Looking for advice about calcium def


Well-Known Member
I’ve been growing for a few years now, good ones and bad ones, seen lots of deficiencies, as well as bugs...but haven’t had this yet so looking for advice on how to knock it out...

I think it’s calcium def-

HPS and CMH lights
Fox farms ocean soil
Canna nutes at 1/2 streng
MOAB first week of flower
Do not PH water

Saw these spots appearing very recently, and want to stop as soon as possible. Anyone have a method that worked well for them? Did I diagnose wrong and it’s something else altogether?

Any advice 420 universe?:)

Thank you in advance!
Calcium is not mobile in plants, once fixed. Is it happening mainly on new growth?

In addition to the usual (using source water that contains no calcium and then not adding it as a supplement, improper pH, an excessive amount of one or more of: manganese, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, boron, magnesium, iron), since Ca isn't a mobile nutrient, anything that screws with the plant's ability to transpire - such as high humidity or (probably not relevant in Summer, lol) excessively cold temperatures will tend to interfere with the plant's ability to uptake it. And other elements, too, of course.
it does look like the sort of damage seen with calcium deficiencies... is this only happening in the upper growth, and not down low in the big fan leaves? It is always helpful to see the damage as it is occurring ON the plant... many times just seeing a damaged leaf by itself is not enough to complete the diagnosis. These smaller fans do look like upper level fans though, so I am going to assume that your diagnosis is correct.

Now the question becomes, why are you having a calcium deficiency? Is this a lockout or is it just not available?
Some of that almost looks like bug damage. Or a potassium deficiency, where the spots can turn into pinholes. IDK. Time to use the "pester a guru" option. @Emilya , HELP!!! (lol)
Thank you:)!
it does look like the sort of damage seen with calcium deficiencies... is this only happening in the upper growth, and not down low in the big fan leaves? It is always helpful to see the damage as it is occurring ON the plant... many times just seeing a damaged leaf by itself is not enough to complete the diagnosis. These smaller fans do look like upper level fans though, so I am going to assume that your diagnosis is correct.

Now the question becomes, why are you having a calcium deficiency? Is this a lockout or is it just not available?
Thank you! I’ll take a couple photos of intact leaves tomorrow morning after lights on. It seems like there is not much on the oldest leaves that are still attached, and more evident in leaves with direct light exposure. Thank you again for your time and energy:)!
it does look like the sort of damage seen with calcium deficiencies... is this only happening in the upper growth, and not down low in the big fan leaves? It is always helpful to see the damage as it is occurring ON the plant... many times just seeing a damaged leaf by itself is not enough to complete the diagnosis. These smaller fans do look like upper level fans though, so I am going to assume that your diagnosis is correct.

Now the question becomes, why are you having a calcium deficiency? Is this a lockout or is it just not available?

Good morning! Here are some photos of leaves still attached to the plants:)

There are 2 plants, of six, that show no signs of this issue. one of the two Wedding Cakes, and a Dosido F2.

Thank you for Taking a peak and lending a hand!
ok, i am convinced that it is calcium... now why? That plant obviously has larger needs than the other plants not having this problem.. .have you tried giving a calmag supplement?

I have a guess how we got here, maybe:) My water has a TDS of 39 out of the tap. I only give nutrients at 1/4 to 1/2 of the suggested amount. Maybe I just starved them for nutes?

I have been giving calmag at full strength for 2 watering (3 days) but not sure how long before I see the damage stop. Thoughts or suggestions?
Thank you again!!
I have a guess how we got here, maybe:) My water has a TDS of 39 out of the tap. I only give nutrients at 1/4 to 1/2 of the suggested amount. Maybe I just starved them for nutes?

I have been giving calmag at full strength for 2 watering (3 days) but not sure how long before I see the damage stop. Thoughts or suggestions?
Thank you again!!
yes, your weak feedings probably had a lot to do with it... just keep giving the calmag on a regular basis... the damage now showing will not go away... but you can keep more from occurring
yes, your weak feedings probably had a lot to do with it... just keep giving the calmag on a regular basis... the damage now showing will not go away... but you can keep more from occurring
Thank you!!
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