Female's Down need help/advice hermies


New Member
i fiund two hermis in my mix today. 2/16 are hermies, 9/16 are showing seeds, but 5/16 have not been touched so far. So first, i pulled out the hermis and put them in a differant room, Second i then seperated the 9 and 5 in the box water trimed etc. now my questions are:
am i safe to keep them togeather or should i move them?
can the seeded plants germenate the other ones?
can i make anything with the seeded ones?
should i keep going or start over?
Hi Sumhigi. I have to make a lot of assumptions to offer an opinion but what the heck. I'm smoking semi seeded homegrow now, but I don't want to sprout the little missbegotton bastards. Define your resources and needs/desires. Research on this forum should be ongoing. Actuate a plan. Be lucky.

If they are true hermies and not males they can be good. Save them, they will produce feminized seeds. I occasionally get one plant that will hermie. I just leave it in the grow room with the others.
there are no males they were all female
so if i leave the herms in there, the seeds will be feminized? or
the females that were polenated will be feminized?
Herm lines beget herms. Grow them out and start new seeds. You want to feed your bong and you don't want to specialize in defective genetic lines. You get sensimilla by growing normal robust female marijuana without any pollination. Plant any bagseeds for a restart. They can't be worse, worse is what you have. They're not females if they spew pollen, they are abomination to be culled. That's my opinion as I sit here stoned on hermie's bud.
LoL Propa gator you big hypocrit hating on the hermies!

Some hermies are caused by stress, remember, so they could be normal females that turned herm through stress.
My grandparents had a grandfather clock like 10 years ago...

Personally I would just use those seeds again, but I'll plant anything and see if it grows. :D
Is this grow still alive?
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If you find any finished journals just let me know and I will move them to the completed forum.
sorta we took most of them down, kept 8 and let them finish out. we ended up with i 9.5 oz when all dryed and done. we didnt cure them didnt have the time. but i got my hands on some clones. I will be starting to ask q's soon and post pics when i can. if you now anything about clones let me know asap please.
i was told to cut off the hermis so i tryed it worked for about a a day. then by the time i found most of them they were already open . i didnt get alot of seeds. what i did notice is that i happen to be every other bud seemed to have a seed or four. i would have to say if you see the yellow pods its to late. stop cutting the branches or and start just pulling off the pods/yellow flowers. if you have the hermies seed they will be feminized. i guess.
I cut off all the branch ends that had spore pods growing off of em and so far so good!

Did the hermies seem to produce less bud than the non-hermies, per flower?

How did this grow turn out?
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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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