Lurch Finally Goes Perpetual - AN - TopLED - RDWC

Lurch Farmer

Well-Known Member
Hello Life has slowed enough to start and maintain a journal.
Advanced Nutrients Senci grow/bloom
hydrotone in 3" and 10" net pots
system 1. 5- 27 gallon tough tote
I don't actually have a veg room ATM but should have in another week or two....
this is my first clone run i love seed to harvest growing but those that rely on me need a consistent supply only achievable with clone to harvest .
Are they still bag seed if they are from a grow that was seed out?
We started 50 bag seeds ended up with 45 sprouts, 31 females 6 phenoes of which we kept 2
#1 is a beast right out the seed , takes well to training when young but after 3-5 days the branching is to hard to bend (lst) or supper crop. finishes in 80 days .
#2 is a prima donna light feeder ,heavy stretcher, accepts all training with minimal damage and finishes 85 days

This is looking beautiful. May i ask are yu using a bedroom for this or a closet
Hello TH3K3YK33P3R and greenlungs420:welcome:
This is the bedroom I used as a teen.
I am embarrassed to say Intelligent gro.
The lights work but have issues.
that is the right side of my veg space the smaller 4are 3 week old clones.
The bigger one is a long term training.
the flux training for this one started even before I clipped for cloning.
My normal training is to let them grow during veg, 2 weeks before switch heavy defol
Upon switch I bend them over ,preferring not to break any branches , I tie them down temporarily and as stretch starts I lace a screen over top and keep pushing the plants under about day 30 I stop forcing under the screen.
this will be the first intentional 90+ day veg trained plant for me .


Have you ever had your mind so set on a set of events happening at a set time that when the event happens 2 weeks before it is suppose to that you forget you are 2 weeks ahead of schedule ?
Well I was doing a scheduled up close inspection and under my scope I see 50%+ amber!!! and this was on the 14 th- 7 whole days before flush even starts and 14 days before harvest.
I have found that 10-15% before flush is usually where I like this strain .
I then start looking for reasons for the shortened flower cycle and realized what I did. Started flowering 2 weeks early .
Harvest pics later, :Namaste:
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