Foliage spraying while in bloom: Yes or no?

I am a big fan of foliage spraying, I love everything about it... it's very personal and up close, I have always thought too that, the plants like it, just as we would, getting a nice wash... love it!
Anyways, if you have viewed my OD thread, you know my girls are well into flowering which brings me to the question of the hour.
I have always used a foliar spray all teh way through the plants life but, recently, I have a friend or two that thinks you take a chance on ruining the buds by foliage spraying.
So... do you foliage spray while your plants are in bloom, if you do... what are some of your fav products to use and... how often do you use them?
I appreciate all serious comments/feedback although, I would like to hear from some of you w/actual "personal experience" w/the aforementioned subject matter!
This is very important to me, thanks in advance for your input... cheers!
no. Wouldn't recomend foliar sraying during flower at all. Firstly being the thought of dried nutes on my buds just really puts a bad taste in my mouth, 2nd being the risk of getting the beds wet and inticing mold growth. A thrid thing to consider is the added humidity. Plants in flower generally like less humidity than when they were in veg. These are my thoughts on the subject any ways.
I spray during Veg only. I use a little fox farms Big Bloom and epsom salts. When I was a true nube and didn't know any better I misted an outdoor plant from start to finish with fish emulsion and I didn't have any bud rot (and got 1lb from an 8' plant). The taste wasn't great though and I attributed that to the buds getting sprayed.
no. Wouldn't recomend foliar sraying during flower at all. Firstly being the thought of dried nutes on my buds just really puts a bad taste in my mouth, 2nd being the risk of getting the beds wet and inticing mold growth. A thrid thing to consider is the added humidity. Plants in flower generally like less humidity than when they were in veg. These are my thoughts on the subject any ways.
Im with u on this grow friend!
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