Fat Neil's Winter Grow CKS Candy Cane Autos In Coco

Plant 1
Hey grandpa. Hope everything is going great for ya. Was away visiting a friend for they last few days. Dropped my phone and shattered it so update will come when the new phone arrives
Hey Rico I can't really say with any certainty since I can't see trichs, but I would suggest waiting. Never hurts and it looks like u have lots of white pistils coming out of buds still. I know it's not a sure indicator, but every plant I've grown has had mostly all the hairs turned brown or red
Hey grandpa. Hope everything is going great for ya. Was away visiting a friend for they last few days. Dropped my phone and shattered it so update will come when the new phone arrives

Oh crap! That sucks about your phone. Hopefully it shows up soon.
Na don't have a journal but ty

You should start one bud. You’re growing some nice buddage and I’m sure there’s a lot of guys like me who love looking at plants. Anyway, think about it. I believe keeping a journal—especially in an open forum—helps me be a better grower.
With the 420 app I went to browse forums. There is a + in bottom right corner to start a new topic. Not sure if it's different from 420 website
Your plants look so healthy FN! Le mutante is my fav!! Have a great day!
Rico you need a scope for your phone or camera to get the trich shots, we won't be able to help you without seeing the trichs;)
Thx newty. The mutant is my favorite as well. So many tops on the mutant, it is gonna be a good yield.
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