Light Burn or nutrient deficiency? Please help first grow!


420 Member
Plant on the left is a little lighter green/yellow tent. Any suggestions ? Week 3ish of flower, unknown strain and my first grow.


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We need info...
Distance from lights

we have no idea how you’re growing these plants so we can’t help you much.

take a look at thiS
We need info...
Distance from lights

we have no idea how you’re growing these plants so we can’t help you much.

take a look at thiS

ok sorry about that, I’m growing in a 2x2x4 tent
Temp 69-75f
Humidity 50%
I have them in a a 3 gallon bucket,I topped them during veg and have a Scrog net to train them. Also removed some of the lower large fan leaves.
Currently giving them fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom, about half of the 3-1 ratio.
Lighting is a HGL 100 (3000k) it’s about 10-12 inches away currently.
soil was some black gold mix 50-60% ish softwood bark, peat moss, perlite . It was the best I could do at the time going to use something better next go around.
12-12 light cycle and I have a fan oscillating at all times.
4in in-line duct fan for exhaust with a carbon filter.
after watering usually have to use PH up due to the Nutrients always lowering it. Still learning how to get the PH down to a science.
sorry all over the place and not the best format but that’s about the just of it.
ok sorry about that, I’m growing in a 2x2x4 tent
Temp 69-75f
Humidity 50%
I have them in a a 3 gallon bucket,I topped them during veg and have a Scrog net to train them. Also removed some of the lower large fan leaves.
Currently giving them fox farm big bloom and tiger bloom, about half of the 3-1 ratio.
Lighting is a HGL 100 (3000k) it’s about 10-12 inches away currently.
soil was some black gold mix 50-60% ish softwood bark, peat moss, perlite . It was the best I could do at the time going to use something better next go around.
12-12 light cycle and I have a fan oscillating at all times.
4in in-line duct fan for exhaust with a carbon filter.
after watering usually have to use PH up due to the Nutrients always lowering it. Still learning how to get the PH down to a science.
sorry all over the place and not the best format but that’s about the just of it.
Also have 4 other warm 23w CFL bulbs in the tent
How often are you watering these ladies? If these were my plants, I would let the soil dry down and then I would deliver ph’ed water with a very light nute solution. Like 400 ppm (500 scale).
I would do this for the next two watering events. But I would make sure the plant has dried down first. Check this by lifting the pot and feeling for a lighterweight.
The leaves appear to have a littlebit of nute burn on the tip and they are clawing down. Sometimes, that indicates lack of oxygen in the root zone or a water logged soil for too long of a time.
don't really see anything ... maybe a closer pic of what you are worried about

edit: oops - was going to point you to the proper watering method in my sig..
Also, the hlg 100 could be part of the problem. If you had more intense light, the plant would have a higher rate of uptake and be able to handle some rich soil with added nutes. These plants would thrive under a 1000 watt light and your light is a 1/5th of that.
You can still run your led, you just need to back off on the nutes and know that the plant is going to uptake slower becausethe photosynthesis is not going to be pushed to the max
One other thing that i have found when I grow in soil, the cannabis plant does not like bark. The roots don’t like Hitting the bark and I think it lowers the ph in the soil zone.
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