Gator's Cage

[*]1970 Ford Pinto impacting at .8c 14,320.51 megatons...

Guess I should have just typed that a c-fractional car wouldn't shatter the planet.

I c your point...

That's still one deadly little Pinto. ;)

Imagine if it had a full tank of gas, too...

(ever see "Top Secret" with Val Kilmer?)

....Worse than a Corvair.

Unsafe At Any Speed...Who Knew? :ganjamon:


P.S. Your post was a blast! :)

P.P.S. I'd Rep you for doin' all that work stoned also, but looks like I have to spread it around 1st.

Won't bother checkin' your math - as long as you don't go checkin' mine, either! All of the stuff I post is merely Alimentary, My Dear Watson. ;)
Cage at 36 days doesn't look too shorn, green grows back. It's in the 'swell', so I try to be patient. All the lower buds in light have frost, so I'm not sorry I pruned, but... I'm not yet ready to recommend what I do.

These are at 33 days, w/ 400 ... Always three days behind

Finally I put last years' seeds in wet coir. Seven fem seeds, we'll see what comes up
Looks like a bit of Mag. lockout/shortage in that very last pic with the seeds. You're in soil, right? A little Epsom will fix that as long as your PH is set
Looking frosty:morenutes:
Gator they are looking sweet
More radically sweet smelling than their appearance fluroman, funky :yummy:
I'll admit, I've been holding back with my Fiskars till I read the next chapter here... looking like my girls are getting some more trimming...

Nice work Gator!
Cool OBX, I just knew that you had better sense than to follow my lead before my follow up report. I always try new ideas to excess, the middle road comes later. Strangly, successes don't teach me to do what works again. I think I learn by failures in the post-action re-cap. If a little is good, more is better, right?
Looks like a bit of Mag. lockout/shortage in that very last pic with the seeds. You're in soil, right? A little Epsom will fix that as long as your PH is set
Looking frosty
Chopper, you bring up a puzzler: How much available Ca and Mg is in my source water? I read the annual report, and cannot quite yet decifer the truth. Many commercial fertilizers include no guaranteed Ca, and small Mg. I believe that growers are expected to know, and suppliment their water with the correct amounts of these minerals as soluble salts.
My grows seem to do well on either H&G Cocos base, or Lucas. This in tap water which measures about 240 ppm.
Those somewhat sad plants that you comment on have excuses, unlike me. They languished for 40 days & nights in 2.5 oz Dixie cups under shop lights.
Two hours before they got new homes in 3.5" pots, they were severely wilted.
They re-animated, got transplanted and trimmed of the worst looking foliage.

The seeds went in dry, half inch down into rinsed and lightly charged coir.
One beautiful group of plants. You inspired me to go vertical. just waiting for the bulb.
Two Tokes, several others also have made the move to vertical, coir, and/or CMH. My quest to turn all costs and investments into THC continues with no end in sight. Whatever ideas you see in my grows are yours to use, but with a grain of salt advised.
We're not riding a gravy train, but we are going to Funky Town.
Two Tokes, several others also have made the move to vertical, coir, and/or CMH. My quest to turn all costs and investments into THC continues with no end in sight. Whatever ideas you see in my grows are yours to use, but with a grain of salt advised.
We're not riding a gravy train, but we are going to Funky Town.

I am enough a contrarian skeptic that I don't need the salt. Thank-you for sharing your hard work and making my path easier. I hope one day to return the favor. If not to you then another grower on the path.:thanks:
Yup, lots of good info here, though I don't think it'll ever quite replace Google - they get all their stuff from other places, after all. Where would the big G be without sites like 420? (How many topics have you G'd and have a thread from this site come up for the result? )

Some of my favorite novels growing up were stuff like the Niven/Pournelle The Mote in God's Eye/Lucifer's Hammer collaborations, and Heinlein's The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. Actual hard science concepts (like throwing stuff at the earth from far above the gravity well) integrated into compelling storytelling. I wonder who here besides Mmmmick and OMM are into that stuff? TS too, no doubt...

