First BP Grow white widow

GG I got 28 grams with no stems from my first grow which I now know I harvested wayyyyyyyyyyyy to early. I was having trouble understanding the trichs. We will see if I have it right this time. I don't think an ounce is even an issue with your grow I would say 2 at the min.

Yeah i hope your rite alien lol. If i get that much then i know it will last me till next harvest cause soon as i get home from my trip this summer im going to start another grow, i know i said i would waite till i started buildin my grow room but may take longer now that im gettin my oldest for the summer.

I am so happy I didn't move the lights up to let the plant get taller. Mine is around 17" I don't think I would want to deal with a taller plant. I got enough issues. I am still getting new growth and new buds daily and it is bushy as hell. The funny thing to me is that when I look inside the plant by moving a few leaves the light is getting inside to the middle. Who said cfl's don't get inside.

I can understand why you wouldnt want to deal with a tall plant cause believe me its a hassle enough as it is but i enjoy havin this monster sittin in my back room. My light gets inside pretty good too but im also not very bushy around top my main concern now is how top heavy she'll get.
I've been doing some serious leaf tucking myself lately. Fun to expose the buds to the light on purpose.

You know for a lot of us to be harvesting around the same time you guys are a lil bit further ahead than me huh? I mean all you guys actually have buds on your plants but I dont even care honestly lol cause when mine harvests it will be a very happy day in my life.
Lol i can only imagine but like i said before i have really come to love the growing itself as a hobby.
I seen that man lol i just did a res change im on Day 38 she stands 46.5in still i also added some beastie bloomz so hopefully that will help her out some she kind of seems to be at a stand still but she's still drinkin water just maybe a half a gallon a day or so i will have pix up soon.
Be careful all of the sudden they won't want to eat as much nutes the bestie should be fine as I recall it is a carb for the plant. I could be wrong but I remember my Widow were always thirsty even at the end but they did not want nutes by evidence of slight leaf tinge after 2 days of res change feeding. Back off the nutes a 1/4 and no more tinge. Just frost from the carbs and a little food.
Cool thx for the info man i was plannin on 10 weeks myself and that sounds alot like how mine is acting ill try what you did and see how she reacts i mean as for now i kind of dont need her to grow to much more taller lol
Be careful all of the sudden they won't want to eat as much nutes the bestie should be fine as I recall it is a carb for the plant. I could be wrong but I remember my Widow were always thirsty even at the end but they did not want nutes by evidence of slight leaf tinge after 2 days of res change feeding. Back off the nutes a 1/4 and no more tinge. Just frost from the carbs and a little food.

Exactly what I did last time, I was monitorng nute intake and with about 4 or 5 weks they were down to eating about 25 ppm/ day, very low consumption so I dropped the ppm. I was running abot 400 ppm the 4th & 3rd weeks left. Then the last two weeks just straight water. I was adding Liquid Carbo Load the whole way.

My first grow I think I had nute lock the last two or three weeks because Ithought you had to push them up to the end, I was wrong and saw virtualy no growth, it sucked. So this grow I went real light and it was exactly what they wanted.
Hey friends been a while i know but i have just been so busy i got my oldest son with me rite now and i been busy tryin to file for custody over him. I went to pick him up a couple hours away when i got him his finger nails were long and packed with dirt same with toe nails, his suitcase had nothin but holey filthy clothes, his shoes had a big hole in toe where his big toe popped out, never been to a dentist, and she doesnt tell me till the next day that he had pissed his pants cause they didnt have time to pull over and had been sittin in his pissed clothes for a whole day. Like i said i didnt notice all this till i got home she could have told me or changed him out of his clothes i mean i gave him a bath when we got home that night anyways because he wouldnt stop scratching his legs not to mention when i opened his suitcase out came a couple kernals of rat shit i could have slapped her when i seen all this I had to go spend about $150 i really couldnt afford to go and get him some new clothes, underwear, socks and new shoes. So I have been runnin ragged friends tryin take care of the family. I will upload pix soon as i have the time but i can say the plant is doin good but moving slow.
Good to hear from you, GG. Glad to hear your girl is doing well.

I'm sorry to hear about the bullshit your son has been through. I hope things get settled back down soon!

Take care, man. :peace:
GG I am almost at 11 weeks and my WW leans indica, at least by leaf size. I will be harvesting any day. My plant is way shorter and falls all the time. I have walls to catch it. I actually make it fall now in different directions to get different light. It is very top heavy. I think my plant is 2' but I forgot.

Hope you are having fun on your vacation.
Give us some updates mister both on your son, your waiting vacation and oh yea that massive plant. I still am not ready to harvest. I just took a peak under the microscope and nope not ready. This is going on forever.
How did this grow turn out?
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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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