JDubs B.P.N. Drain To Waste To Ebb & Flow - Multi Strain From Seed

I think they're lovin these nutes (gh floura duo) , but the babies are LOVING THE BPN!!__:)___, I can't wait to run bpn in the flowef room.. need to order more though...lol
Hello everyone, time for a quick update, everything going suuper smooth... Kinda freaky, but goin with it..lol, weekly res change today for flowering tent, fridays for veg, so far found 2 males in veg box, 1 unknown and 1 flo... So chopped them down, there is a pic below.. any imput or advice is cool .. enioy the beggining of the bud porn...
Lookin good sir. You get the heating sorted?

:thanks:i:Namaste: and no the heating is still an issue, but I actually grabbed another 400 watt hps and threw it in the tent, so now i have 1200 watts , spread out pretty freakin nicely I must say..lol, and that has actually managed to heat my garage up enough to stay warmer at night than it has been.. I am running into minor humidity problems, getting meter soon though.. any cheap suggestions other than fans running?
Hello all, sorry I've been super busy at work, and trying to keep up with everything...lol, here's some pics, srry the shitty quality this time around.. but flower tent has stopped its stretch it seems and has started putting on weight...and my veg box is getting outa control..ha.. not in a bad way though, just need more room, thinking about a 2x4.. ne ways heres some pics
Hey everyone, Ive been lagging lately on updating, no pics today, but the veg box is down to 3 flo, 1 Humboldt,1 motivation and new additions of 5 grape ape... The flower tent is straight exploding, lol, I guess 1200 watts in a 4x4 is the way to go.. got about a month left still, and the weight already bypassing the last two grows ... Little problem with p.m., but got some sns on the way..
How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am reporting this to be moved to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!:Namaste:

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