Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Ok quick update. I decided to flip the bloom switch after Dr Ziggy and Darkgrow said it wouldn't do any harm, so now they are getting the full power of the P300. It's been on for a couple hours and there has been only a 3 degree increase in temps, thanks LEDs.

Med Gom 1.0 is kicking ass and flowering like crazy, I'm sure the bloom light being on will help with that too. Here she is

I topped the NL x BB last night. Here is a picture of my handiwork. How did I do? I never know if I'm doing it right til it works out.

And lastly as usual is the Fast and Vast which feels like a slow and limited to me but hopefully she'll take off. She's had zero stress, was sewn directly into soil and has never been neglected.

Thanks for all the help in this thread and others everyone.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Quick update with one blurry picture. First up is the NL x BB on day 28 followed by the Med Gom auto on the same day then the Fast and Vast auto on day 20. It's becoming apparent that the Fast and Vast may be a bad seed. It still isn't growing and hasn't grown a set of leaves with more than three blades so far. I'll let it keep going though, it's not costing me anything right now and I can't start a new one in the tent.



Sorry for the last blurry photo. Does. Anyone have any input on the Fast and Vast auto?
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Quick update with one blurry picture. First up is the NL x BB on day 28 followed by the Med Gom auto on the same day then the Fast and Vast auto on day 20. It's becoming apparent that the Fast and Vast may be a bad seed. It still isn't growing and hasn't grown a set of leaves with more than three blades so far. I'll let it keep going though, it's not costing me anything right now and I can't start a new one in the tent.



Sorry for the last blurry photo. Does. Anyone have any input on the Fast and Vast auto?

My fast n vast is stunted if that helps. It's almost a foot tall, forty days old and looks like a dwarf. Maybe it's not you. I did top mine and maybe I got it too late. But, just throwing that out there. Good luck.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Yeah I watered the fast and vast today even though it really didn't need it, and it seems to have kicked it in the ass a little and it is growing a new set of leaves already. It's started growing pistils already so it's going to be a hilarious little plant. I might start another fast and vast seed and put it outside to see what it can do before my next round.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Interesting journal, I'm assuming you are a veteran or something similar so am I. Its only a matter of time before it gets rescheduled. You just have to hang in there do what you believe in, and maybe sell some to a dispensary to fluff your income. Also how far away are your lights from the canopy? Lastly you could foliar feed a little or up until you start developing bigger buds to cool your ladies and combat heat. If you didn't want to top your ladies at this time but you still want bigger yields you could LST her and rotate it every so often as the lower nodes surpass the dominate one.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Gonna grab a seat for this one. I'm growing Fast and Vast myself. About a week behind yours. Hope it picks up, could be a bad seed. Out of 6 fast and vast seeds I germed, 3 of them are thriving, 2 seem really slow, and one rolled over and died in less than a week. Could be my inexperience, but they all had equal conditions so who knows.

Also interested in your NLxBB. Yours is looking nice and I've got a couple freebies of it too.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Update coming soon. I'm sick as a dog, been that way for days. Sucks.

Sorry to hear, looking forward to seeing what ya got....
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Ok I'm not sure what days we're on here but it's around 30 days for the big ones and 20s for the Fast and Vast.

Med Gom auto is chugging along. Still flowering. Healthy looking plant.

The two tops of the NL x BB are developing quickly and I've started a little LST to start working on the even canopy once the autos are out of the way. I think it's gonna be a winner.

Fast and Vast auto started moving a little after I watered it even though it was still wet. I guess it likes really wet soil or it's just a bum. It's still working on pistils. It'll probably yield about 4 grams in the end lol.

That's all for today folks. I'm drinking some NyQuil and passing out.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Jay, are you running your lights at night? It helps. You have an a/c unit in the room? Or a central air vent? Home depot 25ft of 4 inch dryer tube 15 bucks ,two 4 inch can fans 20 bucks each.I stretched my 4 in h tube to the AC window unit,find a way to attach it so the air gets sucked in but still pulls some room air ,put that one low as the intake.Take your other 4 inch an pUT it through the high hole and vent direct outside if possible, or into the furthest part of the room up high even blowing in the opposite direction of intake.
you can adjust the 4 inch on the AC vent till you get your temps dialed,and running it at night,if your not in a basement is key.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

Jay, are you running your lights at night? It helps. You have an a/c unit in the room? Or a central air vent? Home depot 25ft of 4 inch dryer tube 15 bucks ,two 4 inch can fans 20 bucks each.I stretched my 4 in h tube to the AC window unit,find a way to attach it so the air gets sucked in but still pulls some room air ,put that one low as the intake.Take your other 4 inch an put it through the high hole and vent direct outside if possible, or into the furthest part of the room up high even blowing in the opposite direction of intake.
you can adjust the 4 inch on the AC vent till you get your temps dialed,and running it at night,if your not in a basement is key.

I too run my lights at night, the first thing I did was to check when the power company had off hour prices. However unfortunately my veg and flower tent don't come on at the same time. Which brings me to my next point, if you don't run at night and choose to start, keep in mind that your ladies will most likely go into shock and might express strange growth since there world is being rocked. Due to them always believing the lights came on and went off at a certain time and they now have to accept what ever you have chosen. Great advice again Masshole420.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

I run my light 8am to 8pm. I thought and strongly considered the other way, but was advised to do it the way I am, and I'm loving that. By doing this, it is easier to keep my room 66 or lower for lights off. During the day I could never manage that. I run my AC unit 23/1 -- an hour off at midnight. I have a dedicated, sealed, insulated space, and that makes a huge difference.

This winter, I'll be vegging mothers so I'll run the lights mostly at night... but in the summer I can manage my night temps better running lights on during the day... my two cents.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

My lights are on 18/6 right now with lights out from noon to 6 pm. My temps are constant at 84 degrees, I'm not worried about temps since the plants look good. Even the winter here is hot, so there's no chance of me needing the lights for warmth. I wish it could be cool lol.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

The Med Gom was looking a little yellow, so I have it a half dose of grow big and a half dose of tiger bloom. We'll see how she takes it but it needed something so I had to do it.

The midget fast and vast and Northern Lights looked fine though so I left them alone.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

The Med Gom was looking a little yellow, so I have it a half dose of grow big and a half dose of tiger bloom. We'll see how she takes it but it needed something so I had to do it.

The midget fast and vast and Northern Lights looked fine though so I left them alone.

I read up on that fast n vast and it has midget in it.

Excuse me, it has dwarf in it. But, it was a white dwarf.

I had a blind date with a midget once, no lie.

This is some weird payback this one I have.
re: Jay's - Soil - 300W LED - NL x BB & Med Gom 1.0 Auto - Grow

I'm surprised that neither of my autos got very big. I thought the P300 would be strong enough. I'm not sure what else could be the issue besides genetics. I was hoping for a huge auto, at least two feet tall, I'm confused by them. Both have had stress free happy lives, but even the Med Gom is just one bud top to bottom. I was hoping for some branching or something.

Hopefully one of my four fast and vast seeds will do something interesting.
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