Herbie's Beans - Black Widow And Super Skunk

That ph dropped help for sure almost overnight got to get it a little lower we'll see where it is tomorrow


Just put up the Big light and 30 minutes under that and it looks like sundays here ,they are trying to 🙏 already
The light is a 630 watt LEC dimmable on 70% @2ft above canopy 18 days in from pop! Well keep an eye on it and just Incase its a little too much i can adjust it

Im guessing in the next week or so im gonna get a clone off each plant in case they turn out to be Worthy!
That'll be a whole other thing ill document here just to just so folks can compare what they do to what others aee doing Right or wrong!
We all can get better from each other's knowledge!
Im afraid I might have to retire my mover motor in the basement and replace it with a younger one.
Im sad I've had that thing for a long time its been a good friend and has saved me tons of money on lights and fan expenses on electric not to mention it keeps the hot spots away.
Plus that thing has helped me with some GOOD harvest's .
I have an add a lamp so i run 2 lights on it , but later in the run to cover a 4×12 ft area i only move it like 6" to maybe a 1' each way, just a QUICK back and forth with a 15 sec delay at each end.
It gives me a bigger foot print and it keeps the shadow's away !
I've heard of people having fires with these movers but I've had mine since 2005 without any problems except when i didn't watch the cord loop for the lamp or the mover motor or my controller cord but still no fire's.
I also run it on the timer so its not moving when the lights are off
The other benefit is more of a level canopy instead of bigger tops mostly towards the center they are pretty equal in height which in turn gives me bigger flowers and MORE yield on some of the outer branches and the branches which would normally only get the outskirts of the 🦶 print or are covered by shadow
it is really hard to have too much Ca. It is crucial to preload Ca in veg. If you wait til flower it is too late Hold off until flush and retest Mg You are too high at 61.6. Mg is the bully cation and will outcompete both Ca and K so do not go in with a heavy hand. Keep your eye open for Mg deficiency later in the round. If you see interveinal chlorosis on lower leaves add 2 tbsp epsom per gallon of water and add to the soil as a drench as a one or two time application. Only add if there is an issue. Please limit magnesium inputs as adding calcium and potassium to balance your elevated Mg will add significant osmotic stress.test
@Azimuth this is some good info on Mg .
Some of my analysis from my soil test and recommendation from KIS. Looking like i need to Flush a HEAVY flush. Ill post some more info from my test later as i go
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