First Time Grow Journal, Bagseed

I am considering switching to flower tonight in fear of running out of room in flower. I feel like she is going to triple in size. Any thought?


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Idk why it did that and didn't separate my message. Do you think I should raise the scrog or do a second level scrog?
From what I can see on my little phone screen it looks good. A second level wouldn't hurt. I've only scroged couple of times. I'm really not too experienced at scroging
Hope you don't mind if I take a seat. I only scrogged once and it wasn't pretty as I had a male in there. Just 2 plants but I ended up tearing the scrog out and never thought about running a scrog again. I've seen a few grows with 2 layers of strings so that's always an option. I might suggest you let her go to the edge and then flip. Your plant is probably sexually mature about now and she really showed some stuff at 3 and 5 days.

If you're mid Atlantic I hope your grow room is well air conditioned. Pretty hot east coast today. 93 F here - wow.

Do you have a way to monitor temperature and humidity? Getting environment dialed in might be challenging but will win you favor with the cannabis gods. :bongrip:
Yeah it's about 104 here today and about 90% humidity. I took a temp reading in the tent it's 84 but I have no way to read humidity. The tent is so small I am afraid to bush it to the walls before I flower I have 14 tops above the scrog right now and still like 6 or so trying to push through the canopy. I figured I could scrog it through it's flower stretch and get the same result without letting it get to big first.
So I decided to switch to flower today because I am worried about running out space. I raised the scrog away from the plant sobibcould do some better inspection. I think I might let her stretch for a few days and re weave her. So today is officially day 1 of flower. July 1st.


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Looks better to me but I've become content to let mine just grow mostly wherever they want to. Every grower will develop whatever they need for quality flowers. You're right of course about the ability to inspect. :bongrip:
Thanks man yeah it's defiantly easier to inspect. She went through her first 12 hrs of darkness last night and if you look close I noticed the tips of the fan leaves curling down. What could that be?
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