Help plants stretched to 6 feet during flowering


Active Member
Hello fellow growers. Its my first time grow and two of my three plants have stretched to 6 feet. They are in their 2nd and third weeks of flowering. Please tell me what to expect and weather it's ok to grow such big plants. Will it affect my yield and buds? Please help I am confused AF.


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Hey Agha,

Nice garden! It does appear that they were grown with too little light, these plants will stretch tall when the light source is weak or insufficient.

What’s done is done, it’s going to be hard to drive a good yield because the plants are tall & spindly. Hopefully, on your next grow cycle you will begin training them much earlier. The best time to top or train is when you have 5 pairs above the cotyledons and the plant should be super healthy before topping or starting LST, never top or stress a weak plant.

Best of luck
Is there any way to save these. Like what can I do to get atleast 30 to 40 gm yeild out of them.
Guys its second weeknof flowering and even though they have stretched too much there seem to be a lot of bud sites. Do you guys think it can be salvaged ? Please guide me guys.


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Only option is to grow them out. With that said it may be possible to just use LST to tie tops down so they are under the light. If you go this route bend them slowly over several days time & be sure that plant top doesn’t get burned by being too close to light fixture.

You will get some harvest. Also, please understand I wasn’t trying to discourage you but wanted to mention the reality.
The other, more radical option would be to try to supercrop at their midpoints, then use LST to keep the supercropped limb tied to horizontal. Bring your lights down (I have no idea what they are or how powerful, but given the condition of your plant I'd say not very) to maybe to 12" - 16" above the supercropped limbs. Maybe even closer but like 013 said, you might get some burn if you get too close. You'll essentially be growing new "tops" along those horizontal LST limbs to harvest.

That's really the only way to maximize your situation, but supercropping does have some risk (be careful, be patient, don't snap the limbs off - there's lots of instructions and how-tos all over this site), especially since you're already flowering, but it looks to be pretty early to me, so you'd probably be ok.

Given the condition of your plants now, I'm not sure you have much to lose, and a lot you can learn if you pull this off.
Start bending some branches and tie them down! If they're super rigid twist them side to side no more than 90° to loosen up the fibers.
Keep a roll of electrical tape in your pocket and
If one snaps or breaks don't panic, firmly wrap the damaged branch with tape and it will heal within a few days.
These plants are super resilient and this training will make it stronger and help support the weight of mature flowers
This is how it looks now. I have transferred them to another room and raised the lights. Will it help ?


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Raising the lights is the opposite of what you need to do. All you'll do that way is encourage more stretching and have even less light reaching the lower half of the plant.

Clearly you're not interested in any trying any of what was suggested to you re: LST and/or supercropping. Given that, my only other advice is not to harvest too early. You've got many weeks ahead of you. The stretch will eventually stop.

Best of luck finishing this one out.
can't help those who can't help themselves...I have a BIL like that, can't tell him anything...rolls eyes

Oh yes... and look at his use of cardboard next to his electrics....real genius...
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