Looking to learn

Weedy Wonka

New Member
Hello. Decided to try a grow. Looking forward to learning. It will be a small grow soil/LED for personal only.
Any input appreciated as I am starting from scratch. :thankyou
HI Weedy Wonka and :welcome: to the great community at :420:

There are many areas where you can learn and ask questions, here's a couple of threads that might help you. Great reading for sure!

How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

We also have an FAQ area for general grow questions that you can post to when you find a question you want answered:

Frequently Asked Questions

That should get you started. :high-five:

Also, starting a grow journal is a great tool to get help along the way. Members will be able to join your journal and follow you along helping where needed. If you decide you want to get one started, here's a how to on that and how to upload pictures:

How to Make a Grow Journal

Photo Gallery Guide - How to Resize, Upload & Post Photos
Note: the most common problem on uploading photos is the user not completing all of the steps involved. Be absolutely sure to get that final "process" pics page completed.

If you have any questions, ask anytime.
Good Luck, and most of all...have fun here! :thumb:
Well a big :welcome: to Weedy Wonka! There is a lot of fun and adventure ahead on the road to growing your own cannabis. There are several nice LED vendors here. I see that you mentioned Top LED, I have just bought one of their lights and am going to be starting a new grow soon and use the new light. It will be fun to see the results. As long as I don't forget how growing works. Actually I am going to be using several new techniques that I learned from reading tons of threads on this site. So it will be quite interesting to see how everything turns out for me. I love growing plants and grow a lot of things other than cannabis. I will be real interested in how everything goes for you. There is a lot of wonderful people on this board who are very helpful. If you have any questions please ask. Have a great week. :peace: :Namaste:
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