Is it bad for my weed if I smoke in my grow room?


New Member
Hi Guys!

I wanted to ask if it´s bad for cannabis plants if i smoke in my grow room.? ( cigaretes and joints ) Kus i use to smoke ewerywhere even in my indoor thats why i ask...
i wouldnt smoke cigarettes in your grow room at all....think about fire safety, most people die from smoke inhalation during fires because smoke removes oxygen from the atmosphere correct? same is true for cigarettes and weed smoke anything with smoke..(carbon atoms) will reduce oxygen levels in the air wich in return = bad for your plants...just look at it like this, we all know smoking is bad for us wether weed or cigarettes but its the smoke that makes it so bad ya chemicals blah blah blah but no matter what everyone that knows any smoke knows it produces resins or carbon build up on anything it touches wich also transfer the chemicals( from cigarettes ) which are bad for your plants, so i guess my best answer would be, smoke canabis in moderation in your grow area if u please but i would not smoke cigarettes anywhere near the area of your room
its like smoken a friend or relative right there where they can feel it, let alone taste and breath it.
all around a not good idea. just my opinion and i grow very little but very nice! not to brag mind you, i treat them like an individual or brothers and sisters depending on strains and how theve been propagated.
member mother nature, mimic her best as you can then add to it.
not tryin to start anything just good advive, well parts of it!
I smoke weed in my growroom sometimes, never had any negative things come from it
I smoke weed in my growroom sometimes, never had any negative things come from it

so how do you judge the effects, not tryin to be a smart a--. honest! the plants breath through the stomata, wouldnt there be some type of pollution?
Piks of my pineapple chunk :)
Smoking anything around your plants does do harm to them...Although probablly not noticeable if in moderation but yes it does harm them it clogs up the stomata which are pores that help with gas exchange i.e. taking in CO2, putting out oxygen...It will slow your plants growth...
Technically I'd say it would depend on where you are standing in relation to the exhaust system. It could have zero impact. but as stated it would be down right ignorant to abuse them directly. Like sitting in the middle of the garden and fumigating it with smoke, just isn't smart. I may smoke on the way to the garden but never while working it. I don't like the smoke in my face either.
it's simple, look at the walls in any smokers house! white soon becomes yellow then brown. my experience has been, 1. regular repainting of the room 2. severely discolors bulb. can't be good, all that electricity, you want every lumen available!
Smoking anything around your plants does do harm to them...Although probablly not noticeable if in moderation but yes it does harm them it clogs up the stomata which are pores that help with gas exchange i.e. taking in CO2, putting out oxygen...It will slow your plants growth...

<DING> We have a winner, lol.

it's simple, look at the walls in any smokers house! white soon becomes yellow then brown. my experience has been, 1. regular repainting of the room 2. severely discolors bulb. can't be good, all that electricity, you want every lumen available!

That too.

Don't smoke anything in your grow room. You could stand with the cigarette (et cetera) right in the exhaust, stick your head up to it when taking a drag/hit, then make sure to blow out into that exhaust... But why? It's not likely that you'll capture 100% of the smoke before it starts to coat things. And surely there is at least one other location that you can smoke.
I dont understand personally why one would choose to smoke in the grow room. I am in there to work the garden and it requires my hands. Plenty of time to smoke and much better choices as well. To each their own, just know what you are doing is all I can say. I don't eat in my grow room either. We will have those that grow as simply and crudely as possible, and those that want laboratory setups and controls on everything. We all grow, or appreciate those that do it well.

Keep it Free and easy brothers and sisters. Enuff said..... Peace Out
First of all tobacco is a good pest repellent(especially non-smokers). Cannabis is also a good thing for your plants (it is cannabis). Smoking tobacco might not be the best thing for you. Yellowing walls and hood glass should be cleaned when you do a regular cleaning. I would still hit your paka if you had a dirty walled grow room, as long as it wasn't buggy or mildewy. You know what I mean. If you're dirty, you're dirty. If you keep your stuff legity, then it doesn't matter what you do now and then.
That said, think about it if you're doing it all the time and the yellowing on the walls is also on your girls, then they are being incrementally shaded from the absolute most light you can give the beautiful ladies. So once in a while, is not the worst thing you can do to your honeys. Don't make a habit out of it. You really have to know that mother cannabis wants you to enjoy, but if you treat her wrong, she is not gonna treat you as well, as if you gave her, her props.
I guess I can say im guilty of smoking a few bowls in the room my tent is in but I don't in my tent lol
First of all tobacco is a good pest repellent

I believe its the nicotine which is used as an insecticide !

But unfortunately smoking tobacco or cigarettes or handling plants after smoking with such... has a real possible chance of spreading TMV - Tobacco Mosaic Virus.
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