Gator's Cage

Re: Gators' Cage

Bottom popcorn have trichomes
Top buds vibrate with growth
Seasonal heat is a burdon
I sweat in my skivvies, but hope

I'll rig the other cage like it
The light and shadows delight
Comparison grows for the market
Of Knowledge! Lose wrong, gain right
Re: Gators' Cage

Now, in the 'swell' time of the grow, progress seems slow
I think I see it, but but what do I know? Only pictures can show
Not mine, neither I nor my camera are so finely tuned
Of one thing I'm fairly sure: I'll have a bumper crop soon :)

Here's a shot:
Re: Gators' Cage


there's a big set rollin' in ;)

yeah, those PL-L's don't look too easy to open up, but if/when you make the ballasts external, let me know how it went.

I'd much prefer to run without meters too, and did for a while, but they have their place as long as we don't allow them too much sway ;)

garbage in/garbage out

native meters have the advantage of improved sensitivity if exercised
Re: Gators' Cage

Some nice prose on display in that cage
Oh drat! I thought the buds were better than that.
Is it the camera? Miss-lighting truth, and not telling all.
Or the cage. Allowing only poor view of center stage.
Probably attitude. I must accept what ever comes my way with gratitude.

Re: Gators' Cage


there's a big set rollin' in ;)

yeah, those PL-L's don't look too easy to open up, but if/when you make the ballasts external, let me know how it went.

I'd much prefer to run without meters too, and did for a while, but they have their place as long as we don't allow them too much sway ;)

garbage in/garbage out

native meters have the advantage of improved sensitivity if exercised
Surf's up! :surf:
don't look too easy to open up
For more than 50 years, I've been expert at disassembly.
Less consistant with putting it back together :hmmmm:
I'd much prefer to run without meters
As I mix fresh nutrient solution every day, meter readings are boringly the same. That's going in. The 10 to 30% runoff is another story. Numbers too high to measure by my meter; 'scary' stuff I don't want to see?
Commercial tomatoe growers running WTW in rockwool have reported 5000 ppm in their outflow, without crop loss. Last night I poured in a couple quarts of plain tap-water first, then their gallon of mix. I don't want to get too crazy. Not much :)
My mix is about 1200 which includes 240 'preload' city tap. I'm mixing exactly: the schedule published by H&G for normal Cocos in their 5th of 8 weeks growth. Plus 2 mls ProTekt silicon.
garbage in/garbage out
But... but I don't use organics!
Perhaps you're speaking geek? In that language, I may be weak.
Of course. Numbers out of context are at best useless, and potentially harmful.
native meters have the advantage of improved sensitivity if exercised
Experienced eyes are less naive, or scarred by repeated abuse.

Keeping the green side up, the brown side down. This stuff's easy!
Re: Gators' Cage

For more than 50 years, I've been expert at disassembly.
Less consistant with putting it back together :hmmmm:

Reminds me of when I cut a flute in half when I was a kid to see what made the sound. Came up empty, but that didn't slow me down, lol. My toys trembled and had limited lifetimes if how they worked wasn't obvious ;).

As I mix fresh nutrient solution every day, meter readings are boringly the same. That's going in. The 10 to 30% runoff is another story. Numbers too high to measure by my meter; 'scary' stuff I don't want to see?
Commercial tomatoe growers running WTW in rockwool have reported 5000 ppm in their outflow, without crop loss. Last night I poured in a couple quarts of plain tap-water first, then their gallon of mix. I don't want to get too crazy. Not much :)
My mix is about 1200 which includes 240 'preload' city tap. I'm mixing exactly: the schedule published by H&G for normal Cocos in their 5th of 8 weeks growth. Plus 2 mls ProTekt silicon.

well, your maters are lookin' mighty tasty Mr. Gator ;)

garbage in/garbage out

But... but I don't use organics!
Perhaps you're speaking geek? In that language, I may be weak.
Of course. Numbers out of context are at best useless, and potentially harmful.

numbers are best used to corroborate our senses IMO, although it seems popular to place faith in little LCD screens

Experienced eyes are less naive, or scarred by repeated abuse.

experienced eyes also see things globally, which is something a meter can't do

Keeping the green side up, the brown side down. This stuff's easy!

I know.

My biggest challenge in growing is getting out of the way, lol
Re: Gators' Cage

Reminds me of when I cut a flute in half when I was a kid to see what made the sound. Came up empty, but that didn't slow me down, lol. My toys trembled and had limited lifetimes if how they worked wasn't obvious ;).

well, your maters are lookin' mighty tasty Mr. Gator ;)

numbers are best used to corroborate our senses IMO, although it seems popular to place faith in little LCD screens

experienced eyes also see things globally, which is something a meter can't do

I know.

My biggest challenge in growing is getting out of the way, lol

I agree with all.

You guys should check out a book called,"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman." Its an autobiography of Richard P. Feynman. One of the most brilliant men ever. I believe he is still the only man ever to win the Nobel Prize for Mathematics AND the Nobel Prize for Peace. Anyways, one of the chapters in there talks about when he was a kid, and working with electronics - called "Fixing stuff by taking it apart". He was asked why he got into the stuff in the first place. He said his grandmother gave him an old radio that wasn't working. He took it apart, couldn't figure out what was wrong and put it back together. When he put it back together - it worked again. Everyone thought he was a genius.

Re: Gators' Cage

When he put it back together - it worked again. Everyone thought he was a genius.
Put it back together? working?? Kid was a friggin genious!!!
numbers are best used to corroborate our senses IMO, although it seems popular to place faith in little LCD screens

experienced eyes also see things globally, which is something a meter can't do
Along my life's road was a stint as a shipfitter, building a new boat for the Navy. Inspectors rarely used their tape measure. If what they saw displeased their eye, they might suggest the fitter read the blueprint. We used our bloody tape measures, too often wrong.

Just think about where we all might be if cannabis was finicky to grow
If there's a more productive plant, it's one that I don't know
Forgiving, resiliant, fast growing and tough. My kind of girl from go
Shrugs off most nasty bug attacks. Fair bit of luck, eh? For sure
Re: Gators' Cage

Off-topic, but did you do any work on carrier construction?
Re: Gators' Cage

I agree with all.

You guys should check out a book called,"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman." Its an autobiography of Richard P. Feynman. One of the most brilliant men ever. I believe he is still the only man ever to win the Nobel Prize for Mathematics AND the Nobel Prize for Peace. Anyways, one of the chapters in there talks about when he was a kid, and working with electronics - called "Fixing stuff by taking it apart". He was asked why he got into the stuff in the first place. He said his grandmother gave him an old radio that wasn't working. He took it apart, couldn't figure out what was wrong and put it back together. When he put it back together - it worked again. Everyone thought he was a genius.


Richard Feynman's name has been mentioned to me this year at least 3-4 different times, so I'm going to start by reading your recommendation.

thanks Papa Green ;)
Re: Gators' Cage

Just think about where we all might be if cannabis was finicky to grow
If there's a more productive plant, it's one that I don't know
Forgiving, resiliant, fast growing and tough. My kind of girl from go
Shrugs off most nasty bug attacks. Fair bit of luck, eh? For sure
:grinjoint: True That!
Re: Gators' Cage

Just think about where we all might be if cannabis was finicky to grow
If there's a more productive plant, it's one that I don't know
Forgiving, resiliant, fast growing and tough. My kind of girl from go
Shrugs off most nasty bug attacks. Fair bit of luck, eh? For sure
:grinjoint: True That!

Kind of like how fortunate we all are that the planet is the right distance from the sun to establish the temperature that allows water to exist in its liquid phase ;)
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