Is this normal for a young seedling?


Active Member
She just sprouted 2 days ago. She keeps bending then straightens up then bends again. Is this normal?


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what kind of light ?
how far from the plant is it?

i echo oldbear's assessment. it does look a touch stretchy. probably nothing to be concerned about. seems mostly super young and healthy.
Thats unusual for it to bend if directly under a light.
I know. It’s really weird. I put her under a t5 led light about 5 inches away for her seedling stage last night. And woke up to her curled even more. She seems like a healthy seedling other the stretching and curling.


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Not sure why your plant is stretching exactly, but I have noticed some just seem to be like that when very young. Sounds like you're doing things right.. I wouldn't worry. Do you have a little air movement? Just enough to make her wiggle and wobble gently will help the stalk get stronger.. One trick for this stage is only fill the pot 2/3 or 3/4 at first.. Then after a week or so you can add more medium to bury the stretched part of the stem, and it will grow more roots out of the newly buried section. Enjoy the weekend!
Yes it is, purchase at a marijuana grow shop
you should be good for a starter light.
it is odd to see it bending. these plants can be weird. it looks ok to me otherwise.
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