Gator's Cage

Re: Gators' Cage


117g of these. 52g high grade trim. All dank, sticky, stoney
Way short of potential, based on trial grow results, but...
Abused clones didn't get near enough veg time.
CMH bulb was pulled after only a week or two, and a sad HPS finished up.
I'm happy, not just stoned ;)

In the other cage, rock 'n roll music plays. Wallflowers tied to the cage.
They surge ever higher, wanting more light
They shall have it. Two of these: PL-55 TEK
I'll hang them on top, one each side of the CMH, which then goes down.
I want all the lumens from the center bulb to hit chlorophyll.
The top buds want direct light too, they told me so.
At risk of boring, these shots are new, but only 30 hrs growth. They're bumpin'.



Re: Gators' Cage

PG, that's looking great. That's a pretty good deal on the lights. I've gotta pay 125 beans for a 2' 4 light Sunsystem. I've ended up with 5 now! They sure run cool.

Re: Gators' Cage

SS, the top buds are in shade. To light them with just the one bulb, I'd have to waste lumens from the top of the band of light. Leaving them to run out as is would give me a nicer g/w ratio. Doubling the power will not double the yield, but I expect bigger, heavier buds. Heath-style 2g/w will have to wait. With 466 watts, 1g/w would be sweet from a 30" box. These PL-55 TEK lights give cheap, dense lumens and I can hang them right where I want them. On a future grow with all lights running from the gitgo, the g/w ratio will likely improve. Economy of scale is a funny thing. So is efficiency :smokin:
I've much more to learn, like how to use BushMaster to my benefit. I doubt that GWS is the most ideal strain for me, but I must run them to know, then re-run with changes. Then try another. I want PEs' strength and stink with donkey-dick colas, dense and heavy but mold resistant. And to complete flowering in six weeks. Bullet-proof moms and instant rooted cuttings would be nice.
If I was religious, St Jude would be my pick for prayers :rollit:
Re: Gators' Cage

33 days in flower. Till today, only the one 250 CMH had powered this growth:


If my main aim was highest yield to power ratio, this grow was on track. My goals are for biggest yield in the box, so more lights arrived today as promised. I got 6400k and 3000k tubes, and put the red ones in to start. mixes with the blue/white light of the CMH which I've lowered a bit more into the canopy. Top light should fatten the top buds, but I have no control group to compare. Let's see what happens anyway. These GWS are much more robust than the PEs recently harvested, but the Pineapple Express is not to blame :)
Re: Gators' Cage

wow, it's gettin' thick in there Mr. Gator ;)

I bet they're gonna love all the additional lumens.

Are you still able to control temps with the T5's in there and no exhaust fan? How you're doing that is a total mystery to me.

Unless, of course, you're one of those Siberian gators pretending to live in the US.

I've been thinking about your comment that this type of setup doesn't lend itself to sitting there stoned looking at your plants, and you know, that's close to being a deal-breaker for me, lol.
Re: Gators' Cage

Yessir, they are dense enough to stop most light from escaping. I dropped the 'big' bulb down and expect good lower buddage while the PL 55s are taking care of business up top.
Daily growth is not obvious, but when I look at last weeks photos I see. Maybe three more weeks, from what I've heard. Trichs are not nearly as dense as PEs have been at this stage, but seem to be coming up.

I prop the doors open a bit when the lights are on. With the up-pointed fan, the temps in the green zone seem OK. Plants seem unstressed, green and healthy so whatever the temps actually are must be good enough. I don't own a thermometer, it's easier to not stress over numbers if I don't know them ;)

I had an unwelcome encampment of beautiful irradiant flies in the cage, loving the new lights. 6 or 8 big ones. Can't swing a fly swatter in there, so I used a little SNS 217. Didn't do them immediately, but they're dead today. Hooray!
I couldn't smell it, and it's a natural non-toxic extract so :rip:
Wish I was photographer enough to save those flies, sure were pretty. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Gators' Cage

Hi Mr Gator;)

I don't own a thermometer, it's easier to not stress over numbers if I don't know them

Someday I may develop a sense of my plants like you do. You just seem to feel what is right for them. Amazing my friend. Most of us would be lost without our gadgets. :smokin:
Re: Gators' Cage

Wish I was photographer enough to save those flies, sure were pretty

Tits-up flies, the choice of paparazzo shutterbugs world-wide ;)

