Guesstimator's 2ND Grow - ZNET4 LED's - Indoor - 3 Strain


New Member

3 Plants total this time guys. All from seeds plants a couple weeks ago and as seen below, are now in their final homes featuring #5 Smart Pots.

Sex: Feminized
Type: Indica & Sativa
Flowering: Photoperiod
Height: Medium
Area: Indoor & Outdoor
Genetics: Skywalker x Og Kush

Sex: Feminized
Type: Indica & Sativa (Mostly Sativa)
Flowering: Photoperiod
Height: Medium
Area: Indoor & Outdoor
Genetics: Lavender X Power Plant

Sex: Feminized
Type: Indica
Flowering: Photoperiod
Height: Medium
Area: Indoor
Genetics: Critical Mass x OG Kush

I am using samples of NORTH COUNTY BOUNTY 420 BLEND soil, received via mail, free of charge! Go to their website (Google it) and find the blend you want and click the link, looks like fantastic organic(ish) soil and I am very excited to give it a whirl!

I have been using the 3 part GH series but for this grow I will be switching to the GH GO BOX. I just hear too much great stuff to discredit it and not give it a shot.

Plants will continue to see 18 hours until I think the time is right. I am going to rely heavily on the input of others for this switch.

The lights are 3 - ZNET4 GREENSUN units. This vendor is a sponsor here, and Amy is honestly the best vendor I've bought from ever. She has the best prices and support of anyone around. Thank God for great sponsors like her on here!!!

I now have uncovered an ENORMOUS disaster I had going on, and have fixed it. I can't believe I am admitting to it again, but I will. The large charcoal filter and vent fan I have never seemed to cut the mustard. I've had them going for 9 months and never got it working right I felt. Didn't move enough air in my opinion. Welp, NO KIDDING!!! I took the white, pre-filter off yesterday and noticed the packaging, shrink wrap plastic over 99% of the filter still!!! OMG, what a doofus!!! No wonder the filter seemed to work poorly! lol. We live and learn I suppose. Plastic is off now and the room temps have plummeted to acceptable levels, I am at least very happy I found the issue!

Also I have added a T5 BADBOY light for side lighting, when that times comes.

I filter all water thru thefridge and let it sit out overnight at least. Saving for an RO.

I am sure there are a lot of things I have missed, but these are the highlights. Thanks for tuning in and thanks in advance for any and all input!

Here are the plants, all labelled and loving the lights!


Sorry for the sideways pics, gotta run to a family thing! lol



OMG! This is how little (even less that it appears actually!!!) of the filter has been utilized all this time! The plastic wrap has been removed (and soon to be burned at the stake! lol) and this room flows like a son-of-a-gun now!



Here's the ZNET4's and BADBOY side lighting. Ready to rock indeed!!!


Thanks again and love to all! :circle-of-love:
I am honored, front row!
I am jealous too! Each girl gets her own ZNET! Beautiful!:circle-of-love:

So glad you made it Pinky! I aspire to your grow ability and excellent journal updates. You always provide us with great photos, excellently labelled and easy to follow and always a joy to read. It's an honor to have you.

Love to all and have a great Easter everyone!
I got my GH GO BOX today. I opened it up and looked around in the box and decided to add the (approx) light dosage of BioRoot and BioWeed (1 1/4 and 1 tspn, respectively) since I did just transplant and one plant suffered from my heavy handed clumsiness. lol

Hope this helps! Anyone that has experience with these nutes wanna chime in?

Ok guys, this grow is not starting as I'd hoped. The Skywalker has looked like this since right around transplant time, and so has the Cotton Candy. The Skywalker transplant went well I thought, no issues, but the Cotton Candy got the bottom inch or so of soil and roots torn away when transplanting from a 4 inch pot to the #5 Smart Pot. There has been no growth the past 4 days since transplant. Air is circulating, not over-watered I don't believe... I get the Cotton Candy having a fit from the root damage, but what's up with the Skywalker??? It was my favorite of the 3 and now that 2 are suffering I feel like I should start over.

How do I proceed? I want this second grow to be a home run, and I will do whatever it takes...even if that means trashing these guys and starting with fresh seeds...? Will these be problematic now that they have had a rough start to life I presume? If I can save them, how?

No nutes added, North County Bounty soil is being used (and has since germination).



Cotton Candy


Again, I have some other seeds I can use, I wouldn't be happy about ditching these but if a few weeks wasted time will result in better results I am all for it! The more input, and the sooner I can get it, the better!

Thanks guys and gals!!!
Hi Guesstimator,

From the two plants you showed me, I think you will be in great shape.


When they are being transplanted, I always go a little easier on my lights. Do you have just a veg setting? They can go into shock for a couple days, so you want to be gentle.

You can spray your girls with PH'd water a couple times a day. Turn the lights off for about 20 minutes when you do it.

Can you take a picture with the LED off, so I can see the colors better? I think those are the main things, but I could be wrong.

Good luck!:thumb:
I used the same nutes on my first grow. I always did 1/2 of the recommended amount because I was getting nute burn. Just wait until you open the rest of those bottles up! STINKY! It's really good stuff, you just need to be careful.
Hi Guesstimator,

From the two plants you showed me, I think you will be in great shape.


