Journal #2 - Delicious Candy #2

Thanks Feral. Killer smoke too. Haven't been able to have more than 2 cones without calling quits yet. Damn strong. Just rolling a joint now to see how that goes.

Time to work on PC now.
This lot of Candy is very mentally active. Scatters the brain. Impossible to keep a train of thought. And really long lasting. Need to smoke it 4 hours before bed or you won't get to sleep. Lemony sage taste and smell. Not overwhelming smell to the buds until you chop one up. Then it stinks up. The grow smell was very controllable too really. Anyway think this journal is ready to be marked complete. My grow and report is done.
One of the rolls of bottom buds that is sticky and stinky as hell. And mind blowing for the littlest buds... phew. Smoking some now.
Good to get some unbiased feedback. My mate who I got rid of most of my candy to reckons it was a smash hit and everyone is asking when they can get some more. I tell you it is some mighty fine weed. Glad it wasn't just me thinking it. I could happily settle and grow this forever. It's that good. Yield taste smell and high. Definately the benchmark for the future now.
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us. :thumb:

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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