First CFL Grow Using 30 Watt CFLs

Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

@ mr mudpie, as for the lights schedules, the only info ive found out truthfull is root growth, this result showed that the roots grow more at 18-6, grow less at 24-0. now i dont think this is a problem, when the lights are off any sugars the plants has made go back down to the roots and this makes them grow more, but with the lights on 24 the plant continues to grow and dont send it back to the roots as the lights are never off, my last grow was 18-6 and i got great results with a plant that was really abused, now alot of people on this site use all the methods to grow and all get good results, i think if any one method was causing slow growth or bad yields then growers would be talking about it, i was tempted to go 24-0 till i went to flower but this raises cost of electric as the lights are constantly on, how ever the lights been constantly on might mean less days in veg as you are giving the plant the extra hours, now studys have been done and it is known that plants dont need to have the lights off during veg and they will grow very well under 24-0, but i personally think the plants benefit from the lights been off for a short time so i opted for inbetween at 20-4, this saves on electric and also rests the plant, i would suggest to you one way or the other as their has been very little testing done, some say you get bigger plants and yields using 24-0 and others say you get bigger plants and yields using 18-6, i think its just what you prefer to do yourself,

what im going to do when i take cuttings from these plants is set up 2 or 3 seperate grows and grow all the plants identical by measuring water and distance from lights and temps etc etc, but im going to try 3 different lighting schedules, 18-6 20-4 and 24-0. this is the only way im going to find out for myself whats best.

so i couldnt really guide you on that, you could keep it at 24-0 and compare it to mine at 20-4 and see how things go, but growing at 24-0 wont cause any problems with your grow and certainly wont damage the plant, i need to test to see if the plants do actually grow more under 24-0 because even when the lights are off the plants are still growing and most growers will say that when the lights come back on they can notice how much its grown during the dark period, so ive got to test it because i may find out that the plants grow the same amount using any schedule and of this is the case then the only benefit would be electric costs, when i put mine in soil i chose 20-4 to try and get the most grow but also give them some dark time as well, but 24-0 is also a good light schedule their will always be the argument which is best but until some side by side testing is done its just to hard to say either way.

the only routine ive heard of and read about that does promote a lot more growth and yield is the gas lantern routine, now you can only do this with timers and it wouldnt be something a novice grower would try, but basically the glr works like this, you have 12 hours with the lights on, then 5.5 hours off, then 1 hour on then 5.5 off then your 12 hours of light, now this method stops the plant from going into flower but promotes more growth, its something to consider in the future but im not at that stage yet.

go with what ever you thinks best, google cannabis lighting schedules and have a read, but as far as i can tell the only difference or big difference is the electric, you may grow it quicker using 24-0 but could cost more in electric, its just to hard to say whats best without any tests been done. stick with what you thinks best and if you have gone with 24-0 then go with that as you will still get good results, ive not seen any method produce bad results just because the lighting schedule is different.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

@quixilvir, so you think the baby bio will be ok for the veg stage but wouldnt be much good for the flower because does it need less of the N and more of the p when flowering, ill give the watering method a go, i was watering every 2 days and when i checked the top inch and half of compost was dry, i was over watering at first and i think this slowed the growth down, since i cut the ware down the plants seemed to have started growing a lot quicker, im also thinking about lst with these plants, im getting big round pots so think i would be better off training the plants to keep the stems all at one height to increase the cfl's penetrating the plant better and making sure all flower sites are getting the light, im hoping to have at least 2 fems in the ones ive got, but id still be happy even if i only got 1, also i got the berry bomb seeds through the post but wasnt in so i gota pick them up monday from the sorting office, would now be to late to soak them and get them in pots, i would like to get these plants all vegin and take cuttings and flower them off while i veg the cuttings elsewhere, i want to try and get a cycle of some sorts going so that once ive flowerd and cropped the 1st plants then i can put the cuttings into veg for a couple of weeks longer then set to flower and then take cuttings, then hopefully i should have enough to smoke inbetween so i dont have to keep buying it all the time and end up smoking some comercial crap that just aint worth the money
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

im hoping they stay that way, and im glad you got confidence in them been girls, im hoping at least one of them is, i did have four grown from seed but i turned my back for 2 minutes while i was sorting my lights out and when i looked back at the plants their was 3 as i left them then the fourth was just a stem with no leaves, i was a bit confused at first and kept asking myself when the last time it had leaves was, then i looked at my dog and he had 1 leaf stuck to the corner of his mouth so he couldnt deny it really, caught red handed as they say, i did ask if their was any chance this plant would live, i doubted it would and was told it woudnt live, but its been 5 days now and the stem is as green as the other plants with leaves and its not dried out, but i cant see any leaves growing, but i would of thought if it was going to die it would of dried up by now, i mite try slapping some rooting gel on the root and see what happens, chances are its dead but you neva know, im hoping at least the northern lights x big bud femenised is gong to be a fem but its never 100% sure, so till i find out im holding onto some hope that ive got at least one female to produce me something nice, im hoping anyway
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

