Hello all you plant lovers. I'm a hobbiest my self.

chrome dome

New Member
Just a little info about myself. I've got 4 grows under my belt. Grow #1 was class A herbacide. The rest have been an uphill climb off of dumbass mistakes, But have hit once with some realy rightous white widow. So one question any one think 1400 watts led is to much for 20 sqr ft of growing area 4 bushy indica sativa crosses. I'd apreciate any info. Thanks:goodjob:
Hi Chrome Dome,

First let me welcome you to 420 Magazine and the community of members that gathers here.

Glad to hear you stuck with your growing efforts in spite of less than stellar results! I hope this doesn't come across as me contradicting anyone else's thoughts, but I can't help wonder if a little additional information might allow better suggestions from those responding.

While I agree with Harley001 re: the 50 watts per sq. ft. recommendation, I always understood this to be a minimum amount of light necessary during bloom. I've seen recommendations as low as 35 watts for plants during the vegetative state. I'm just not sure I'm ready to believe that too much light will hurt a plant, but I will definitely concede that a point of diminishing returns exists where the extra light is unnecessary and the additional electrical cost therefor also unnecessary.

I also wonder what type of environment this much light would used in. I say this to differentiate from 1400 watts LED light in an open room (with the plants bunched into a 20 sq. ft. area) vs. a closed room/tent with reflective walls and all the variations in between. Also wondering about the head space between the plants and the light?

So I hope you can see how the answers might change if the rest of the information is "Hey, I'm growing in a 50 x 30 room with 14 ft. ceilings with 1400 watts of LED's throughout the entire room and the plants bunched up into a 20 sq. ft. area" vs. "I've got a 4 x 5 x 7' high grow tent with Mylar coated walls and 1400 watts of 60 deg. lensed LED's jammed in there crisping the sh** out of my girls".

I want you to receive the most accurate responses possible as I believe that some of the best growers around frequent this site and certainly the most helpful and sincerely interested folks you will find.

Be well, happy growing, and again Welcome to :420:
Thanks Harley :Your right. I Believe that I'll Pop the bucks for a couple M2 900sv and use the flowering swithches on the two 300 watt real draw units I allready have. Im running 600 watts in 11 sqr ft. and it is not to much. Makes for some ear ringing tokes though. I'll check out your garden though.
Sorry about not give out info, this is part mof my thing that I've never shared with anothe none green creature. So here goes, sterted out with a 90 watt ufo speaker box stealyh grow.... disasterl. then went with a DS 400 adv.led switchable in a silver additioon 2x4 tent. Fed every other day and harvested late. cough and hack, so thats what the flush is for. Discovered two nice White Whdow Ladies and was swept off my feet. Tuning in now with a scrog of Medijuana. I gonnnaaaa just love that little screen, oh yhea.
Next is a 5x5 tent growing in 20 ft sqr. six plants max, would like to keep it down to 4. Man I'm in this for the peace of mind from the activity, Its a fine hobby even if your job limits your partaking, so quality, quality..... grow them seed to be the best they can be.
Very cool chrome dome. Completely understand having never shared the info before. Sounds like you have a plan and I wish you nothing but the greatest success!
Hi CD,

I have over 520 LED watts with an additional 120 watts of side lighting in a 2x3x7 cabinet (6 sq ft). over 100 watts per sq ft. As long as my temps stay in check and I haven't seen any down side.

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