How to make friends understand?...


New Member
Iono lately when I barely started smoking, I was heavily criticized by friends. They believe it is very dangerous and I can die (i laughed @ them for saying this). They think im gonna mess up in life yada yada, but so far I am reaching my 2nd year in college and im doing just fine. I don't know why they should worry. They judge something they have not even tried.

iono what to say to them. Any advice?
Change comes by spreading awareness. What you learn here in the forums will give you all you need to know to tackle your family. Tell them of medicinal marijuana, and educate them about the plant. Most parental concerns are based on mis-information, and we address this by educating them. At the end of the day, if they see your life is in order and you are getting good grades, they will make their own mind up.
I have many relatives that would not condone smoking. But in the chance of getting off the morphine , oxycodone and a few other prescriptions they now are aware that the using of marijuana instead of hard narcotics might be good!
People like that are already set in their ways. If I were you, I'd throw out some cannabis facts. Hit em hard with em. They say you'll die from smoking, you tell em people actually live better smoking. Many people who suffer pain, anxiety, and depression use a natural herb to sooth their ailments. This natural herb is has no additives unlike a cigarette that has 599 additives! It also replaces what could be very evasive medication that make most people feel worse!

There's a lot of info here. Load up on it and give an educated answer to their Q's and accusations.
I dont think you can ever "make" your friends understand, they have to make up their own mind. all you can do is try your best to educate them and spread awareness of the positive uses of the plant. perhaps if they are drinkers you can discuss with them the dangers of alcohol vs marijuana use, might open their eyes (and minds) a bit. It may take a while for them to accept it bro, if they ever do. good luck
I think the ultimate divider would be to get them really drunk one day and make them try to function, and on the next day get them blazed and see which one they would rather see their future kids function in.because the way things are these day people will continue to numb and self medicate with w/e is legal/readily available. It only makes sense to choose a natural, adulterant FREE psychoactive substance that has been occuring natural on this planet possibly since the beginning of time.
as a person whos best friends dont smoke i must say that there is no way of changing peoples opinions about you and your marijuana intake, either they will accept you or they wont....their loss if they dont but if they truely are your friends and then they will see that weed doesnt change who you are
Tell them out right and then you will know who your real friends are!:smokin:
Lot of good posts here. I must agree that you can't make (or force as the case may be) someone to understand. For years my mother hassled me to quit. One day I did. After a while she began to see how I was without it and then, and only then, did she begin to realize that maybe she hadn't been told the whole truth about the subject. She started asking questions, I started giving her the true answers, and backed up my statements with documentation. When I started back up, and she saw the difference it really made, she changed her mind and now wishes she could try it herself for various med reasons...she's old. lol

Problem is she won't try it due to my dad being a prick. He's a retired OSI agent and a Baptist deacon. He's on some very nasty stuff courtesy of big pharma, and is in complete denial that he is an addict, just because the goverment he loves without question says it ok. Go figure.
Give them research articles and statistics.

My mother who was completely against me smoking when she first found out is now sending me text messages about marijuana related news (mostly about legalization, lol).

My mom is probably one pof the most conservative people I know, but she listens to reason (for the most part).
thanks guys for the help...

so far ive educated quite a few people. one of my friends told me that they rather smoke than drink. It is kinda of funny because a lot of my friends were shocked when they found out that I smoke, and i didn't really think it was a really big of a deal.

some of my friends tried it and some of them don't like it (mainly the irritation of the throat).

i also explained how it is not affecting my life in any negative way because so far i am doing good at college. grades seemed to improve [weird]. i feel a lot more educated than before. my priorities are straight. and i view the world differently than i did before i smoked. deng, in general i just feel a lot happier in life haha. best decision i have made.

also when someone tries to put me down or tell me off i throw them facts and they would shut up. i would tell them "Educate yourself" and thats it.
I think the ultimate divider would be to get them really drunk one day and make them try to function, and on the next day get them blazed and see which one they would rather see their future kids function in.because the way things are these day people will continue to numb and self medicate with w/e is legal/readily available. It only makes sense to choose a natural, adulterant FREE psychoactive substance that has been occuring natural on this planet possibly since the beginning of time.

I am loving this post - but I have to say all the posts in this thread brought a smile to my face - I am so proud to be associated with such admirable beings as yourselves! Another perk of smoking I guess - I bet no alcohol or tobacco user ever made such respectable friends through their choice substance as I have through mine! :clap:

Anyway, if you show the world what you've got and set your mind firm on your goals and put the work in to achieve them - then people in general will show their respect for you no matter what you do in your personal life - then all those so called 'friends' that judged you will regret it and come crawling back to bask in your light and try and act like they supported you from the word go - although you will never forget those who did. A friend is a true friend when they accept you for who you are - not what you do. :peace:
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