Ganesha's Evolution

A made a litre of the Biocanna nutes for the left one and top dressed those before lights out.
I can already see just now that it's colouring in between the veins. Who said in the SIP club that SIPS need more nutes not less?
I've not been feeding less, just as per dosage, but it's not enough the plants balloon so fast that they are perpetually hungry.
So I thought I'll add some of that stuff on top as the bioavailability is different and not as aggressive, I gave the right also a little splash.

Things are coming up

Oh yeah they are definitely moving up.
Had to back off the light a bit as I saw some upturned edges, so back to 114 watts and around 550 par and let them grow into it. It's wasted on autos as I won't ever need the power.


Barney's farm is always bringing it with the high finger leaf count which is something I've noticed from the 3 strains I've grown so far.

Before the Biocanna nutes these were still a lot paler, so I'm going to repeat that again in a couple days.
There's still nutes in the can but she's sipping slowly.
The middle one I had to fill the reservoir already again as she's drinking the fastest, she's also the furthest along into the flowering process.
And the third one is in her own mini slow world.. the Amnesia is still alive which amazes me as I kinda plonked her into a fully fertigated SIP.. not a good idea, still alive but very very slow.
Should be day 30 of 77 lol.

Hmm this is the first time I wanna dump in more nutes in the SIP, now is the GHE stuff insufficient? or does the sip & synth combo make it grow very fast putting her ahead of requirements?
The splash of bionutes very visually helped... I'm doing another one tomorrow.

@Jon I do use the ventilator early on to build stronger plants, can't stand a flailing seedling, I open up the tent everyday and put the big fan on them for an hour. I wish I had an even bigger one as well they accustom quickly to the strength.
But I've been thinking I feel the topping you do is the biggest impulse for bigger branching as the bending over in a young auto often results more in the plant just laying itself sideways a bit which does not give the same strong oh shit we're the mainbud signal. So yeah next time auto I will just roll out the top growth and see how that goes.
They all needed their reservoirs filled today, consumption is ticking up.
The middle one is praying and stretching like crazy

This one also grew a lot whilst keeping miniature :rolleyes:

And this one I'm very glad the flowering process is a bit behind as she just grows bigger branches and leaves.. biggest buds should be here.
Blasting music, a joint & fanning and looking at the plants.
Been doing that a lot as this has been going so fast I clearly remember planting the seeds last week 😆
And I'm seeing a couple of branches that are going to be promising buds.
I'm annoyed by the gap on the right though.. with photos that wouldn't have happened, even if one died in the transplant could have easily fleshed it out with the others.. but nope now I stunted an auto.. but she's still going to deliver some bud though.


Munch Munch Munch

Miauw! @Bill284
Blasting music, a joint & fanning and looking at the plants.
Been doing that a lot as this has been going so fast I clearly remember planting the seeds last week 😆
And I'm seeing a couple of branches that are going to be promising buds.
I'm annoyed by the gap on the right though.. with photos that wouldn't have happened, even if one died in the transplant could have easily fleshed it out with the others.. but nope now I stunted an auto.. but she's still going to deliver some bud though.


Munch Munch Munch

Miauw! @Bill284
Aww what a sweetheart. :love:
Have a great weekend Amigo.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
This green mother from outta space!
Just fired a bunch of leaves from her tops, before I went to sleep those were flat, now there's a pillar of giant leaves rising straight out of each. Now I'm thinking I might have overdone it, feeding her two nutrient lines but she still is moving a lot and after each feed the leaves are colouring in and greening up.
She's a bit droopy now but lights are about to go off, that's why.

She's definitely the favourite as she got the biggest stem, bigger leaves and is taking longer to switch to flowering.
And you can just pour nutes in it and she doesn't complain? What is this SIP magic? as the bottom is wet with feed from the reservoir and for the past three days I've bonked an extra litre on top, and she just goes yeah yeah yeah.
Light's just came on.. making it day 33? and sweet Jebus, they just keep rising by the hour really.

I mean these were the plants on Monday... they were just a bit over the water meter..

And this main got a bit out of control.. probably should get rid of those two long spindly sides.

