Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Morning all!

I was in admiring my girls this morning and noticed 2 of the bubblicious developing the claw, actually I noticed a little starting yesterday.

I wonder if it could be the cmh? I've been thinking of switching to the hps for a few weeks, any thoughts? I'd then switch out all the cfls to 65k spectrum.

Anyhow I decided to try scaring the shit out of them. I told them they had 6 days to clean up their act or they'll find themselves naked as the day they were born. We'll see if that works. I may have forgotten to tell them it's gonna happen anyhow.... I was high :smokin:

After chatting with 52 last night I gave them all a light dusting of ironite and watered it in today.

I also decided to pull an ak and ag out of the sog, they've only been in it for 6 days and haven't started flowering. They're the future mothers and hopefully the 2 remaining clones.

Now for your viewing pleasure 3 crappy pics

the red diesel she's 90 days old and smaller than most of the clones.


her massive colas taking shape


And the sog under the cmh


re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

do the Superthrive or the veg kick have Nitrogen in them?? There's your claws. It won't hurt anything. I have one that the fan fingers are "corkscrewing" on...each of the seven fingers on all the remaining cola fans are doing it. The plant is pretty much done, (it's showing amber a bit) so I'm not worried. I'm not in a real hurry to cut 'em yet
isn't this the shit, Blue? I got so many jars put up, I'm not even anxious to harvest any more....you're goin' all Cheech and Chong over there, with your fireplace and a Steel Sack full o' weed. The Bud Fairy is running around Fla. dropping prizes here and there. I shoulda taken up this hobby 35 years ago!!
R/C Airplanes my ass!! Fuck a HO Train!! I don't even feel like working on my cars anymore:) I'm starting to resent working on the customer's. Who knew?>>>>All these years, I've really only been working for weed:tokin: Now I'm working to afford the place I grow my weed. hahahahahahahahaha Guess I know why the prohibition....no one would ever work again!!!:cheer: beautiful:high-five:
PEACE y'all
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

as we all know: ''Dope will get you thru times of no money
better than money will get you thru times of no dope"
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

do the Superthrive or the veg kick have Nitrogen in them?? There's your claws. It won't hurt anything. I have one that the fan fingers are "corkscrewing" on...each of the seven fingers on all the remaining cola fans are doing it. The plant is pretty much done, (it's showing amber a bit) so I'm not worried. I'm not in a real hurry to cut 'em yet
isn't this the shit, Blue? I got so many jars put up, I'm not even anxious to harvest any more....you're goin' all Cheech and Chong over there, with your fireplace and a Steel Sack full o' weed. The Bud Fairy is running around Fla. dropping prizes here and there. I shoulda taken up this hobby 35 years ago!!
R/C Airplanes my ass!! Fuck a HO Train!! I don't even feel like working on my cars anymore:) I'm starting to resent working on the customer's. Who knew?>>>>All these years, I've really only been working for weed:tokin: Now I'm working to afford the place I grow my weed. hahahahahahahahaha Guess I know why the prohibition....no one would ever work again!!!:cheer: beautiful:high-five:
PEACE y'all

Hey Chopper this sure is the shit!

I can see us out with a realtor.

"You sure you want to look at this place? I think it's overpriced. It needs to be repainted inside and out, needs new carpeting and the kitchen's tiny. And I guess if you like privacy it's ok, there's nobody nearby. Only good things about this place are the heating, a/c, plumbing and electric. Oh and there is a nice sized closet in the master bedroom."

"You can stop right there lady, you just made yourself a sale!".

I don't think there's any N in the supplements, maybe some trace amounts. I'm not too worried about it, they're coming off soon regardless.

I've decided that having a good stash really helps you as a grower, there's no longer any pressing need to hurry and you can do it right.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey Chopper this sure is the shit!

I can see us out with a realtor.

"You sure you want to look at this place? I think it's overpriced. It needs to be repainted inside and out, needs new carpeting and the kitchen's tiny. And I guess if you like privacy it's ok, there's nobody nearby. Only good things about this place are the heating, a/c, plumbing and electric. Oh and there is a nice sized closet in the master bedroom."

"You can stop right there lady, you just made yourself a sale!".

I don't think there's any N in the supplements, maybe some trace amounts. I'm not too worried about it, they're coming off soon regardless.

I've decided that having a good stash really helps you as a grower, there's no longer any pressing need to hurry and you can do it right.
having a really good stash helps me as a human being:)
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey boss you can definitely use the plugs and I recommend it, at least for clones.

For seeds I just use mini-hempies and have had great luck with that. Bottom third of cup is pure perlite, middle third is 50/50 soil/perlite, top third where the seed goes is 100% soil. I pop the seed into water for 24 hrs then it goes into the soil, keep it nice and warm with a bright light on it... I've only had one seed out of 10 not germ that way and it was a seed a friend had for a long time.

I've started using 2 cups for my mini-hempies. The inner cup with the hole being clear plastic, and the outer cup without a hole is solid colored. This way you can see when your roots are developed enough for transplanting.

When you're ready to transplant just loosely shake off what soil you can from the roots and pop it into it's new perlite home, the remaining soil won't hurt a thing.

Good luck!

Ok Im using clones so can I use the rooter plug in the mini hempy as well as when I put it in the 3 gal. bucket or should I take it out when its time to transplant into the bigger bucket?

re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

I don't use the 10, Only the 4 and 7. Even without the 10 my meter still measures high #s and I use the 7 for storage solution.


