JDubAllen's DWC Unknown Strain Grow Journal - 2015


New Member
Hey, this is my first post ever on this website.
Simply put, I've been a long-term enthusiast of cannabis and use it medically.
A friend of mine gave me some bag-seeds he collected.
I have an irking suspicion the strain might be 'Big Bud' but don't quote me on that.
This is also my first cannabis grow, but I have prior experience using Deep Water Culture Hydroponics for other plants.
Any and all constructive criticism and support is greatly appreciated.
If I'm unable to post everyday, I will post in bulk, as I'm taking pictures of my plants everyday.
At the time of starting this thread I am 6 days into vegetative growth.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6
Currently my plants are being fed a 50% intensity nutrient solution due to there young age.
But, as is done with DWC, I'll be feeding them a 100% intensity solution likely within the next week or two.
The nutrients in question are a home brew label by my local hydroponics store. I've used in in growing both chilli plants and Lebanese cucumbers, so I can vouch for its quality.
Day 8

So since I'm a week through, I was thinking I might replace the current 50% solution with a full-nutrient solution with double what the plants are currently getting. What do we think? Good idea or bad idea?

If you think they'll handle it. Typically I wait to give full strength until there are a few more leaves. I like to see 5's (classic 5 pinnate leaf) before hitting them full strength. That should be the 3rd or 4th set of true leaves (cotyledons, 1st pair, 2nd pair....) That's just me though.
Day 10

Won't go into the details of why I couldn't post last night.
Let's just say a bag of very pungent Ogre and a serious body-high were involved.

Day 9

Day 10
make sure youre not blowing that fan directly at them, aim it at the wall of the tent on the lowest or middle setting n let it rebound off. Im not clued up with hydro but ill be coming in from time to time. Love the idea of pics daily, really interesting to watch

They seem stable for now.
I'm buying a clip-on fan in a few hours.
The left one has always seemed to be stronger and is quite happy being twirled around the stake.
The one on the right is still pointing its leaves upwards, so it's still receiving light. But the stem appears to have partially snapped part-way towards the leaves. I'm hoping that it will knuckle over and won't leave any lasting damage.
Also, the leaves only have 3 prongs? Am I possibly growing a ruderalis?

Right -

Left -
They are on their 2nd true set of leaves, just pushing the next set. 3 lobes is completely normal for 2nd set. 3rd set is usually 5 lobes. Rarely, somewhere in the gene pool, is an allele (gene variety) that will put out 5 lobes on the 2nd set.
Dont leave that bend in that stem like that dude, straighten n hold it in posistion using 2 or even 3 to 4 sticks if you have to jus wedge it upright n let it heal, as it ages itll get a lil stiffer, when that happens remove the sticks n continue to strengthen via fans. The leaves will be facing the light again within a hour
Day 13

Okay, so now I have an oscillating fan agitating the air inside the tent.
I presume, hopefully, that the plants should be able to continue to grow unhindered now.


Best to have the fan low down friend, new air drawn in from low and sucked out high. atm youre more n likely blowing air that is trying to leave the tent back down into it


edit: n straighten that stem out do not leave it with that kink in it, that for one cud well n trully snap n 2 mayb hindering the plants feeding. Thats a must, use as many sticks as needed n longer ones if u have to
So I dropped my fan down to about the halfway height of my tent. The plants are getting a nice bit of agitation.
Since the leaves are still pointing towards the light, I'm hoping stuff will be smoother sailing than the last couple of days.

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