Landrace Genetics 101

wonder if one could use fan leaves, ect all put to a mess to make powder and then do you might - might be OK ? How many times do you repeat the process ( water ? oven? ) (just once ?):thumb: Thanks

Fans just add to the amount to be processed.

Use your best judgment when trimming and eliminate what ever looks useless.

I only put it in the oven once the last few times and it turned out good.
Go light on the water on the paper towel, or news paper.
Most drys up anyway, but I don't want any moisture left when I press it.

these were both dry ice made, a few batches back.

a little to thin but smoked fine
Looking good!

I can smell it from here, I swear.
So Doc, Isn't that the jest of "The burping processe" though? I left one qt in the sunshine(yea it really happens up here haha) for a short time and there was a little condensation on the inside.Not much ,mabey the size of a quarter.So I burped it for a few minutes and re capped it. I hope this works...... How else would you know? I do the "snap branch" test , then I do the jar burp method. I tried heating some old kief ,I also warmed the socket to just warm. Came out great.its looks anyway. it didn't have much kick as the kief has set around in a jar for 2 years on a back shelf.. anyway I will try it with some fresh stuff soon..Thanks again ,Red
So Doc, Isn't that the jest of "The burping processe" though? I left one qt in the sunshine(yea it really happens up here haha) for a short time and there was a little condensation on the inside.Not much ,mabey the size of a quarter.So I burped it for a few minutes and re capped it. I hope this works...... How else would you know? I do the "snap branch" test , then I do the jar burp method. I tried heating some old kief ,I also warmed the socket to just warm. Came out great.its looks anyway. it didn't have much kick as the kief has set around in a jar for 2 years on a back shelf.. anyway I will try it with some fresh stuff soon..Thanks again ,Red

Stoned Redneck, you can use a small hygrometer..fits in jar.. 10 bux..
Digital Mini Instant-Read Temperature & Humidity Gauge Thermometer (Hygrometer)


this is cool!! 10 bux!
Digital Cure Cap- (Wide Mouth or Regular Lid) :) its a hygrometer that someone cut a ball jar lid and glued a hygrometer into it..

I use these....


They have proven fairly accurate, super cheap and require no battery. I take them (when new) and stick them in a jar with several humidipaks for a week. Then if they are not showing the proper %, I pop them apart and adjust the paper disc so that it reads correctly.

Once they are calibrated I scuff the back side with course grit sand paper and do the same on the lid bottoms. I then hot glue the hygrometer to the bottom of the lid.

Viola. Cheap, accurate gauges in each curing jar.
Wow... So where does a guy find these things? I still think the burp test has some merit.I have been using it for years with good luck..I just wondered if anyone concurred? Thanks ,Red Fyi Oh I go from the snap test to the brown paper then to the jars... It all seems dry..and with no condensation....
Well .....Hmmmmm ,I didn't get any devices and am going on with the "burp method"...It has to work...I would like to get one of those things just to see "how dry I am" haha. I mean if they cap a jar and no mosture shows on the inside ....they got to be good for capping off.... Right ? I have been doing this for years and now you got me worrying. well not too bad.. Am I the only one ?? Anyway happy hemping ,Red
Fans just add to the amount to be processed.

Use your best judgment when trimming and eliminate what ever looks useless.

I only put it in the oven once the last few times and it turned out good.
Go light on the water on the paper towel, or news paper.
Most drys up anyway, but I don't want any moisture left when I press it.

these were both dry ice made, a few batches back.

a little to thin but smoked fine

You know this is really nice looking hash :thumb: A little bit resembles good Moroccan brick. Yeah I make hash too but I prefer hand-rubbed, has the most excellent kick to it :blunt: I really have a lot of it after harvest and it just puts this pillow under everything :surf: Hmmm looks like the winter is finally kicking into my parts, so I need to kill more pain :blunt:
Well, the new laws here in Oregon allows me to have:

(a) Up to one ounce of usable marijuana in a public place.
(b) Up to eight ounces of usable marijuana at home.
(c) Up to sixteen ounces of marijuana products/concentrates in solid form.
(d) Up to seventy-two ounces of marijuana products in liquid form.
(e) Up to one ounce of marijuana extracts (extracts must be purchased, they cannot be made at home).

