FiveToMidnight's First Grow - Coco/Perlite - NL - MarsHydro 300W LED - 2015

.. Nearly every f'up has happened and been dealt with,without you know how much this helps? Well you'd have to know, knowing how much its helped you...but this is one of the journals noobs should read...

Yeah it has taught me so much its been great
Girls looking good 5! Can't wait to see them grow under the led, is it just the marshydro 300w? For the 2 girls

Yes that's correct. 150w draw with 300w output according to MarsHydro.
It turned on today so will see how it goes. 32 celcius outside today and 36 in the box. I've opened the doors a bit to try and let some heat out
Start 14-18" away, will be able to drop closer, just watch plant reaction
They'll adapt well, they now have robust canopies to absorb the spectrums.
This heat is making them dry out quite fast as I had to give them a feed yesterday and again today. I fed at half strength yesterday and today just gave them some plain water and tested the run off at 260ppm. So I think that's looking good.

Here are some pics, I think the heat is causing them some discomfort but unfortunately there isnt much I can do about the weather. We don't have air conditioning in the house so I know how they feel. It's sitting around 33 celsius in the box during the day.
They don't look as happy as when they were under the CFL's but because the LED came on the same day the heat wave started its hard to tell if it is the heat or the light effecting them. They do have some yellowing on the leaves again though which is starting to concern me. Anyways, let me know what you think

They're still not looking too healthy, even after another feed yesterday. It's a lot cooler today though and temp is around 27 inside so I'm hoping that will make a difference. They don't seem to be growing as fast as they were last week either and I'm finding a lot of yellowing on some of leaves, almost white on a couple of them.
Seem like the leaves under the top ones aren't growing at all, I don't think they're getting any light as there is a lot of shadow around them but I'm not really sure what I can do about that.
Any thoughts at all?
Which light they under? Looks like not enough light...
Which light they under? Looks like not enough light...

they're under the LED. I had them at 18" as you advised but raised it yesterday as the leaves were all droopy and looked like they were trying to get away from the light. Maybe it was just the heat they weren't liking?
do you think I should lower the LED?
I don't think that's the issue then....could be a nitrogen def, maybe you might want to add a little of your flora grow... Omu, is he using same nutrients as you? Are you adding any cal/mag at all?
I don't think that's the issue then....could be a nitrogen def, maybe you might want to add a little of your flora grow... Omu, is he using same nutrients as you? Are you adding any cal/mag at all?

Should I maybe try feeding next time with the advertised formula at half strength or something?
Sounds like a plan..
Nitrogen (N)
Nitrate - Ammonium is found in both inorganic and organic forms in the plant, and combines with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sometimes sulfur to form amino acids, amino enzymes, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, alkaloids, and purine bases. Nitrogen rates high as molecular weight proteins in plant tissue.
Plants need lots of N during vegging, but it's easy to overdo it. Added too much? Flush the soil with plain water. Soluble nitrogen (especially nitrate) is the form that's the most quickly available to the roots, while insoluble N (like urea) first needs to be broken down by microbes in the soil before the roots can absorb it. Avoid excessive ammonium nitrogen, which can interfere with other nutrients.
Too much N delays flowering. Plants should be allowed to become N-deficient late in flowering for best flavor.

Nitrogen Deficiencies:
Plants will exhibit lack of vigor, slow growth and will be weak and stunted. Quality and yield will be significantly reduced. Older leaves become yellow (chlorotic) from lack of chlorophyll. Deficient plants will exhibit uniform light green to yellow on older leaves, these leaves may die and drop. Leaf margins will not curled up noticeably. Chlorosis will eventually spread throughout the plant. Stems, petioles and lower leaf surfaces may turn purple.

How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

To compensate for lack of N and stick to the Lucas Formula, I'd just bump up the Micro in the next nutrient mixture as Micro is high in N. So instead of mixing in equal parts per gallon/liter, increase the Micro part up 25%. So if before you added say 3ml each of Micro and Bloom, I'd then add 3.75ml of Micro to 3ml of Bloom. Then calculate what ppm range you want to be at for this week of growth, or in accordance to what you're already giving them.
That's good skybound... I don't know Lucas formula and never used gh nutes, so didn't know where enough n was coming from..
Sorry five, should have been sorted last week, just got sidetracked with high ppm in medium, knew something was going on though. My bad...
Nitrogen (N)
Nitrate - Ammonium is found in both inorganic and organic forms in the plant, and combines with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sometimes sulfur to form amino acids, amino enzymes, nucleic acids, chlorophyll, alkaloids, and purine bases. Nitrogen rates high as molecular weight proteins in plant tissue.
Plants need lots of N during vegging, but it's easy to overdo it. Added too much? Flush the soil with plain water. Soluble nitrogen (especially nitrate) is the form that's the most quickly available to the roots, while insoluble N (like urea) first needs to be broken down by microbes in the soil before the roots can absorb it. Avoid excessive ammonium nitrogen, which can interfere with other nutrients.
Too much N delays flowering. Plants should be allowed to become N-deficient late in flowering for best flavor.

Nitrogen Deficiencies:
Plants will exhibit lack of vigor, slow growth and will be weak and stunted. Quality and yield will be significantly reduced. Older leaves become yellow (chlorotic) from lack of chlorophyll. Deficient plants will exhibit uniform light green to yellow on older leaves, these leaves may die and drop. Leaf margins will not curled up noticeably. Chlorosis will eventually spread throughout the plant. Stems, petioles and lower leaf surfaces may turn purple.

How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

To compensate for lack of N and stick to the Lucas Formula, I'd just bump up the Micro in the next nutrient mixture as Micro is high in N. So instead of mixing in equal parts per gallon/liter, increase the Micro part up 25%. So if before you added say 3ml each of Micro and Bloom, I'd then add 3.75ml of Micro to 3ml of Bloom. Then calculate what ppm range you want to be at for this week of growth, or in accordance to what you're already giving them.

Thanks for the great explaination! I completely understand and sound exactly like what my issues are.
Do you suggest to stick with lucas or do you think I should switch? I know I've already asked this but seems like I may have less nute issues if I do

That's good skybound... I don't know Lucas formula and never used gh nutes, so didn't know where enough n was coming from..
Sorry five, should have been sorted last week, just got sidetracked with high ppm in medium, knew something was going on though. My bad...

No worries mate, always appreciate the help! :)
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