Is there a forum to find a forum where the answer is?


Well-Known Member
Being a little familiar with the site the search feature does not appear to work, for example I am stupid or dont understand as when I type in search "how to use rockwool" or "how to clone using rockwool" the results come up with a myriad of choices that are difficult to decipher until you open and read them then find out it is not the answer you were looking for.
A member was miffed that I couldnt find her tutorials and it is true.

Anyways time to blaze it :)
Drives me nuts to search something and I have to sift through a bunch of crap on the thread that had nothing to do with the original post only to find out no one answered the dang question.

Lots of links there to a variety of questions/techniques.

Lots of links there to a variety of questions/techniques.

Yes I am getting that thanks just trying to find the real smart ones.

Perhaps a huge ass link that says [INSERT QUESTION HERE] and Pee Wee Hermans genie Jambi pops up and says " Meka Leka Hi Meka Hiney Ho" and poof your answer.....

Christ! what have I been smoking??? lmao

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