Now in Oregon House Bill 3400A clearly defines that “extracts” are those made with “-anes”; that is, butane, hexane, or propane. Basically the stuff that is not allowed to be discussed on this forum. Non-solvent “Concentrates” are defined as those made with alcohol, ice water, carbon dioxide, glycerin, fats, or mechanical (finger hash or rosin press) means – and we may possess a pound of those. (One exception: if you use carbon dioxide + high heat and pressure, it’s an “extract”.) Extracts must be store-bought and manufacture or possession of homemade extracts is a crime.

So I will be making a lot of hash here in the not so distant future. I am now on the hunt with a passion for landrace Lebanese seeds, as well as Moroccan and Afghan landraces that they make hashish from.
i like the fact that you can all grow down there. our f'd up laws still require med card or rec producer license to grow. i think they'll amend eventually with you right across the border.

i can buy a wine kit.. i can buy a beer kit.. and make my own. but i can't grow a plant LOL.

funny thing is it was legal here for a year with no legal means to get it short of med card. so basically i could have up to an ounce of illegal product. talk about a conundrum :laughtwo:
i like the fact that you can all grow down there. our f'd up laws still require med card or rec producer license to grow. i think they'll amend eventually with you right across the border.

i can buy a wine kit.. i can buy a beer kit.. and make my own. but i can't grow a plant LOL.

funny thing is it was legal here for a year with no legal means to get it short of med card. so basically i could have up to an ounce of illegal product. talk about a conundrum :laughtwo:

Yes, it was similar here when it became legal on July 1. You could have it, but there was nowhere to buy it. Legally we cannot buy in WA state and bring it back, b/c crossing state lines with weed is a federal crime. They realized this when they revised the statutes and made it legal to buy here at medical stores that opted to sell rec weed on October 1. We can now buy plants, seeds and bud at medical MJ stores in some cities (not all allow it). It is tax-free through 2015, when a 25% tax takes effect on medical MJ store sold rec weed (not to be confused with what will be a 17-20% tax on rec weed sold at rec weed stores when they open sometime in 2016). Medical rec sales end at the end of 2016, so there will be an overlap between now and when rec stores are supposed to be licensed and open (sometime during 2016). I have been buying up a supply of clones that I want to grow now because at the beginning of 2016 licensed rec grow operations have only 3 months to source plants from 'any location'. After that they have to buy plants through the Oregon state bar code tracking system. So I suspect that available clones will be non-existent after January 1, 2016. It is already bad enough with people in WA state coming down here to buy up all the clones. :icon_roll:

And yes, at least we can grow here. 4 plants per address. Medical grow here is changing after 2016 as well. I need to wade through those changes to see what is happening with that.
BigSur, I sent you a pm..they may have your seed in stock :)

Yessir, I got it, thank you veddy much! Lebanese red... very early bloom and finishing. I can smell the hash already!
Well thank you Ziggy
Lets see the smoke is extremely smooth but lung expansive, The taste is very old school Even though Mexican heritage The taste reminds me of red Lebanese hash though not too sweet but certainly well balanced. The bud smell doesn't fill the room like most of todays hybrids no skunk to this girl at all, much more subtle but the kind of smell that makes one want to climb into the bag. great balance of earthy, woody, hashy. The high is immediate after just two hits right between the eyes, that's how it got it's nickname Skull Fuck. Ok I was young then. That immediate slightly overpowering feeling quickly turns into a warm elevated mood, Ready for conversation, or feeling of wanting to do get up and just do something, though you may forget what you were saying or doing for that matter. And that may just cause you to burst into laughter. Lasting a good three hours or so. The come down is an easy step down without much burn out of fatigue. I have coveted this strain for many years almost loosing it by letting her sit back burner for a few years in pursuit of all the hype strains, which didn't have much character and certainly in no way stable, in fact bred to fall apart. I have enclosed a pic of same strain Gold pheno that was a forgotten jar cure.
OOOPS! Still learning to navigate site.
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