get photosynthesis at the surface (so no slimy, smelly blue-green algae--aka cyanobacteria--or moss, etc).

Cold temperatures and low circulation water and air circulation and lots of organic matter (as opposed to mineral nutrients) can contribute to fungal and bacterial growth. I would say that you want to keep your media moist but not sopping, and well aerated. You can also dose your water with beneficial bacteria (e.g. HyrdoGuard), but that's expensive and is probably overkill.

Really, unless you get into some pretty weird conditions, I don't think bacterial/fungal infection of your media should be a problem (and of course a certain amount of same can be part of a healthy growing environment, for soil anyway--probably less so for hydroponic or near-hydroponic systems like coco coir.
And I don't think your plants get classically "root bound" (with roots circling the bottom of the pot) in cloth pots since they "air prune" when they meet the edge of the bag. But a big, healthy, growing plant is going to "want" to increase it's root mass, and I can't help but feel that even your carefully controlled watering regimen can only compensate for a lack of root space so much.
Thanks. I have the 5 gallon pots, I'll transfer the AF in them tmrw "expecting to flower by next week" and wait till the 7 gallons to transfer the PP.
I think for the time being, I'll do 2 gallons of water a plant, 6 times a day and take it from there.
I ordered hudrogaurd, 8 ounces for 10$. That's 230ml and my reservoir needs 26ml, so that's not bad. I'll give it a go, apparently the useful bacteria in it does wonders... let's find out.
I realized one of the pumps I have "medog" 6l/min is crazy loud. So I decided to get another company "hqmaster" which is as powerful but ever so silent.

But oh does coco love water. The roots at the bottom remind me of a DWC root.
Busy few days, didnt really manage to do much.
Transplanted one of the AF to a 5 G pot. I left the base of the previous fabric pot with the roots coming out intact, but the side walls i took out, roots everywhere :D
planning on doing the other during the weekend, then when the & G arrive next week i'll do the PP.
Plants are growing ever so well, knock on wood, no signs of deficiencies or burns so far.
I switched on the reservoir for the first time tonight "only after rigorous supervised testings"
Now that the draining out has been fixed, it is more efficient, i need to keep them on for 10 min to drain out everything in comparison to the previous 45 min.
My previous watering was 5 times a day, 1 gallon each plant.
Now i am watering 10 times a day, almost 2 gallons each pot.
PPM was at 780, pH at 5.8, fingers crossed.
What i am hoping to see is a very minor change in the pH, and less water loss and drainage more efficient. "but with a 50 liter tank, things should be fine.
I'll be posting pictures soon.
Recirculating Water In Coco

12 hours later. pH unchanged at 5.8, ppm at 820. Waterloss 2.5 litres.
There was some residue in one of the trays. That was my bad, I overlapped the timers wrong, rectified it.
Latest pics.
Viva Sativa

Viva Sativa topped location

Candy kush 1

Candy kush 2

Pineapple chunk

No leaks so far.
One thing I did notice, with increased watering the maximum temp in tent went down. From 29-27. All variables remained the same except for the frequency.

Hopefully by the end of next week I start seeing pistils in the AF. When that happens add more bloom to the reservoir and floranectar. Make sure the ppm doesn't exceed 1000 by decreasing other stuff like rapidstart, diamond nectar and florablend.

The only waste product a plant makes is Co2 for metabolism and O2 for photosynthesis.

As long as the nutes are being recycled, the plant will get aplenty of what it needs.

Knowing what nute to top up when ppm is low is still a trial and error art I am experimenting with. It should be interesting from next week because I'll have 2 plants and veg and 2 in flowering.

16 hours.
pH 5.8 ppm 780. 2 waterings and ppm and pH same.
When measuring ppm, I always replace fluid lost to same level, then measure.

Memo to self, always use filters when using small pipes. Stupid coco blocked one of the trays. Accumulation :/
Didn't have time to rectify it. I'll cut a kitchen strainer and fashion it accordingly later on.

Transplanted the the AF. Same style. Left bottom on and cut off the sides. With the frequent waterings I poked a lot of holes in the bottom of the fabric pot. It just stops water from collecting at the bottom for a while, I want a quick wash.
Plants looking great! :thumb:

> No leaks so far.
When I read that my mind immediately leaped to Chelsea Manning's Harvard fellowship being rescinded this morning. ;)

> with increased watering the maximum temp in tent went down. From 29-27.
That's a good observation! Information that could come in handy on a hot day.

> Make sure the ppm doesn't exceed 1000.
!!! Watch them leaf tips!

> Knowing what nute to top up when ppm is low is still a trial and error art I am experimenting with.
Yeah, what's getting used up and what's not when the PPMs drop. No way to know, really.

> Memo to self, always use filters when using small pipes. Stupid coco blocked one of the trays.
Hee hee. It's always something. I guess you can't complain as long as you didn't have a Houston-after-the-hurricane moment.

> With the frequent waterings I poked a lot of holes in the bottom of the fabric pot. It just stops water from collecting at the bottom for a while, I want a quick wash.
Interesting mod. I want it to drain FASTER! ;)
Recirculating Water In Coco

Almost 24 hours done.
pH 5.7 and ppm 800. Although I did a transplant today and my coco was prepared a month ago, didn't really clean it again. So it could be that. Left it at 5.7.
Fashioned a little mesh. Does the job. It actually did a nice trick with water tension which allowed more water to be drawn in.


@Scientific. I wish there was a way to measure what nute you need to add. If you had that, it would be the perfect system.
So today was the real test.
I had a family emergency and was tied up for the whole day. Didn't manage to check until 24 hours later.
Water loss 12 Liters, of which 2 would be from evaporation. in my old reservoir that would have been 50%, so all the watering would have been much less, but with this, they still each got 2 gallons per watering.
pH 5.6. Added 1 ml of Armor Si to get it to 5.7
PPM 660. Drop from 800. Tmrw i will Add nutes to bring it up to 800 again.
But i am very happy so far, plants got 20 Gallons of watering each today flawlessly and effortlessly.

No pisitil yet, completed week 4 today.
Yeah all is well. Thanks.

Things are going well.
Saw some white spots on a couple of upper leaves. Checked the undersurface and it looked good. They are close to the light.
Maybe someone can help diagnose them for me. I don't have any bugs around and doesn't let ok like a pest problem... or so I hope.


It's only on these 2 leaves in the candy kush AUto.
I didnt have time to look under a microscope. I was thinking it could be a sun burn, i did transplant recently and had water droplets over the leaf? maybe?

I noticed in the pic there is alot of burnt tips. Thinking of reducing my PPM from 800 to 600 for now.
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