You're looking good Brother Gator
Re: Gators' Cage

SS, those Flo fixtures are relatively not hot, but the ballasts do put out some heat. The bare CMH bulb alone was cool, but ventilation upgrades are next. The doors are open now as the lights are on. I wish it wasn't such a hassle to remove the T5s' ballasts to join the rest of them. I'll do it anyway, but not just yet. And I'll get a thermometer, I think I'm pushing limits here and don't want to foolishly kill a crop.
Gotta lotta light inna little box. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Old Man, my 'chops' or instincts are mostly about cannabis' will to grow. Truly one of the most vigorous cultivars on the planet. Set up middle road conditions, get excellent results. Maximize conditions, do a little better. Genetics are #1. Light and hydration are next. Then air. Nutrient ratios and quantity/quality may be the least critical limiting growth factor, yet many growers seem to concentrate on noots.

Those flies glittered in the limelight,
and would have made nice, pretty pictures.
Oh well, they're dead and I'll kill their cousins upon arrival :smokin:

Bud shots @35 days:



Re: Gators' Cage

Propa Gator;1103*** said:
Yessir, they are dense enough to stop most light from escaping. I dropped the 'big' bulb down and expect good lower buddage while the PL 55s are taking care of business up top.
Daily growth is not obvious, but when I look at last weeks photos I see. Maybe three more weeks, from what I've heard. Trichs are not nearly as dense as PEs have been at this stage, but seem to be coming up.

I prop the doors open a bit when the lights are on. With the up-pointed fan, the temps in the green zone seem OK. Plants seem unstressed, green and healthy so whatever the temps actually are must be good enough. I don't own a thermometer, it's easier to not stress over numbers if I don't know them ;)

I had an unwelcome encampment of beautiful irradiant flies in the cage, loving the new lights. 6 or 8 big ones. Can't swing a fly swatter in there, so I used a little SNS 217. Didn't do them immediately, but they're dead today. Hooray!
I couldn't smell it, and it's a natural non-toxic extract so :rip:
Wish I was photographer enough to save those flies, sure were pretty. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Whoa, impressive for caged specimens :bravo:

How do you use the SNS 217? Says not to get it on the buds, and it looks like all you've got is buds!

Re: Gators' Cage

How do you use the SNS 217? Says not to get it on the buds, and it looks like all you've got is buds!
Lots of buds yes, thanks for noticing. There are fan leaves. Buds don't grow without them. I sprayed only a little on lower leaves. "Spray to dripping" is for the intended targets; The Borg. Spider mites (dare I say the name?) are tough. I don't have them, just some transient flies flitting about doing whatever. They might have just left, I found only one corpse.
I suspect the stuff is harmless to people, anyway. To label insecticide as 'safe', they'd be required to spend 12 million on tests, and 2 million on bribes to FDA officials. Or the other way.
For example: FDA won't allow even Stevia extract to be labeled 'sweetener' because those highlife crooks have been bought by the profiteers who sell that nasty poison in the pink, yellow, and blue packets to people who are fat from french fries and no exercise. I take no government required labels at face value. Big business is immoral, as are the governments they've bought.
Oops! Time for my medicine, See-Ya
Re: Gators' Cage

Lots of buds yes, thanks for noticing. There are fan leaves. Buds don't grow without them. I sprayed only a little on lower leaves. "Spray to dripping" is for the intended targets; The Borg. Spider mites (dare I say the name?) are tough. I don't have them, just some transient flies flitting about doing whatever. They might have just left, I found only one corpse.
I suspect the stuff is harmless to people, anyway. To label insecticide as 'safe', they'd be required to spend 12 million on tests, and 2 million on bribes to FDA officials. Or the other way.
For example: FDA won't allow even Stevia extract to be labeled 'sweetener' because those highlife crooks have been bought by the profiteers who sell that nasty poison in the pink, yellow, and blue packets to people who are fat from french fries and no exercise. I take no government required labels at face value. Big business is immoral, as are the governments they've bought.
Oops! Time for my medicine, See-Ya

Thanks for the reminder, I'm just gonna Flo on :grinjoint:

Re: Gators' Cage

I have more pictures, who knew? I think they're bigger/better in one day, so I'm showing them off. Gave them Top Booster last night and tonight. They get Shooting Powder next week till they're done. With the new lights and chemical augmentators, all I need is some luck to get a Bingo!





That's the back side^, lit by the flash. No excuses this grow; all my best canvass is in the wind.
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