I think I'm going to give one more top dressing to the left.. she's almost there, there are still some shades of lighter on the leaves but overall she's a lot more green than she was couple of days ago before the extras and almost like her sister, but bigger.
And you can just pour nutes in it and she doesn't complain? What is this SIP magic? as the bottom is wet with feed from the reservoir and for the past three days I've bonked an extra litre on top, and she just goes yeah yeah yeah.
I actually think it's the passive air chamber down low at the bottom roots. It is kinda amazing we don't get root rot with how wet we keep those roots, but we don't.
I actually think it's the passive air chamber down low at the bottom roots. It is kinda amazing we don't get root rot with how wet we keep those roots, but we don't.
Operating like a very slow passive bubbler kinda

The grow speed this time around is pretty phenomenal, so is the Synth & Sip not a bad combo?
Got biggest auto branching indoor yet.. and it's pretty easy as the ratios are super simple and the water is clean going in the reservoir, not a brown sludge, but I'm not minding pouring the brown sludge on top if needed.

I just did and I hope this will be sufficient, I've also increased the power as they feel like they can handle more light now.
Big fan hours are also up as the way they are stretching I want them as sturdy as possible.
The grow speed this time around is pretty phenomenal, so is the Synth & Sip not a bad combo?
It's a great combo! I mean have you seen Buds Buddy and LKA's grows?

That's the great thing about these containers, you bring your own soil mix, nutes and grow style and let the pot handle the watering duties.
Light's just came on.. making it day 33? and sweet Jebus, they just keep rising by the hour really.

I mean these were the plants on Monday... they were just a bit over the water meter..

And this main got a bit out of control.. probably should get rid of those two long spindly sides.

I think I'm going to give one more top dressing to the left.. she's almost there, there are still some shades of lighter on the leaves but overall she's a lot more green than she was couple of days ago before the extras and almost like her sister, but bigger.
Absolutely awesome looking plant. Damn. Every time I sarcastically tell Azi I’m not a SIP guy yet someone posts an amazing SIP plant and I’m like damn. This is gorgeous.
Every time I sarcastically tell Azi I’m not a SIP guy yet someone posts an amazing SIP plant and I’m like damn. This is gorgeous.
Yet is the operative word there. But don't you worry one bit. I will wear you down and you'll try it just to get me off your back. :cool:

Said with love, of course. :green_heart:
Yet is the operative word there. But don't you worry one bit. I will wear you down and you'll try it just to get me off your back. :cool:

Said with love, of course. :green_heart:
Lol but @Fenderbender sure has nailed it. Wow.
Lol but @Fenderbender sure has nailed it. Wow.
Eeeeh... I'm looking at the branching, very tight but there's some that took off and developed very well and a couple of others still lacking, a bit messy, uneven collection... I should try to top autos, I think that will make a whole lot of difference in sending the side branches.

Now with how hard they are going at the moment I am positive about the buds that are coming, there might be a couple of real nice ones on there.. The middle plant has lost symmetry though but there's still hope for the left one.
I'm expecting a nice yield off those two.

I was kinda thinking of maybe trying to remove the net again at this point it's not doing much anymore. so I can play with the positioning again, I kinda want to space the two big ones apart.. or maybe the biggest in the middle so it gets the two side lights.

And well I'm in week 4 now almost 5.. and they really stretched hard the past 48hrs, final push? or do they got even more to give? left one I would think so since it's still going, the other one is already mostly thinking of budding.

Even the small one it's a bit lower but it's keeping up with the rest
Looking a bit rough.. but I got the net removed, that took a while and lots of care, didn't snap anything and didn't rip any leaves off.
IMG_1696172293631 2.JPEG

But now I can do this again.. they are both clearly green enough now.
Honestly that stretch kinda ruined them as just over a couple of days they shot up so much, but not in a good way as so much sidies shot up long.. I wanna cut most away again.

Good thing I still got this one :)
IMG_1696173565163 2.JPEG

Tomorrow will be another sunny day, but they are sleeping midday, I'd like to get a lot of real wind through them, something with a bit of pull & power.
Woohoo, the outside spruced them right up.
Repeat tomorrow.. and Tuesday it's supposed to be cloudy and a bit of rain, but if windy I might give them a go for a bit as today was pretty much blue skies and pretty still only the gentlest of breezes..
I'm glad I can move them around again.

I've also upped the LED power to full the past days and they don't seem to mind.. so yeah let's see what happens.

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