When they are being transplanted, I always go a little easier on my lights. Do you have just a veg setting? They can go into shock for a couple days, so you want to be gentle.

You can spray your girls with PH'd water a couple times a day. Turn the lights off for about 20 minutes when you do it.

Can you take a picture with the LED off, so I can see the colors better? I think those are the main things, but I could be wrong.

Good luck!:thumb:

Thanks PinkyGreen! When transplanting I forgot about the light needing to be lessened and it went 24-36 hours (of 18/4) before I cut the amount of light in half (there are two switches on each fixture, each controls 1/2 of the LED's (or 2 pods each), no Veg switch) as well as raised the lights 8-12" each. This should have dramatically lessened the amount of light received 2-3 days ago.

I watered when I transplanted and then again the next day to rid the Smart Pots of any dry pockets. I did add 1/2 tspn of the BioRoot from the Go Box (how do you like that product Pinky? You use it, yea?) when I watered the 2nd time). Potentially over-watering is the cause?

So, I guess so far we have a combo of:

1)Normal transplant shock to the Skywalker and above normal shock (and trauma) to the Cotton Candy. Each should be fine with time?

2)Light levels were initially too bright and close to the plants after transplant.

3)Perhaps too much watering (but they are in Smart Pots and LOT of ventilation...)

Anyone disagree, concur or have added input? The third plant is perky and happy, but without any growth during this same time period.

Cotton Candy - Had root damage during transplant



Below are a couple more pictures.

First we have the healthy plant, the Critical Kush. It looks fine to me, but again, (what I imagine is normal) there is a lack of growth since transplanting.



Then we have the Skywalker again. I took a close-up to show the puffed up areas between veins. This is what concerns me most frankly. The drooping is similar to the Cotton Candy that got damaged, but the puffiness is unique to this plant. Why?

Hey Guesstimator,

I think they'll bounce back. They are a little droopy now, but they look otherwise very healthy. Just be patient and talk sweet to them. Unfortunately I can't speak on nutes, as I haven't really gotten into that yet. I am using the easiest to use thing ever. TGA Super Soil. It's pretty awesome.
Nice intro. Roots will grow back by looking at the nice green color hang in there with the ones you got. The just looked like trans shock to me going on.
Thanks to everyone for the input! I checked for a brief second before leaving for wok today and the Skywalker is definitely drooping more today on the lower leaves. I sure hope this shock period they are going thru ends soon.

More pictures later today if I can get away from work in time. Thanks again all!
Thanks PinkyGreen! When transplanting I forgot about the light needing to be lessened and it went 24-36 hours (of 18/4) before I cut the amount of light in half (there are two switches on each fixture, each controls 1/2 of the LED's (or 2 pods each), no Veg switch) as well as raised the lights 8-12" each. This should have dramatically lessened the amount of light received 2-3 days ago.

I watered when I transplanted and then again the next day to rid the Smart Pots of any dry pockets. I did add 1/2 tspn of the BioRoot from the Go Box (how do you like that product Pinky? You use it, yea?) when I watered the 2nd time). Potentially over-watering is the cause?

So, I guess so far we have a combo of:

1)Normal transplant shock to the Skywalker and above normal shock (and trauma) to the Cotton Candy. Each should be fine with time?

2)Light levels were initially too bright and close to the plants after transplant.

3)Perhaps too much watering (but they are in Smart Pots and LOT of ventilation...)

Anyone disagree, concur or have added input? The third plant is perky and happy, but without any growth during this same time period.

1) Yes :high-five:
2) True
3) I don't think it's too much watering, just transplant shock. It usually takes at least 3-7 days for my transplants to show real growth. I always put my finger in the soil almost all of the way to feel for any dampness. If I don't feel any, I water. I never water/feed when they feel wet or moist. Be sure to mist your girls (lights off) a couple times a day until their roots have re-established.

Jimmy and Sweetleaf are awesome resources too!

Well, coming home was a nice surprise! The plants appear happy and with much less droop! WOOHOO! Sorry if I hit the panic button early guys, I just really built up this grow after my first one, and want to apply so many tricks I didn't know the first go 'round. I sure didn't want to start with a bust from the start! lol

Soil is drying nicely I think. The Smart Pots are nice. I thought I wouldn't like them but owed them a chance, and I'm glad I did. Soil is wet about 2 inches down (dry up above that) and will most likely dry up enough to water again this weekend. Now that I have LED's, and the filter restriction is gone, I have much less heat and the plants stay wet longer as expected (another reason I used Smart Pots, don't want mold!).

Here they are as of a few minutes ago. Much, much better I think!

SKYWALKER is back on track! It was the worst off, and now it has the most improvement!


COTTON CANDY is bouncing back nicely too!


CRITICAL KUSH never had too bad an issue, it was more the lack of growth (which I knew was normal).


Now they are gonna get HUGE!!

+Reps for not reacting and staying strong with patience. It's so difficult and counterintuitive to let them be. But you did it, and you will be very happy you did.

Thanks Pinky! You are too kind :)
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