I think u have a very good chance at a fem, I pray mine wil be a femm I have a feeling she will be a monster I mean its 9 days and she has 3 set of fan leafs growing. :)
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

yep i noticed that with yours its growing quick but is not stretching so hopefully your going to have a nice bushy plant which can only mean bigger yields, its all looking good though, your plants seem to be growing their proper leaves a lot sooner so chances are the seeds are from a good plant as they havnt stretched much, only time will tell,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

For veg, you will in fact need the N, but I think that Baby Bio should be used in low doses, and supplimented with a bit more K (Potassium)...Thats my initial reaction, but I'm not an expert, so I would keep working with Cory to figure out your nutrient needs. That is very kind of him to help you out like that.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Ill upload a pic of the bud I got it from, it was my uncles hermi plant (aka mids) but see his mids are as potent as his dro annd its mind blowing how he does it give me a sec and I'll post it here
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

ye corey is top bloke, he said to let him know a list of the kind of products i can buy over here and he will analize and let me know the best product to buy for each stage, the only reason i contacted him at first was to find out if he has an outlet where i am as i have seen the results his products get and would love to get my hands on some, but at the moment his product is only sold in the USA so ill have to make do with what i have got, their are products on ebay but when you look at the labels they look like they have been printed by someone on a home computer and for all i know it could just be coloured water, so im going to go to my local garden center and right down the products and corey will let me know whats best, their really isnt anything i know of that is solely used for cannabis in my country due to the laws, so all i can do is find the best product i can, and corey is a top bloke and dedicated to the cause, i just hope one day that i can get my hands on some of his products, but at the moment i dont think i could afford the delivery costs to my country as it would be quite heavy so i think it would cost more to deliver than it would to buy the product, so for now ive got to make do with what i can get and only hope that one day i can get my hands on some of his products but for now its to expensive, if i had the money then i would pay the postage costs and enjoy the fruits of my labour but till their is an outlet nearer to me ill have to make do what anything i can buy off the shelf,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

i just came across this on the net, has anyone heard of doing this lighting method before or is it believable

Growing with an 18 hour Day/Night Cycle

The Theory
The theory behind the 18 hour Day/Night cycle is that during a normal 24 hour light cycle plants will usually achieve high growth rates peaking at 100% capacity during the first 50 - 60% of the day. The growth rates will then diminish rapidly and the last 20 - 30% of the day achieves minimal growth. So by reducing the length of the day we are triggering an increased growth mode where the growth rates are at their peak for the majority of the day. This effectively achieves a very fast growth cycle with full yield potential.

NOTE: To achieve these incredible growth rates it is important to provide maximum light intensities and CO2 enriched conditions. The recommended lighting is 600W per square metre.

The Cycles
Vegetative Cycle - Lights ON 14 hours, Lights OFF 4 hours
Flowering Cycle - Lights ON 6 hours, Lights OFF 12 hours

The Benefits
The growth acheived during an 18 hour cycle can be the equivalent to that acheived during a 24 hour cycle. So by running 18 hour cycles the same growth and yield can be acheived in 75% of the time.

Reduced day lengths also mean reduced power consumption. Grow more and use less power. Who can argue with that?

For example, an average crop grown from seed using a 24 hour day/night cycle will have a 4 weeks grow cycle and an 8 weeks flower cycle. This equates to 28 days @ 18 hours a day and 56 days @ 12 hours a day = 1176 hours of light over 12 weeks.

An accellerated crop using an 18 hour day/night cycle will achieve the same yields using a 3 week grow cycle and a 6 week flower cycle. This equates to 21 days @ 14 hours a day and 42 days @ 6 hours a day = 546 hours of light over 9 weeks resulting in a 40% reduction in power consumption and a 25% reduction in crop time.
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

thats what i thought, im surfing the net trying to find some videos of cannabis test results using the different lighting methods and also different types of lights but i cant even find pictures of the plants side by side grown under the different methods, plenty of pics of people growing with one method or the other, but i want to see say clones grown side by side using the different methods so i can see the results, i mean say if the grow im doing now produces so much but then next grow i produce more using 24-0 then it would be easy for me to say 24-0 is better, but the results would be badly flawed as temps could be different, nutes could be slightly different so you cant really compare results like that, it needs testing side by side with cuttings from the same plant and both grown at the same time and everything measured properly, i would of thought that the people arguing their method is best would have done tests to prove it, but i just cant find any test videos or pictures to see which is better and why, ill keep looking but come across nothing so far
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

k got that on the soil, i only suggested it due to the fact that when i water my plants it drains strait out the bottom, if i pour it slow it takes a bit longer but still drains and thats with only a small amount of water, ive been putting the pots in bows during watering and let it sit in the run of for few minutes then take them out, it just feels like the water is draining out without soking into the compost, and theirs nothing added like perlite or anything at all, maybe its meant to be like that, and i do know air round the roots can only be good, ill try pouring it really slow in stages, it dont seem to be bothering the plants i was just concerned for when the plants get bigger and didnt know if the soil will hold the water to feed the plants enough
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

i just came across this on the net, has anyone heard of doing this lighting method before or is it believable

Growing with an 18 hour Day/Night Cycle

The Theory
The theory behind the 18 hour Day/Night cycle is that during a normal 24 hour light cycle plants will usually achieve high growth rates peaking at 100% capacity during the first 50 - 60% of the day. The growth rates will then diminish rapidly and the last 20 - 30% of the day achieves minimal growth. So by reducing the length of the day we are triggering an increased growth mode where the growth rates are at their peak for the majority of the day. This effectively achieves a very fast growth cycle with full yield potential.