Geez...even Brazilian girls don't trim like that... :yikes: Those girls're gearin' up to be porn stars, Gator... ;)

(don't forget to get the close-up 'money shots' when it's time)

Say, what's with the little plastic baggies over some of the starter pots? For those, I do not yet a purpose see.

Confused, you've made me. Talking like Yoda, I now am.


(A 'TL Original'. ;) I do a few motivational poster captions in my spare time. This one's from last summer)

folks all the time said:
Ever wonder if this little guy gets dizzy going 'round and round like that? (keep your eyes on the horizon, emoti-chan...)
Say, what's with the little plastic baggies over some of the starter pots? For those, I do not yet a purpose see.

Confused, you've made me. Talking like Yoda, I now am.

Maybe he has the strain of the seed written on the bags??? Love Yoda!!
I hope one day to return the favor
From these pages, we learn to grow
Then pass it forward, not quid pro quo
WOW!! It's really hard to get my head around all the information I keep finding at this site!! F### Google!! All we need is 420 Magazine!!
Two years ago, I'd never heard the term '420'. A Google search brought me.
I wonder who here besides Mmmmick and OMM are into that stuff? TS too, no doubt...
Amoung those of us of the right vintage, I wonder who has not read R. Heinlein, J. Pournelle, L. Niven. They took liberties with reality, but not physics. Only author I know that wrote of likely life in 50 yrs was William Gibson. Now 30 yrs later, his dark portraits still come into the light.
I had a job in 1969 working for a big states' motor vehicle dept, on their IBM 360 system. I knew then that what we have now would replace all that, because Heinlein said so. I still anticipate AI autonomy, but where does one draw the line to define?
don't forget to get the close-up 'money shots' when it's time
I need an expensive SLR, with macro lens and ring light but... I have models :)
Pornography! Is there anybody still confused about anatomy?
I've always prefered ideas presented literally, but photos too are :yummy:

One little plastic baggie had a label that I couldn't transfer and I put the others over the seed sites as a blanket against the withering fan breeze. I was high, but took the silly plastic off the next day. Still waiting for eruptions.
Maybe he has the strain of the seed written on the bags?
Yes for one, the others were for a stoners' fun.
Just finished "Mona Lisa Overdrive" - great series, such an economy of words, you almost have to read it twice to fill in everything W.Gibson is saying.

I'm about 2 weeks behind you with my grow... this is like having an instruction manual, reading one chapter ahead of what I'm doing. Still taking it easy with the Fiskars, but not letting any big fans steal all the light either.
I can't believe how your nekkid ladies bounced back from that radical pruning.

quite an insult they shrugged off.

These ladies encourage experimentation, as opposed to African Violets or something like that where you're afraid to fart near them.
Like athletes on 'juice' :hmmmm:
I've never been tempted to grow African Violets, nor Pansys.
Only thing coddled in my life is my cat, who cares no more than PX if I fart.

Bel, I usually think I know why I do things when I do them, but the next day my suprise can be genuine. Then I have to rationalize to myself before I can sell a new crock o shit to you all, acting like I know what I'm doing.
Still taking it easy with the Fiskars, but not letting any big fans steal all the light either.
Softly softly catchee monkey
While the cages ripen, Gator got busy in the nest ;)
Seven for seven seedlings, took four days. No soak, no 'germing' in paper towels. 100%, and these seeds came to my hand last year.
LA Woman, Sour Cream, Ortega Indica, Utopia Haze, Arjans Strawberry Haze, Hawaiin Snow, and Blue Widow - not in that order:

I can see via crystal ball, PX and these seven, all in one cage brawl.
While the cages ripen, Gator got busy in the nest ;)
Seven for seven seedlings, took four days. No soak, no 'germing' in paper towels. 100%, and these seeds came to my hand last year.
LA Woman, Sour Cream, Ortega Indica, Utopia Haze, Arjans Strawberry Haze, Hawaiin Snow, and Blue Widow - not in that order:

I can see via crystal ball, PX and these seven, all in one cage brawl.

Alright! I just started some Hawaiian Snow and Arjans Strawberry, to name a few!
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