Grow Journal Already In Flower Though

there 14days in flower on Sunday
How many weeks they are in total doesn't factor into the thinning at this point. If this coming Sunday will be 14 days after flipping to 12/12, then you would do the post-stretch thinning the Sunday after that.
when 12hr light on should the light be turned of for a min or would it disrupt them
Once you're in flower, never turn the lights on at all during their dark time, even for a minute.
Ok so not this sun but next sun can cut shit ones off but will just leave the leafs now?
How many weeks they are in total doesn't factor into the thinning at this point. If this coming Sunday will be 14 days after flipping to 12/12, then you would do the post-stretch thinning the Sunday after that.

Once you're in flower, never turn the lights on at all during their dark time, even for a minute.

Thanks sorry x
21 days is approximately when stretch finishes (it does vary from plant to plant) so that's pretty much when the branches stop getting longer. The buds will stack on top so they will get taller, though only because of flower growth.

Though a true sativa can stretch well past 21 days. :)
Knowing my luck will continue to stretch lol Nd I'll wake up and it's hugging me lol a garishly sativa lmfao
What's going on here guys light burn? As only 3 leafs


Better to be seen on the plant than off for that kind of diagnosis! Looks environmental to me though.
Plants are looking awesome tho?
They have shot up just from yesterday lol had to lst thm


Might have to raise the light. And the leaf edges are starting to curl up, which is also a sign of light stress.
Cannot raise any higher thinking to get um out the tent
I'd start to tie the tallest ones down to the corner poles. You have a lot more stretch to go through!
Yes still like 11 or 12 days stretch left and that's if they decide to stop will try this thanks last option I wanna do is take them out as lights reflecting in there and wont be when out there also thinking would I be able to cut top of tent and still use ??
If you take them out of the tent they won't get the high lux they can use for flowering, and if you cut the top off the tent it's no longer light-proof for the dark period.

Start tying them down now, and you may have to do some supercropping as well. You don't want your flowers burning!
Yes thank u so much amazing post btw
Though a true sativa can stretch well past 21 days. :)

I saw a 57- or 58-day stretch, something like that. 20.5-week flower :rolleyes: .

Just in case you weren't clear on what 'Shed posted, it's the dark periods that you really don't want to interrupt. It's okay to shut a light down temporarily for maintenance (etc.). Don't forget to turn it back on ;) .

And don't turn off your light(s) by unplugging your timer. Unless it has a battery backup, that would screw up your cycle times (which can be a PitA), and most of the ones that do are cheap Chinese digital ones that should be treated like they might fail at the worst possible moment.

By the way, I don't know whether I mentioned it during my blurple micro-rant, but you can cut up a two-liter Mountain Dew bottle and use that as a filter to get a normal less abnormal-looking picture without having to shut the light down. And there are "LED 'sun'glasses" that are a bit better (and can help you see correctly in there) for gardeners who run blurples. Mars Hydro used to sell them. I don't know if they still do; you could ask their forum representative in the big company thread. If not, comparable products are still floating down that river that flows from the PRC, through nearly every home in the USA, to our landfills.
If you take them out of the tent they won't get the high lux they can use for flowering, and if you cut the top off the tent it's no longer light-proof for the dark period.

Start tying them down now, and you may have to do some supercropping as well. You don't want your flowers burning!
Please guys what's going on here i dont think light anymore


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