Woke up to a beautiful morning. Don't think my Crocs are getting thru this. Half way out this morning, wife wanted to carry the dog laptop and coffee. Busted her ass. Luckily I was about 15 steps behind, and was able to pick her up. Sheets of ice, at least .25in. The gravel drive way, the grass, everything a skating rink.
I walked her to the shop, and had to double back to check on the garden. Misfits still pushing hard, those are 5ft stakes for reference.





Some of the little oG's

This little lady was found sprouted in the pot of a flowering misfits, so she got a new home.


And then whoa wtf.
Came up weird,getting weirder. A lucky 3 leafer, maybe she will live on and become a dank bud factory. It's weird I feel like everyone's got one this season.
Been messing around with 1st pot ideas. Normally I pop seeds into solos, let them rip. But I have experienced so inconsistent plants. So I started looking into other ideas. I like the soil blocking idea, but from what I've seen and read throughout the Internet. It seems just as inconsistent, and then blocks fall apart and such. So I took a piece of paper towel, put it in the pot, filled it with soil, slapped a rubber band on it to hold it together. Left them in a tray to water. They have held up nice, roots already penetrated the bottom. This alleviates me from leaving them in solos to long, like we all have. Without spending anymore money.

And then the will go straight to their final pot
So onto another trial. I have been trying to be much more thoughtful when throwing away useful materials.

I had these egg containers, while not perfect. These are the perfect starter greenhouse. So I filled with my ugly used soil last week and have pre watered every other day until today. Give them ladies a nice moist home. Then close it up put to the side check on in a few days. Then if all goes well 7-10days later straight to final homes.

I did take the last few seeds and plop them into a solo as I always did before. Just so I have a comparability.

What a day yesterday, was having issues with my pressure tank for my well yesterday. So I went to shut off the main line. Brass ball valve literally cracked as I was turning it off. Water spraying everywhere. Spent the better part of the afternoon running to town and getting the water up and going again. Waters back on, but I found another pin hole leak. Bastards!


Weird foggy ass morning. Maybe spring is here...lmfao.

Jason scared the piss out of my delivery guy this morning. What a great laugh.

So I didn't check on the newbies last night. But I should have. The soil got a bit dryer in the solos then I preferred, And I had one Taproot going north to the light. Weird as f. Reburied that lil one. I didn't get any pics of solos but i did of the egg carton. This was closed. I let them sprout in complete darkness. The girth of them is unbelievable. Not like the thinner ones I usually get from the solo cup. Gonna have to keep my eye on that .

Today I've got to repot a few older sprouts. They just don't look 100% happy in solos.

The oG garden - the misfits

The herb grotto is housing a few sick ladies. They have bounced back. Very well. . .

They are more than ready to start flowering. But I wanted to get them healthier before I forced flowering.

I have only great things to say about TPS ultra line. It was what they needed right when they needed it. This will be my first time using it for entire veg cycle, before bumping over to ultra bloom. I like to see positive results. So far so good.





So I made a mistake. But a happy mistake. When I made my little sacks of soil, I planted sprouts into the 4. 3 took really well instant results. The other went MIA never seen it. So about 7 days afters not seeing it. I had some green onions I was being back from the dead. Grew. Onion had soaked in water for 2/3 days grew roots and started re sprouting. So I popped it in the empty spot. Well...fast forward to repotting last night. The onion fell out when i went to repot, cause there was a baby mystery sprout pushing that bitch out!


So I'm gonna give her a few days to get aquatinted. Then pot her tooooooo

Bottom right corner before repot.

Maybe that onion gave her a boot in the ass.



So I made a mistake. But a happy mistake. When I made my little sacks of soil, I planted sprouts into the 4. 3 took really well instant results. The other went MIA never seen it. So about 7 days afters not seeing it. I had some green onions I was being back from the dead. Grew. Onion had soaked in water for 2/3 days grew roots and started re sprouting. So I popped it in the empty spot. Well...fast forward to repotting last night. The onion fell out when i went to repot, cause there was a baby mystery sprout pushing that bitch out!