Thanks bro! They sell single use packets for $1.70 each so I bought 3 of those for the 10. I'll want to check it when I get it at least just to know it's working properly. I bought 320ml bottles of the 4 & 7 for $14 each, and I bought the meter for $70. Free shipping so the total was $105.

I'm anxious to get it, it makes me very nervous to not know the ph when I'm using something new. Girls are looking fine so I'll repeat what I did last time for the next watering and after that I should have the meter.

I work afternoons/evenings a lot and the flower room is always dark when I get home. But I moved an ak and a.gold back into the veg room today and that's only in darkness 2am - 8am. So I was able to check them just now and they look fine. I'm guessing the ph is not crazily out of range.

That's funny shit!

When your biggest concern is garage and closet space so you have a place to grow. I went to my brothers new house and all I could think of was all the great places that he had to grow. Unfortunately his woman wont let him do what he wants:smokin:

Do you think I should take the big fans off my Hulks and OG Kush? They are at 51 days now and they've started eating themselves. I've pulled a few and since they are so far along I don't think it would make much of a difference, what do you think? I wish funnystyle was still around cause he grew these Hulks and I'd like to know how long he flowered for.

I look at almost everything differently now that I'm growing.

I started cutting my fan leaves off late on the last grow, honestly can't say I noticed much difference. I think it's best if you can do it fairly early so the shaded buds don't get stunted. Unless leaves are blocking light from buds in a major way I think I'd just leave them be at this point.

Your Hulk looks like it might be an early finisher to me, it sure is phat. Wish I had better advice my friend but your guess is probably as good or better than mine :hookah:

Ok Im using clones so can I use the rooter plug in the mini hempy as well as when I put it in the 3 gal. bucket or should I take it out when its time to transplant into the bigger bucket?


Hey boss you'll have to leave them in the plugs. The new roots grow through the plug, if you tried to remove it you'd most likely kill the clone immediately. It just becomes part of the plant and doesn't seem to bother it in any way. If you can, get some clear plastic cups for your mini-hempies and put those inside solid colored cups. Don't transplant until the bottom of the cup is swarming with roots.
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

The journal is up, but how do I put a link to it in my signature?

Type the folowing:

First, "[" (open bracket)

and then:

re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Type the folowing:

First, "[" (open bracket)

and then:


Hey Mr. Krip, thanks alot for your help! But, apparently I'm not nearly as savvy as I thought I was, i cant seem to get it to work...not sure if I'm supposed to be typing EXACTLY what you wrote there or what...
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Hey Mr. Krip, thanks alot for your help! But, apparently I'm not nearly as savvy as I thought I was, i cant seem to get it to work...not sure if I'm supposed to be typing EXACTLY what you wrote there or what...


If I type it exactly here, it will just show up as a link, so first type an open bracket like this:


Then, immediately after it, copy & paste:

URL="Quix's Corner - Puddle-o-Green - NL & Bag Seed - Indoor Soil Experiment"]TYPE-ENGLISH-HERE[/URL]

Then, replace the:


With whatever you want the link to say
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Good teamwork! I'll be over to check things out Q, I wanna see what you can crank out of that 2x2 space for sure :tokin:
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Good teamwork! I'll be over to check things out Q, I wanna see what you can crank out of that 2x2 space for sure :tokin:
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

I keep forgetting to update my journal... I never had this problem before my last harvest :party:

Here's the sog - the oldest have been 12/12 for 19 days now, the youngest 9.


Let's see.... the biggest girls are now 12-14", which are 3 bubblicious and 1 a. gold. I'm sure their fellow siblings will catch up they're just younger.



acapulco gold


The AK's are all doing well, 7-9" & still stretching slowly but surely just like their mom.

3-headed ak


The WW's have me worried, they've grown very little if at all in the last 10 days and are only 8" or so. I'm wondering if they like the light. They all got singed at about the time that they stopped growing, although the light was easily 12-14" away when it happened. Now it's about 18". The buds are developing they're just not growing upwards. If that's as tall as they're going to get the yield will suck.

typical ww


Last but not least the red diesel seems happier, maybe she likes being under the lights better than being stuck behind a door lol.

RD's 4 mini-colas.


I'm mixing some vermiculite into the top of the 2 liters, I'd like to keep them wetter. I should have listened to jro and gone with the 25% vermiculite from the start, it doubles the time between waterings. That shit really retains water. What I'm going to try and do in the future is the bottom half will be 100% perlite and the top half will be the 75-80% perlite and 20-25% vermiculite.

Currently I'm wondering if I should trim all the fans at 21 days of 12/12 or 21 days of actual flowering. I'm leaning towards the latter. That's the problem with copying a 'dead' grow, the grower's no longer around to ask stuff like that.

There's a fly in the grow room, I hope to soon see him stuck to this fly trap. When they call these things sticky they ain't kidding!


Veg room upstairs, the next generation I hope, the bigger plants are an ak48 & a. gold.


Will these 2 ever root?



a. gold


I've been spending money like a drunken sailor this week. First the pH meter and last night I bought this light mover


Got it for a little under $110 with free shipping... I love free shipping haha. I'd like to be able to spread the girls out a little more, especially now before they get their haircuts. This should do the trick.

So the grow account is back to zero for a while. Come to think of it, it was at zero before I bought all this stuff... needed a transfer from the everyday essentials and food accounts :yahoo:

I can't think of too many more things I need at the moment although I'm sure I'll come up with something.

That's it from my bathroom.... errr Flower Palace!
re: Hempy - OC+ - CFLs & 3 Good Seeds

Blue, things are looking good. Nice buds forming. I would trim at 21 days of flowering. Just as counting weeks to finish I think it's more accurate, just from evrything I have read.
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