Glass Eye?


New Member
A Blazer I know of had an accident and has to get a glass eye. Does anyone know of a place where they make them so they can also be used as a stash container, or even better yet, also be used to take a hit out of?
I think it would be a mind blower to be able to pop out an eye, stick in a pipe stem, and blaze up. Arrrh, matey, lets hear it for the pirates!
thatd suck to get a splinter in your eyesocket too lol.....another thing that would be cool is a mood eye, like those rings that change color with your mood....instead of being red when your high itd be light green and red when your mad blue when sad and so on lol
I used to know a guy back in the day. I was like 16 and he was ide say in his 60'2 at the time. He was in wars and all kinds of shit. Well everyday when I would be walking home from school this guy would always be chillin on his porch smoking a doob so Ide always hit it with him then go home. Well the dude decides hes moving out of the city and into the country or mountains. Well the last day I ever seen the guy before he up and dissapeared. As always I was walking home...Stop...Smoke...And as Im about to leave he hands me what i figured out to be a glass eye. And as he has no eye in his eye socket he tells me "You go ahead and keep it, something to remember your old pal by, and dont worry I got more in the house". What made it worse was I never knew he had a glass I was in that awe-what the fuck type state.
That is fucking hilarious.
There used to be a joke about a guy who would put his glass eye into a glass of water when he went to bed at night, woke up thirsty, drank the water and swallowed the eye also. Along with many other things, I forgot the punch line. Maybe some of you can help. Possibly something like going to the doctor and having the doctor exclaim,"Don't you trust me?" But with a mood color glass eye, who knows?
I think I better go get some Visine, now.
There used to be a joke about a guy who would put his glass eye into a glass of water when he went to bed at night, woke up thirsty, drank the water and swallowed the eye also. Along with many other things, I forgot the punch line. Maybe some of you can help. Possibly something like going to the doctor and having the doctor exclaim,"Don't you trust me?" But with a mood color glass eye, who knows?
I think I better go get some Visine, now.

A few days before his proctological exam, a one-eyed man accidentally swallowed his glass eye.
He was worried for a while, but there were no ill effects, so he forgot about it.

Once he was in the doctor's office, the man followed his instructions, undressed and bent over. The first thing the proctologist saw when he looked up the man's butt was that glass eye staring right back at him!

"You know," said the doctor, "you really have to learn to trust me."
Thats a trip.

Tell him to get a hollow one with a removable plug/lid/whatever so he can put water and little mini fish in it.

Fuck yeah.
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