Flaahgra's First Grow - Dinafem Blue Kush - Organic - Scrog - 250W HIDs

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I'll get on posting soon, was busy with midterms for the past 2-3 weeks. The choco's leaves started drooping sorta, haven't given it anything or watered it yet; but the new growth looks healthy. I'm not sure into what I'll transplant it, since I have a feeling it's the organic soil I made that's making my BK grow slow (I top dressed with some), I'm wondering if I should try to find another mix or something.

Maybe I should try the choco non-organic? I've been gifted a ton of Advanced Nutrients products that friends wanted to get rid of. They're kinda old so maybe not the best to use those, but I got an idea which ones I'd need to get. Lemme know what you think.

I don't have much personal experience with dirt I only use it for seeds usually. I'm sure whatever you use will work though chocolope is very easy to grow and very difficult to screw up compared to other strains I have grown.
I would give it a week until you move it through as I only just put it in there recently.
That soil is also fertilized already with some of this crappy pro mix potting soil, so don't give it anything but pH water for now until after transplant.
So things are getting better? That clone should start growing quicker soon. How are your babies? Getting better?

So the smaller BK had trouble holding itself up, after moving the pot a bit it kinda just fell on its side, not sure if it was damping off or what, but I decided to get rid of it. The other BK is doing good though, still smallish but its leaves have never held themselves as flat as they are now, and it looks like it could turn into an actual plant soon. The clone still still has some leaves drooping but it's growing. I'll post pics later today.
Oh one other thing better use humidity dome on the cloner in winter. My chocolope clones easy but my jacks smack is Gavin trouble at 34% RH without a dome. Clear plastic packaging works great for dome just look at grocery store especially in bakery section and in salads, or pre made meals...
So I've noticed that they're growing pretty much as fast or maybe even faster under the CFLs from my bedroom lamp than the MH, not sure if it's because they're too young to tell the difference or what, so I've got them under that for part of the day now, to save a bit on electricity.

Yah I got the stone and pump, I am gonna read up on silver nitrate soon too. They're both growing slow, I'm thinking of just keeping them under CFLs until more humid and warm weather comes around then get some new seeds too and start a more serious grow, maybe even make a hydro setup like yours. I'd have to veg them for 4 months to get what people's plants look like at a month usually with the conditions I have right now.
It's only 4 degrees out, how does opening windows help? It should always be above 16 or so in the grow room. I have to use small electric heater on thermostat as my basement hits 13-15 C in the winter.
Let me know if you want me to take the little one and clone it would be happy to. Can also give you a critical kush clone which will be ready in a few days.
Not right now but when it gets closer to 10 degrees it should be better; yeah it's my night temps that I worry about, started bringing them in my furnace room at lights off since it stays above 20 all the time in there. Phone cam is broken so I can't take pics for a bit but no huge growth to show, though the 5th leaves on the BK look promising to be the ones that actually extend out, their stem is longer than all the other ones. Close to 5" high so still growing.

I'll let you know, should be able to PM by later tonight.
So I've noticed that they're growing pretty much as fast or maybe even faster under the CFLs from my bedroom lamp than the MH, not sure if it's because they're too young to tell the difference or what, so I've got them under that for part of the day now, to save a bit on electricity.


I dont know why but I havent been getting notifications for your journal bro. I un-subbed and re-subbed so hopefully I will get updates again.

As for CFLs, mine grew like a champ under CFLs. My new clones are taking off and I got them under CFLs too. I will snap a pic when I get home tonight and post it for ya. I also found this strain doesnt really dig the FFOF soil that I got them but they LOVE the cheap ass soil I got from my local nursery.
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