Hello from a New Member


New Member
Hi. Thanks to 420 for encouraging me to introduce myself. Suffice it to say, I would not be subscribing to 420 if I had no interest in marijuana. I just recently moved from Florida, in which neither medical nor recreational is legal, to a state where both are legal. I have been a smoker on and off since my early college years. I had a long stretch off because I had been working for the federal government and had a security clearance to maintain. Around the time of my last government layoff in 2013, my pain loads from my back and hip injuries increased--and with that the insomnia from sleeping on pressure points that would irritate and awaken me six to eight times a night. Then along with that came the mental anguish. . . .

At a certain point, I gave up the idea of ever having a government job again and started smoking in Florida, but the illegality of marijuana in my home state affected my ability to choose the right kind of plant strain for my particular injuries. Doctors tried to get me to take all kinds of other controlled substances, but I have refused because opiate addiction runs fierce on both sides of my family. Now I'm living in a state where I'm able to acquire medical marijuana. I'm consuming a strain called "Death Star" on a nightly basis for my pain, muscle spasms, sleep, and anxiety. I sleep deeply now and am having the kind of colorful, vivid dreams I used to have before I was injured.

A cousin of mine from the northeast, who also has chronic pain, swears by a strain called "Black Indica." By coincidence I had already researched things out and had purchased some Black Indica seeds, which I germinated in early January. Nevertheless, it's great to have endorsement from someone with my own genetics. I'm doing an indoor grow on a shoestring budget, and I have never lived in a climate where the winters are cold, but I have been an organic grower of my own fruits and vegetables for about five years and I come from good, solid, Polish peasant stock, so I feel confident about first attempt at growing some good Black Indica bud. There are some differences across different types of plant species, but there are basic principles that apply to all plants.


great story,, so is it time to get something started for spring? you may have time to familiarize yourself around here before you journalize yer grow,, best of everything sent karma wise,, cheers,:Namaste:
Definitely a satisfying introduction. Welcome to the forums, lots to learn. You can check out the organic growing section
There is folks there with the passion for organics. I'm sure you'll fit right in. Glad you decided to join up and start your adventure into some black indica, really glad it helps your ailments. Thanks for sharing
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