NOTE: To achieve these incredible growth rates it is important to provide maximum light intensities and CO2 enriched conditions. The recommended lighting is 600W per square metre.

The Cycles
Vegetative Cycle - Lights ON 14 hours, Lights OFF 4 hours
Flowering Cycle - Lights ON 6 hours, Lights OFF 12 hours

The Benefits
The growth acheived during an 18 hour cycle can be the equivalent to that acheived during a 24 hour cycle. So by running 18 hour cycles the same growth and yield can be acheived in 75% of the time.

Reduced day lengths also mean reduced power consumption. Grow more and use less power. Who can argue with that?

For example, an average crop grown from seed using a 24 hour day/night cycle will have a 4 weeks grow cycle and an 8 weeks flower cycle. This equates to 28 days @ 18 hours a day and 56 days @ 12 hours a day = 1176 hours of light over 12 weeks.

An accellerated crop using an 18 hour day/night cycle will achieve the same yields using a 3 week grow cycle and a 6 week flower cycle. This equates to 21 days @ 14 hours a day and 42 days @ 6 hours a day = 546 hours of light over 9 weeks resulting in a 40% reduction in power consumption and a 25% reduction in crop time.

The 18/18 does sound very interesting. It might stress the plant and cause it to hermie, especially in some of these strains that have a tendency to hermie on you real easy. You could do a side by side comparison grow or just experiment with growing one plant with the 18/18 light cycle. I almost feel like giving it a whirl just to see what happens, but have to go to much out of my way and would interfere with the grow I got going now. But may try it one day, or if you do you should journal it. But for now i would just stick with protocol, 24/0, 18/6 and 12/12. Hope you can get that Bomb started ASAP, and good luck on the rest of your grow, I'll be checking it out. :peace::rollit:
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

hi all, when i take the cuttings from this plant im going to do several grows side by side using 2 or 3 different lighting shedules and write a journal about my finds from day 1 till finish, but im not going to risk it with this 1st grow but its something i need to test myself as its the only way im going to find out the results properly and by doing it side by side with keeping as much as i can identical like water amounts and nutes etc then i should get a good idea of which method is best and what works the best.

anway as for my grow, i bought some big pots today and transfered the plants into them, and i was so suprised at how much roots my plants had got all ready, even the nl x bb fem had loads of roots and was ready for transplanting so i dont think i could of left it any longer, even though the nl x bb has only just started growing its 1st set of leaves after the leaves that come out of the seed so i was amazed to see how much roots they had, the other 2 had roots growing out the holes in bottom of pot and all the roots running around the inside of the pot, it just amazed me.

also i soaked the berry bomb today so just waiting for the seed to pop then ill plant it, i took some pics so will post them shortly, they look a lot better been in bigger pots so im hoping now the roots have got room to move and spread that the plants will take off and grow a lot quicker now,

pictures posted shortly just uploading them
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

im just on my way to check on my grow so will post pictures when i get back, got loads of mylar to put up as well, so gona b busy when i get back, ive been speaking to a seed seller from a site and they have a great offer, at the start of every month or every other month they give away 10 seeds to anyone who asks for them, they offer a different strain every month or 2, the only do this due to the sales they make so it would be a good idea to either buy some seeds off them then wait for their offer to come up on their page, they say its usually posted on the site on either the 1st or 3rd of the month, not sure if i can post the link here or not as its not one advertised on the site, the offer is on a first come first serve basis, so not everyone will get the free seeds and im sure they have loads of traffic on these days checking for the offer, but it sounds good to me, just need to keep checking the site on them days for the free offer, but would be a good idea to buy from them also as they will know your not just some freeloader who is gona disapear after the offer, im sure they would check if you have bought from them or not so i suppose even buying 1 seed would get your name on their books, but as far as i can tell its open to anyone and its a first come first serve basis, i might not be able to post the name of the company here but pm me,
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls









the lates pics
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

sorry bout poor pics but using my fone and its not the best, lost the leads for my camera will have much better pictures as soon as i find the leads
Re: first cfl grow using 30watt cfls

Dam talk about sexy ladys walkin down the street :woohoo: :rollit:

I toke 2 pic today of Unknown ill upload in a sec she looks better liek more green then yellow its just one leaf looks burnt ish but looks like recovery has started tho rest of her looks A+ :)

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