First hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lights

Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

Fry I have one of those scopes there a bitch to use real hard to focus especially if you try to look at somthing on the plant. Take a good close up picture than just view it on your pc you can zoom in so close you can see any thing you need...Whooh just getting a good bit of hail and heavy rain again.. After my girlfriend gets out of work were gonna head down to the ocean and check out this 20' swell and sit out and get toasted..:surf:
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

That is one insane root system ya got thr wow that is INSANE BRO i will be honest i have never seen roots get like that i'm blown away man WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

That is one insane root system ya got thr wow that is INSANE BRO i will be honest i have never seen roots get like that i'm blown away man WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey man, thanks. Those pics are pretty old now, I can't wait to see how big they are at harvest! They displace close to a gallon of water in the res now.
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

Fry I have one of those scopes there a bitch to use real hard to focus especially if you try to look at somthing on the plant. Take a good close up picture than just view it on your pc you can zoom in so close you can see any thing you need...Whooh just getting a good bit of hail and heavy rain again.. After my girlfriend gets out of work were gonna head down to the ocean and check out this 20' swell and sit out and get toasted..:surf:

Actually it's my neighbor that is getting the scope, but I've been wonderig about the camera, that's exactly how I saw the first trichs. But I seem to be having trouble taking pics worth a damn. Gotta work at it I guess.
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

Hey man, thanks. Those pics are pretty old now, I can't wait to see how big they are at harvest! They displace close to a gallon of water in the res now.

thats why i went with my 12 gal res man.. mine are just now starting to get tangled..i recommend you build your own with a bigger res for next time. i love that picture of your roots classic
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

A few camera pointers, most digital camera's have a macro (flower/bud) setting on them. Set it to the macro then stick the camera about anywhere from 1-3cm to a few inches. I know with my camera it shows a distance on the screen of how close the lens needs to be to the subject, and the more I zoom the farther back the camera needs to be, less zoom the closer the camera is. Hope it helps.
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

Okay, I am looking at the trichs already, they are all clear as near as I can tell, I've got a microscope coming soon. But using my loupe I can clearly see the trichs, they are looking very well developed, just waiting for a little color, but hopefully not until the buds get real big and fat!

the loupe has the advantage of allowing you to look at the trichs on the plant, but when you get that microscope, you will have to take a sample of a leaf tip, just snip off a half inch tip of a trim leaf, use some tweezers, lay it on a dinner plate and look at it sitting at the kitchen table.
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

the loupe has the advantage of allowing you to look at the trichs on the plant, but when you get that microscope, you will have to take a sample of a leaf tip, just snip off a half inch tip of a trim leaf, use some tweezers, lay it on a dinner plate and look at it sitting at the kitchen table.

Got it, I remember you saying that someplace before.

I'm really looking forward to getting that scope and see them real close myself. I've seen plenty of pictures and can get a pretty good look with my loupe, but the scope will be just that much better!
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

A few camera pointers, most digital camera's have a macro (flower/bud) setting on them. Set it to the macro then stick the camera about anywhere from 1-3cm to a few inches. I know with my camera it shows a distance on the screen of how close the lens needs to be to the subject, and the more I zoom the farther back the camera needs to be, less zoom the closer the camera is. Hope it helps.

Thanks, I've been using the macro setting but maybe I haven't been getting close enough, I mean I've never taken a shot closer than about 9". But a big problem is the lighting, I've got to get a better source, I've been turning the hps off but then I don't have any very good lighting close.

I'll work on it over the next few days. I want to get some good pics for possibly the plant of the month!
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

What a great journal! I am always reading, but don't write much. I don't have the experience to give advice, but I like to pop in and let you know I think you're doing a great job. Thank you for the useful information, I am learning more and more everyday.:grinjoint:

Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

What a great journal! I am always reading, but don't write much. I don't have the experience to give advice, but I like to pop in and let you know I think you're doing a great job. Thank you for the useful information, I am learning more and more everyday.:grinjoint:


Thanks man, but don't be afraid to stop by and say hi, we have some pretty interesting discussions here at times!
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

whats up fry?,man ive been busy,between getting rid of spider mites on my clones an getting ready to pull 2 of my sourd/purp girls tomorrow ,excited as a little kid on christmas,im going to have to leave my monster plant in the tub another week or two,any new pics?
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

whats up fry?,man ive been busy,between getting rid of spider mites on my clones an getting ready to pull 2 of my sourd/purp girls tomorrow ,excited as a little kid on christmas,im going to have to leave my monster plant in the tub another week or two,any new pics?

I was going to take some pics this morning but by the time I got to it the light had gone off, tomorrow!

Sorry to hear about the spider mites, I haven't had the pleasure of that experience yet.

I just finished a res change on my second grow, clones from my first batch. They had a bit of a rough start, I didn't have a light to put them under so they just idled in the res for a week. But last Friday I got my shit together and got the light finished, look back in my thread here, I've got pictures of that build.

And they are loving it! I'll get some pics of those up soon too, but right now I've poured myself a glass of wine and it's time to begin the complete relaxation of the weekend! A couple of glasses of wine, a bowl of that OG Kush I picked up the other day and before you know it you won't be able to understand my posts any more! And The Weed will be worrying about me again!

So, time for that wine, now where the hell did I set that glass, and I haven't even lit up yet today!
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

man fry it must b nice ta just go 2 a clinic and get your medicine"the goodstuff" i pay 50 or 60 for an oz reg or corn and its gone n a week thats 2,880 $ a year thats y i started growing my own save some$ i have a hard time sleeping at night thats y i smoke mj
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

man fry it must b nice ta just go 2 a clinic and get your bud "the goodstuff" i pay 50 or 60 for an oz reg or corn and its gone n a week thats 2,880 $ a year thats y i started growing my own save some$ i have a hard time sleeping at night thats y i smoke mj

Hey man, I hear you. And it's way better than downing a 6 pack every night like way too many people I used to know.

Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

You want to hear something funny? Well, I have proof Denver is still a cowtown. As I'm writing this I'm listening to the auctioning of the Grand Champion pig at this years National Western Stock Show! It just went for $12,500, down from last year's $16,000. The damn economy hits everyone.
Re: FryingPanFlyer's first hydro, Deep Water Culture, 400w MH/HPS Sour Diesel, Northern Lig

Social, It's a drag even when you can go to a dispensary. Just got back myself it's about 100 miles round trip and I picked up 1/8 of OG Kush 65.,1/8 of White Widow 65. and got an 1/8 of shake 40. And they give me a 10%discount cause I'm a vet !! I really need to get my grow finished soon! It's too easy to spend money when good weed is so available.Once I start getting my own home grown I'll feel much better.. I've got a horrible sleeping problem, but a couple bowls of OG and it's lights out !! That shit works !! :peace:
New Grow, clones from first grow!

Okay, I've been putting this off, probably because I was so embarrassed at how I handled the clones my neighbor did for me. Well, I let them sit in the res for a week before I completed my light, described earlier. Last Friday, 1/15, I had the light fixture finished and hung it over the clones.

This first group of pictures comes from about 3 hours after placing the clones under the light. They had already begun to respond, they loved the light.






Please read on, the story gets better!

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