So I'm gonna give her a few days to get aquatinted. Then pot her tooooooo

Bottom right corner before repot.

Maybe that onion gave her a boot in the ass.



A load of fert basically dropped on her head, maybe even some beneficial growth hormones/phermones or whatever signifying growth from the rooting onion.

Don’t mind me just had my bedtime vape. 😅
A load of fert basically dropped on her head, maybe even some beneficial growth hormones/phermones or whatever signifying growth from the rooting onion.

Don’t mind me just had my bedtime vape.
So a stubborn bean, can be provoked to sprout with a green onion. Interesting. I think we have all had a few just not do a damn thing. This being a last resort option..might be beneficial. Anything to save a seed! #Seedslifematter :420::roorrip:
So a stubborn bean, can be provoked to sprout with a green onion. Interesting. I think we have all had a few just not do a damn thing. This being a last resort option..might be beneficial. Anything to save a seed! #Seedslifematter :420::roorrip:
Hey bro! You’re saying that! 🤣 I was just stoned speculating - this should not be confused with actual science 😂

Def did the trick here though! I have 13 Canuks in dirt not doing owt. I’ll give onions a go tomorrow!
Had to clean up the misfits. They were getting so wild! While everything seems to do well in the cold weather that came through. I do notice that some of the branches lost integrity and strength. Leaving them leaning or laying where they were when it got cold as f. So I pulled each one, got some branches to tuck or weave, or gave them a little helper. Maybe a few days of closer light will help them revive a bit.

When the wife comes looking for you. And didn't see you in the middle of the garden. That's a good day.

Ready for harvest in a few weeks! Will be great spring smoke!










What a day already! Finished my rendezvous with the plumber, got everything hooked up, pressurized, ran it thru the whole house, cleaned all the filters! I think I'm good to go!

So I went to the garden this morning. Doing my usual walk thru, peeping on everything! Little spray here little spray there.

And if I wasn't stoned enough I sure thought I was. What do you think about this! ? ! ? ! ?

Speechless 😶


Now I know what I'm thinking.

I thought the bitch was dead. Now there's 3?!

Is that some kind miracle?

Each pod had 1 seed. The other 3 of 4 sprouted 1 plant, this pod never did a damn thing. So it had green onion sprout plated in the pod. Everything was normal. Until repot the other day. Green onion literally fell out like it was being pushed. And boom! There was 1 single sprout!

Now 3?
So asif that wasn't enough. I go over to the egg carton. Lol I said that like it's the town over. So I turn in my tent to the egg carton. All is well things look perky and on the up and up. So far I think 15 of 18 popped. Happy with that. Don't mind the tray of romas I popped behind them.

But when I checked on the solos I was met with another surprise.

What could you have expected? I didn't expect anything.....just normal sproutyness going on..

But no.
Not gonna happen today!


I always point my tap roots down. Always. Apparently this one wanted out! So I manipulated her back into the soil and covered her up!

What is going on. . . .

Oh ya full moon yesterday!

Holy moly.
What a day already! Finished my rendezvous with the plumber, got everything hooked up, pressurized, ran it thru the whole house, cleaned all the filters! I think I'm good to go!

So I went to the garden this morning. Doing my usual walk thru, peeping on everything! Little spray here little spray there.

And if I wasn't stoned enough I sure thought I was. What do you think about this! ? ! ? ! ?

Speechless 😶


Now I know what I'm thinking.

I thought the bitch was dead. Now there's 3?!

Is that some kind miracle?

Each pod had 1 seed. The other 3 of 4 sprouted 1 plant, this pod never did a damn thing. So it had green onion sprout plated in the pod. Everything was normal. Until repot the other day. Green onion literally fell out like it was being pushed. And boom! There was 1 single sprout!

Now 3?
Must have been seeds left in the pod.
Any chance that happened?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Must have been seeds left in the pod.
Any chance that happened?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
1 seed @Bill284

The pod produced was from reused soil. I pre soaked them in a tray and planted a pre started seed that had tap root poking out of shell. 3 pods took instantly the 1 never did anything I poked around after week any found nothing. Thought it had died. So a green onion got popped in the pod.
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